*blocks ryzen 3's path*

*blocks ryzen 3's path*

It's fake. Sorry.

>buys ryzen 5

I refuse to believe Intel will release 4c/8t i3s. That's dropping their standard i7 config for several years down two product tiers.


look how much we jewed you for the last 7 years: the post

4/8 is better than 6/6, so it is obiviously fake.

it's not confirmed fake, someone only said that the screen was from baidu, and that means absolutely nothing
but there's a 99% chance this is fake because slides that leaked said about unlocked 2 core cpus (i3 K series)

Oh if only that were true
>i3-8300 4c/8t with $130 price tag
>"Now introducing the i3-8350k. Oh and multiplier overclocking is possible on non Z series boards now!"

The tears of those who purchased $330 i7's and beefy Z170/270 boards would flow like wine.


>AMDlets actually thought Intel spent the past 6 years doing nothing and not hoarding advanced alien technology

They will undercut current i7/i5/i3? Because that is what will happen

Hoarding money and continuing to give consumers rehashes of their 2010 era architecture*


This shit is so fake it's not even funny.

With such frequencies I highly doubt
They might up i3 to 4 cores but probably without ht and shitty frequencies and cut cache.
Certainly cache will be cut

I find it hard to believe as well. This would cannibalize the i5's in an heartbeat, they'd become a cpu only for a very small niche of people that absolutely need the extra cores for tasks that take zero advantage from HT/SMT.
Now, if you told me i3's will become 4/4, now that I find much more believeable.

Talk about a low effort fake.

It's a i7 4790 renamed.

It's fake
Stop posting you jew

Hoarding money and continuing to give consumers rehashes of their 1990s era architecture*


Excuse me yes you're correct. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. Basing their rehashes off of Sandy bridge.

They actually have been doing nothing for the last 6 years, and you're in for a bad surprise if you thought otherwise.

>1990s technology BTFO FX
So this is the power of AMD..

i3 4c/8t
not creating again software keys to enable HT

My thoughts exaclty.
Imagine it turns out to be real. Holy shit the cuckholdry will be real when the 6700 and 7700K start fkocking towards higher corecounts

If the 8700K doesn't do as well in muh gaymes (which is entirely possible seeing as the clockspeeds might be lower) they won't move an inch.

Pretty much, yes.

>Talking about Covfefe Lake
>Use AMD Radeon pic

You can't expect crying wojak spammers to spend more than 3 seconds looking through their "lol i'm a cuck with an entire folder full of crying wojaks" folder for the right pic.

>$60 more
>not K series
It's not blocking shit.

Intel's fab doesn't have the yields to provide 4c/8t i3s. For the current i3 price, it would be impossible. They'd be running either into massive shortages, huge profits losses (if not even selling at a loss), or even both.

That picture is so fake, it's not even funny.

To be fair they did try to innovate with netburst, and larrabee. We all know how that turned out though.

are you saying intel has been shafting all their fans with subpar products for years, but now that there is a competing product at that price range they were forced to deliver?

wow, thank you intel.

And Itanic.

>have a 7700k
>open task mem
>print screen
>open paint
>text tool
>Segoe UI Symbol size 12
>replace name w/ something rumored
>tip it off to some forum

i shitposted like that on the LTT forums as its piss easy to fake

pic related

I really hope Intel releases a sub $200 4c/8t chip.

Oh god I feel bad for those idiots that bought the 7700k.

Willing to bet we're gonna get 3 core 6 thread i3's.