Is it safe to put your anime pics on google drive? Let's say some of them are varying degrees of lewd

Is it safe to put your anime pics on google drive? Let's say some of them are varying degrees of lewd.

>trusting google with any data.


i dont know
i assume you want to take advantage of the unlimited storage of photos
if not just upload them in truecrypt containers or encrypted 7z folders


>he's not posting his lewd anime on his real facebook profile
It's like you don't even want fun in your life.

If you mean loli check first if its legal in your jurisdiction, because Google will rat you out.


FBI doesn't care about anime you faggot. They have enough real pedos to catch.

I keep them the photos of dead humans, cp collection and some eroguro. Totally safe.

Any lewd drawing despicting little girls can be threated as child porn, so, better be safe than sorry with these lolicon faggots.

You normies need to get off my Vietnamese underwater welding forum.

Root in jail scumbag

Of course it's safe, google will storage that data so they'll have it forever, even if you delete it from your account. If you ask them nice enough they'll probably give a copy to you.

How lewd? Could you post an example?

Will this even work? I thought the unlimited photo thing was based on file extension.

Nevermind I'm retarded. How does it work exactly?

its probably some algorithm that checks if its actually an image (maybe ml/ai even)
thats why i said that if it wasnt to utilise unlimited image storage he could just upload encrypted containers

two things
1. google uses a algo to compress that is lossy and will degrade your image quality
(dont use it for family photos or important stuff that needs to last)
2. googles AI scans every image to identify and tag it
the same software is used in googles image reverse search and their AI vehicles detection

theres a reason its called "the botnet"

>import family photos
>google identifies as white family of 4 at christmas time

data mining bro
whos to say 3rd parties wont want that information that google considered "mata data" that is unidentifiable

You might not be able to share them. IIRC Google Drive looks for copyrighted material and locks sharing on it, because there have been sites that use Google Drive for video streaming.

Google gives you an option to compress or not.

why can't i just root at home? my phone supports a root

>trusting google jews to protect you
are you underage?

Just a matter of time before they catch you.

Encrypted 7zip archives are your friend

I backup my downloads folder from my phone and no problems with the law because I live in a country with freedom.

>1. google uses a algo to compress that is lossy and will degrade your image quality
it's visually transparent to most people

I once installed Google+ app for some reason and it uploaded ALL of my lewds onto Google+ account without asking me.
Thanks, Google!

>uploading anything to Google drive


It is illegal in most states in the US


Shit, really? I had no idea loli was illegal at all. It's just a fucking drawing.

No that's illegal you dumb weeb

>uploading images raw into google
>google ai accidentally mistakes weeb image for actual cp
>flags your account
>warrant automatically sent to house

You have no idea what the FBI even does.

>putting anything on "the cloud"
Use Syncthing you massive faggot.