Could the threadripper packaging be anymore retarded?

Could the threadripper packaging be anymore retarded?



>His CPU packaging doesn't look like the Eye of Sauron

lmao look at this fag.

>anyone who criticises amd in anyway is automatically an intel shill

found the intel shill

For what other reason would anyone on Sup Forums give a single fuck about the packaging a CPU comes in?


>quality premium packaging is "retarded"
>this counts as valid criticism

Only in retarded anti-AMD shill land. Kill yourself.

why dont you unpack you x299 (non-HEDT) Refreshlake(v2)-X motherboard?

they have to justify the pricetag

Because you are paying for the cpu and not the packaging and its hard to open, imagine working on a server and having to open hundreds of those

>imagine working on a server
Thankfully Epyc buyers are spared the horrible task of opening a billion Threadripper packages.

because it gives the amdfags the feel of (((premium))) and can display it in their cuckshed while uploading pics of it on r/amd for upboats

>10 jizz TIM covered cuckcores for $1000
>16 premium soldered cores for $1000

They have to package also a torx tool and a water cooling bracket.

Also, recycled intel foam is pretty cheap these days.

yeah it's retarded as fuck. they could have spent that $20 which all the packaging comes in on giving me something i can actually use alongside my processor. hell, even a t shirt would be a nice addition. i wouldn't mind carboard box packaging + a tshirt.

More like
>has no arguments against actual cpu

Well it seems that AMD is doing pretty well if all people can bitch about is packaging lol.

Most business's buy servers prebuilt, because they have support contracts and you don't have to pay some guy to build servers all day. Of course you would know that if you weren't a 13 year old Intel shill from Sup Forums who just built his gayming rig with mommys money.

So you’re saying that these servers build themselves? I think you might be retarded

OEMs buy processors in bulk so they typically get shipped in different packaging you moron.

It could look like a soap box.

>posting about things you don’t know about
Sasuga, user

>building servers with desktop cpus
What is wrong with you?