IBM and AMD are in negotiations over a merger in 2018

IBM and AMD are in negotiations over a merger in 2018.
IBM will return to the x86 market with mobile processors(ultra low power and low power), destkop processors and server processors. Radeon Technologies Group also included in the merger.
You Read It Here First. ((Buy $amd))

don't believe it but i'm down

intel and nvidia will become the designated shitting streets

t. forbes jew

Source my dad work Nintendo

post sauce op

If that's the truth - the jacketman will eat his jackets.

sure OP and the will be led by Adolf himself.

>IBM + AMD APU business laptops



Always Massively Disappointing Irritable Bowel Movements

The system works.


Hans. Start the ovens.

Looks like IBM are going to be some busy boys!

IBN 5100 when? Is John Titor here?

>Modern IBM CPUs in your desktop

No Time, he's leading the USA right now. Complicate business

>Google IBM and AMD are in negotiations over a merger in 2018
>this thread is first result
>nothing else about a merger
good job op

>You Read It Here First.

OP clearly stated that he's the first bearer of such news.
I don't see a problem.

>Looks like IBM are going to be some busy boys!
glued tapes?

And ovens powered by 7nm LP.

5ghz microwaves!
