Browse Sup Forums for a few days

>browse Sup Forums for a few days
>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder
>tfw for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology

Other urls found in this thread:>browse /g/ for a few days

>too many ayymd windows 10 chrome fags

ikr, at least they give lots of yous

>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder

And that's why you fit right in and haven't left yet.

Yeah, we're just not cool enough for you... sorry, brah.>browse /g/ for a few days

i wish they would make a FOSS board

>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ,
tech illiterate,
and have some form of social or mental disorder
true. this is Sup Forums.

Also. I'm not taking your bait and telling you to gb2 reddit because I know that's what you're trying to make me say with this bait then you'll start samefagging about how Trump supporters are reddit fags you thought you could trick me lol no.

/diy/ and/or /n/ is your place... but don't tell anyone or it'll get deprecated like the rest.

>MAGA frogposter
>complains about other people's IQ

2/10 made me reply

tfw chrome and windows shills are real and not a meme

And op is one of them.

>le ebin redditfrog
Gott, wie ich euch alle gerne die Klippe runterschmeißen würde

>nazi talk
Fuck off

Fuck off dumb frogposter

>Muh speccy threads
>Muh Applel vs Androturd threads

We hate Jews
Just like you, Sup Forums

>God, how I would like to throw you all down the cliff
I agree germanbro, OP should be tossed off a cliff.

I don't get why people think that hating fags, kikes or niggers is somehow Sup Forums exclusive.

>Have an interesting conversation with a fellow user
>Constant back and forth with interesting arguments
>Easily half an hour to a full hour of intellectual conversation

>the other user suddenly posts anime

Oh well, just when I thought I met another person who isn't retarded

He's probably a newfag who thinks Sup Forums is some exclusive part of the website

>be me
>5 years ago
>wow, the guys on this site seem pretty smart
>look at all these retards