Be honest with yourselves, Sup Forums. Why is Sup Forums always so racist towards Indians?

Be honest with yourselves, Sup Forums. Why is Sup Forums always so racist towards Indians?

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muh jobs

>Be honest with yourselves, Sup Forums. Why is Sup Forums always so racist towards Indians?
I am Indian ama

I kind of wish mods would remove the random ass irrelevant poo in loo shit

but they won't




fuck you, have a real dice challenge

Curling in the squat rack
Pooing in the job market


1. You have nigger skin with white palms
2. Your overpopulation problem
3. You don't like to use toilets
4. Your food is disgusting and it smells horrible
5. Your language is shit
6. Your accent is horrendous when you try to speak English
7. Your women are fucking disgusting
8. Your culture is shit
9. Your skin is ashy
10. You're laughed up by the superior white race

Why not you just go back to your beloved country, India and improve it with your pride and shits?

The ones I've met are scumbags
fuck you


I didn't fall for the CS career meme, so I couldn't care less if these fat fucks on this board don't have a job in the future, lol.


I'm racist toward indians because I worked retail and they are consistently by far the worst customers we got. I live in an area with a lot of H1Bs though, I'm sure actual immigrants are better.

I prefer niggers to Hindu-shit tbqh.

Its not racism. There are lots of trolls in programming threads who try to shoot down new languages and think everyone should program in Java, C# and C++. These languages are used mostly in enterprise software and the people who usually work for these large corporations are Indians. So whenever someone is dragging down the disucssian of a new programming language it is very easy to identify that person as an Indian. Instead of saying Indian it is more familiar to name such a person as Raj, Pajeet, whatever. This is not racism, its the same as identifying everyone who works at a San Francisco startup as a nu-male, gay, trans, sjw.

11. Your quality of work is shit
12. You are as creative as nigger monkeys

I for one welcome our Pajeet overlords!

13. You lower the quality of jobs by charging pennies and doing worst than your predecessors
14. Every Silicon Valley CEO that's a pajeet runs the company worse than a white man
15. You pray to Elephants for fucks sake

because there are 1.3b of you who can't use the loo

>praying to elephants


look im not racist but there comes a time in every man's life when he realizes how much he despises non-whites

I don't despise non-whites, I only despise inferior cultures. Adopted children can be black as jungle monkeys for all I care, as long as they behave as civilised westerners.



Because a lot of us have had to work with them in some capacity

thanks for this really epic comic


- racist butt is about to get fucked in the -

I'm already in India.

Had never been more than 50 km from the slum I was born in.



M8, the slurs presented here are not what the majority of the people see in you. For most people you are just sandniggers of some kind. I hate you fucking muslims.



But they speak an Aryan language.

these are all true. I am a neighbor of India and some of them apply to us as well.
Oh and you forgot to mention that we wipe ass with our hands. Kill me.


Why do you shit in streets ?


>Oh and you forgot to mention that we wipe ass with our hands.
You also eat your food with your hands.

Don't you realize that the poop particles get stuck in between your fingernails and then you grab food with your hands and those poop particles land on your food then you ingest your poo infested food?

This is disgusting.

Righty eaty
Lefty wipey


we wipe with our left hand and eat with right. But we wash our hands with soap every time after we complete business in toilet.

this is the only true answer.


>But we wash our hands with soap every time after we complete business in toilet.
Seeing how 570 million Indians DON'T poo in loo[1], it's safe to assume they don't wash their hands either?


yeah but I said I'm their neighbor. We don't have that problem.

Pls poo in the loo

Not in the same scale, at least.




It's true. But those people are from villages next to India on southern regions. But ngl we have our own share of subhumans here.


Don't really have a problem with Nepal, I only find it funny that you put girls in special "menstruation cages" when they're on their period.

That's what I mean by our own share of subhumans. We are like 100 years behind westerners on human development. Our average IQ level is 78 which is on par with least developed African countries.
I keep saying this to every foreigner I meet and on online forums such as this, stop sending monetary aid to us, either through government donations or INGOs. Don't donate, don't give us free shits. It will only make us lazy and slow us down. Let us starve to death so we will learn to work and values it. You are basically treating us like niggers in your own country with all the gibs.
I fucking need to get out of this shithole! Or die.

>these 5 dislikes are all from india
fucking kek

Go build your oh very sex loo pajeet and never comeback

>I fucking need to get out of this shithole!
While completely understandable, I think this is bad for your country in general. My sister studied development studies and spent a lot of time in a bunch of Latin-American and South-American countries, and people there are basically lazy and retarded as fuck. For example, people would not show up to work if it was raining, and getting papers from some government office would literally take you a week. Honest hardworking go-getters would work up enough money to emigrate to another country, which means that no one stays behind and tries to improve the country.

It's of course very understandable, I would do the exact same thing and GTFO if I were you.