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If you would like to try out Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this purpose for safety reasons. 1) Use the Live ISO to boot directly into the Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the Linux operating system without installing it. 2) Dual boot the Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the Linux operating system. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with Linux.
I can't fucking wait till wayland becomes the default display server rather than X11. So many problems will disappear when wayland is used. Wayland will be the default for ubuntu 17.10 this october.
Kevin Jackson
what options are there for a basic floating wm for wayland?
Nolan Myers
sway (I think) or openbox
Leo Davis
there's a wayland version of openbox?
Lucas Lee
I've been noticing a strange phenomenon recently... Whenever I use a distro with systemd everything just works, whenever I use a non-systemd distro, something, without fail, ALWAYS breaks or doesn't work as intended.
Food for thought?
Jayden Gonzalez
If the user who knows his shit is still around, can you please help me with the F2FS/fstab problem I'm close to quitting but you have been picking me up each time I fell down today so I thought I would check to see if you knew anything before giving up.
Joshua Martinez
>creating threads before the bumplimit in order to shill your agenda
Michael Ortiz
>agenda >wanting to talk about tech on a tech board is now having an agenda >wanting to shill some communist crap isn't though lol
Hunter Wright
What are /flt/'s thoughts on Uruk GNU/Linux?
Kayden Campbell
Okay, this is really cool. This is a wayland compositor that's a 3D maze like doom/quake/wolfenstein. It's just an experiment right now, but I really hope whoever made this expands it.
does it bring anything new to the table, or is it just another boring debian-based distro with a few cosmetic changes?
Jaxson Rogers
have you moved /boot fully onto sda1? you need one these; a. /boot completely on a filesystem grub supports b. patched grub with f2fs support
Evan Gomez
>GNU/Linux its shit
Aaron Gomez
Maze compositor and Grefsen are two floating compositors for wayland I'm aware of.
Christian Bell
Autism and hate-free thread here: Everyone lovely welcome.
Xavier Campbell
This was made first, other is a duplicate. Tough shit.
Zachary Garcia
>/boot completely on Then I'm at a bit of an impasse, this drive is GPT (and I want to keep it that way, going back to MBR is... going backwards.). I'll try out this patched grub, but considering what it took to get to this point, I'm understandably low on willpower, even more so than I was in the morning, and it may end up taking even more of a toll on my poor head, so I might just wait for Canonical to sort their shit out. I might even give 17.10 alpha 2 a try, might be a good time to take a look at Budgie which I've been meaning to do. There's no hate here, what are you talking about? You're bringing hate here with your divisiveness. Go away nasty person.
Leo Ward
This thread is first.
Adam Foster
Ignore gnu posts /GNU\/Linux/i;boards:g /GNU+Linux/i;boards:g /gnu/i;boards:g
Jaxson Fisher
>yet another Linux Distro *yawn*
Angel Price
Most operating system distributions based on Linux as kernel are basically modified versions of the GNU operating system. We began developing GNU in 1984, years before Linus Torvalds started to write his kernel. Our goal was to develop a complete free operating system. Of course, we did not develop all the parts ourselves—but we led the way. We developed most of the central components, forming the largest single contribution to the whole system. The basic vision was ours too.
In fairness, we ought to get at least equal mention.
Nathan Bell
I'm not sure yet, but being free as in freedom and as in free beer isn't boring at all.
Easton Cooper
>I'm not sure yet, but being free as in freedom and as in free beer isn't boring at all. So, like 99.9999% of all other distros then
Nolan Cruz
Jack Bailey
How about x11?how about systemd?how about freedesktop? Why should we ass "GAHNOO" to the title of the system?
Brayden Jenkins
Stop, friend. Just report the GNU shill.
Owen Ward
i use gpt on my non-efi machine, it's pretty easy to do with linux, i use it mainly because it lifts the partition count limit i don't have anything else to suggest, not being familiar with efi (as far as actually using it and configuring a system to use it)
Jose Morris
What we say is that you ought to give the system's principal developer a share of the credit. The principal developer is the GNU Project, and the system is basically GNU.
If you feel even more strongly about giving credit where it is due, you might feel that some secondary contributors also deserve credit in the system's name. If so, far be it from us to argue against it. If you feel that X11 deserves credit in the system's name, and you want to call the system GNU/X11/Linux, please do. If you feel that Perl simply cries out for mention, and you want to write GNU/Linux/Perl, go ahead.
Since a long name such as GNU/X11/Apache/Linux/TeX/Perl/Python/FreeCiv becomes absurd, at some point you will have to set a threshold and omit the names of the many other secondary contributions. There is no one obvious right place to set the threshold, so wherever you set it, we won't argue against it.
Different threshold levels would lead to different choices of name for the system. But one name that cannot result from concerns of fairness and giving credit, not for any possible threshold level, is “Linux”. It can't be fair to give all the credit to one secondary contribution (Linux) while omitting the principal contribution (GNU).
Zachary Perez
>systemd >os an argument >on Sup Forums alright, all newfags stay here, rest go to
Jaxson Allen
>friendly thread >announcing reports Please be friendly.
Robert Thomas
>it's pretty easy to do with linux Don't you have to do the stupid /boot/efi fat32 partition set up when you install?
William Nelson
no, that's only for efi machines
Ryan Young
Are you trying to summon him?
Brandon Jackson
Christopher Mitchell
Justin Rogers
How do you set it up, please help, I would have done that all along but the only way the stupid Ubuntu wiki explained is with /boot/efi. It's as if there is no other way. Fuck, the last couple of days have really hit my confidence in Ubuntu/Canonical. Probably gonna go to Debian proper for the 1st time, or Solus or Fedora. Maybe even Alpine or NixOS or GuixSD for a real change.
Lucas Flores
>Ubuntu >Debian >Solus >Fedora >GuixSD we don't support gnu here ask
Matthew Mitchell
>tfw you're actually op and people tell you to gtfo to enemy thread I know you're the OP of the other thread though, so it's okay.
Connor Foster
No, that's not surprising at all. That's just PEBCAK
Tyler Sanders
Since upgrading to systemd-234,x-systemd.automount no longer seems to be recognized. I boot my system and then attempt to login to tty1 as root,but after entering the password,it just hangs there for a good minute before i get interactivity back.Checking dmesg the last entry is it failing to load a mountpoint(which i manually mount).Furthermore,commenting out the drive in question from fstab returns it to expected functionality upon a reboot. I looked and didnt see anything pertaining to 234 or 233 with the x-systemd.automount option.
Grayson Morales
If you manually mount it, why is it in fstab?
Daniel Morales
No matter how many times i set an option in the kernel config curses menu,it is never honored during the compilation. Countless times i have set certain configs but upon booting ,they are not here. The configs are set properly in config.x86 but they dont fucking enable when i compile. What the fuck.
Robert Robinson
So i dont have to type out 200 char worth of mount settings on it,also crypto. It has not been a problem for over 7 years that i've had this same disk and same setup.
Colton Bennett
keep calm and blame gnu
Wyatt Powell
The init process change them.
Jaxon Miller
Ian Miller
Are you actually moving the compiled kernel to /boot?
Daniel Scott
Yes,there is only one kernel image to boot from in /boot
Matthew Gray
What's the flags and what's your compile process
Jaxson Hernandez
what kernel are you talking about?
Nathaniel Richardson
The only one thats relevant to this thread
Now fuck off to
Jose Diaz
wget 4.12 from zcat /proc/config.gz > .config make localmodconfig make nconfig >set config options make make modules_install cp images to /boot mkinitcpio -p linux
David Myers
> config.x86 Shouldn't it be ./.config?
Jaxon Lewis
Theres config.i686 and config.x86_64
Joshua Ortiz
>wget >make >cp back to with you
also curl > wget
Lincoln Cox
I don't use any GNU programs. I use busybox wget, make and cp. Leave me alone.
Leo Long
>pretending to use busybox These programs aren't even covered by busybox.
Tyler Robinson
You stupid kid. You are just as bad as the GNU zealots shoving their agenda in everyone's faces. Your interjections are only shitting up the thread.
Joshua Hall
>GNU is bad ok kid
Ryan Thompson
I said gnu zealots who constantly interject, not gnu projects. Learn to read you memed brainlet.
Angel Brooks
If GNU is fine, why creating a GNU hate thread? >inb4 it's not a hate thread so /fglt/ was fine?
Thomas Collins
I noticed sometimes people post pics with their questions because they think that will help them get replies. Can someone post dump these interesting pictures?
Leo Sanchez
Jackson Gray
>so /fglt/ was fine? People are angry, angry because they read everywhere its just Linux and then some people come along and ask them to call the system GNU/Linux and tell them that software freedom matters and that the GNU project is the root of all this, which makes them uncomfortable. >How dare them to FORCE me to call Linux GNU/Linux? >How dare them to remind us of our roots? >How dare them to warn us about problems with proprietary software? >Fuck these guys.
So, what do? Remove the source of the problem: GNU, RMS, FSF, everything which is related to inconvienent thoughts. thoughts about free software are titled "political agenda which belongs to pol", and RMS, the guy who pretty much made our community a things gets called a pedophile and communist.
And all this in order to not being wrong about terminology. Because it's just Linux. Because you can Linux without GNU. >HAHAHA!
Ryan Morgan
Linux isn't about software freedom and never has been. It's about open source development and serious business, not some ideology stuff.
Ryan Martin
>which makes them uncomfortable No, it them say repeatedly that they are awayre of your agenda and don't give a shit but you refuse to understand that some people can dare have different opinions than you. Autistic people often have trouble empathising with people but that doesn't excuse you.
Adrian Thomas
Ignore gnu posts, dont take the bait, you're just giving in to the politics that rms thrives on, you're basically sucking his dick when you repsond to gnu posts.
Be like Linus.
Jackson Sanchez
yeah, the kernel, no reason to force this careless crap on the whole free software community
Isaiah Barnes
When ever i use backspace,insert,delete,home,end,pgup,pgdwn it inserts a "~" instead of doing the intended key. What the hells could cause this?
Austin Lewis
Right now I'm on a bloated un-activated Windows 10 version. so i'm running full spyware.
i'm considered atleast fixing my laptop and getting ubuntu. What's telemetry like on that OS? I had Arch linux for a few months but went back when it had a bunch of incompatible drivers/software that I needed for my computer science studies.
Connor Gonzalez
>In some ways, Linux was the project that really made the split clear between what the FSF is pushing which is very different from what open source and Linux has always been about which is more of a technical superiority instead of a — this religious belief in freedom.
>There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred. >-- Linus Torvalds
Michael Smith
Matthew Garcia
It's certainly better than w10. Most of it can be disabled, like the amazon ads, if they're still there
Isaac Scott
What about Arch Linux. Is that completely telemetry free?
Christopher Jones
Depends on what packages you install. Repos are fine, check PKGBUILDs if you want to use AUR. You generally have to put everything manually so there's an increased degree of control.
Landon Barnes
Sadly Arch Linux uses GNU software. Look into Alpine instead. It's lightweight like Arch and GNU-free.
Chase Taylor
Thanks for the tip.
GNU software. Excuse me for my noviceness, but isn't that 'free software'?
Ethan King
Arch can be configured to not use coreutils(busybox),gcc(musl c) and gcc(clang) I would suggest getting rid of systemd while you're at it(openrc)
Enlighten me on these new distros that I am not familiar with please friends; Alpine, Void, Source Mage they all look interesting
Michael Smith
Sadly Void and Source Mage use GNU software. Alpine is a fine distro, try it!
Nathaniel Brooks
>Sadly Why?
Dylan Gomez
Ignore them. They are just trying to false flag this thread via an argument to absurdity.
James Reed
You can replace GNU on both, Void and Source Mage. On Void it's actually easy, half of the tree is already musl based. Source Marge is customizable like all source-based Linux distros.
Grayson Young
Thanks guys but I get the general idea of the distros I was just looking for some personal opinions and if they're worth installing. I have a ton of experience with linux going back almost a decade now so I'm comfortable using shit like arch/gentoo. Is there anything worth the time in those three distros? Void in particular looks really cool
Isaac Morris
GNU is restrictive software trolling you with """Freedom""" buzzwords, spreading the GPL communism. Linux is about freedom of choice, and GNU+GPL tries to deny us that freedom.
Brandon Hernandez
now that's completly absurd, the only "restriction" the gpl imposes on others is that the software must kept free, how does that deny you any freedoms? >inb4 being a slave or turing others into slaves by turning free software into proprietary software is "true freedom" just stop, everyone of you, it isn't remotly funny anymore
Joshua Brooks
I understand what you mean but I have come across a situation where my personal freedoms where restrained by using GPL software. There was this one time where I wanted to use some GPL software at work for a proprietary project but I just added a udp-over-loopback proxy too it. And it was way less restrictive than the licenses for proprietary software we were also dealing with. If you really wan't to make a difference why don't you start a free software consulting company and approach CTO's in your local area ptiching permissively licensed software to as an alternative to proprietary software and with yourself on retainer as an alternative to propietary companie's customer support. Because those are the only people affected.
David Long
>Free But yet im not free to do as i wish with MY software.
Luke Watson
>how does that deny you any freedoms By not letting you sell the software without also distributing the source. Are you stupid? You can claim that mandating derived software be under the same license is "better" than letting people do whatever they want but if you seriously think that is restricting people's freedoms then you are very stupid.
Jordan Gutierrez
well, OP, I guess i've been balls deep into linux for several years now
Brody Flores
the gpl doesn't restrict you in any way about what you do with YOUR software you're free to turn YOUR program into proprietary software whenever you wish; you're the copyright holder
Joseph Ward
>haven't come across > isn't restricting people's freedoms
Tyler Evans
>By not letting you sell the software without also distributing the source. Are you stupid? it seems you're new to the concept of free software so let me explain: it's about keeping the software free for everyone
Luis Evans
Just stop bumping this shit thread .
Oliver Ward
>Alpine Great for containers, hardened by default and other things
>Void How Arch should've been, perfection
>Source Mage Gentoo with a taste of RP and mistery