Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
I still can't believe that WCD shut down... It was like the library of Alexandria for music.
Jackson Baker
I can't really begin to explain how much of a loss this is. This was the biggest digital repository of music the world has ever seen. Spotify, iTunes, even Oink in its prime were kittens to what built. I made this analogy in another thread, but it was the digital library of Alexandria for music. It inspired me to learn about audio engineering, learn how to program, and most importantly, introduced me to music that changed me in ways I can't even begin to put into one tiny little box. I was a part of the community for almost ten years. And it's a part of my life I'm going to have to look back on fondly. And I don't regret a second of it. EDIT: I know I'm the top comment in the memorial thread right now, so I'll ask. If anyone has any idea where the merch is, or can potentially get me more what merch, let me know. I just want a memento or two that's not a digital file. EDIT: Also, greatest greatest comment of my life, written on my alt. I'd give the gold to the what staff if I could. I'll never be the same person because of the community they built and protected.
Logan Ward
Nathaniel Edwards
All generals go to where the generals play which is the board where they all stay for no generals are allowed outside of this place for a global rule does declare that this is their base you wanted generals, and here they lay a hundred pages for you to play! you get to be friends with every general on Sup Forums all at once! don't like what your neighbors post? well have some patience! You could try a filter or two, but really this is nothing new that we have wanted for a very long time for generals to stop interfering with our pastime Not everyone uses the catalog! And those who do quickly run into a fog of previous edition and the same old pastebin links a few replies toward the flavor of the day's kinks and hijinx! A chatroom thread that never ends, well that's not how imageboards work best my friend but I see this place is important to you and your friends so we have set up a place where your conversation never ends Go on! Be merry! Link your friends to your new general playplace! As long of the OP of another one of your editions forever stays out of my face
Hudson Ortiz
Nothing lasts forever.
It's a sentiment we're taught from an early age, a maxim that grows to becomes a belief, a belief many times proven to be fact.
Change is never-ending, the world does not stop, life does not stop, and change comes for us all. It is with a feeling of joy, a great amount of pride, and a greater sense of sadness that we, Unclesalty and Voltaire, announce our retirement.
While all things change, not all changes are for the worst. In the years that we've been fortunate enough to steward PTP, we've overseen a multitude of positive changes. We've been amazed to watch how the community has grown, and awed by how the community has evolved. We've seen everyone band together to drastically improve retention, and we've implemented policies that have set a standard for quality control while finding a balance with inclusivity and availability of rare films. We've learned hard lessons, and passed those lessons on to an amazing group of staff members, a group who are among the most professional currently working in the torrent community. Above all else, we've seen the unbridled determination of our community, from the newest members to the most grizzled legends, and how their tenacity has built the largest digital archive of film this world has ever known. PTP's archive holds 8 times as many movies as Amazon Prime, and a staggering 32 times more than Netflix. The world may never know a larger and more accessible archive.
Ayden Martinez
But this site is more than just an archive. Over and over again we've been inspired by how the staff and community have come together to bring this site back from the brink of extinction. We've weathered some of the most brutal attacks the tracker world has ever seen, in many cases the first of their kind, and watched some truly miraculous things transpire. Throughout all the struggles, all the times PTP came close to death, we never lost sight of the deep and passionate love that this community holds for PTP. You guys are simply incredible. We want you to know that, and to know that you are what kept us fighting, you are why the doors never shuttered for good.
We spent years pouring our hearts into this place, working 80+ hour weeks when needed. While PTP has thrived and grown, our own lives have grown along side it. Our jobs have grown into intensive careers, our relationships have grown to become families with children of our own, and the demands on our time have inevitably shifted focus. While we still love this place to death, we can no longer make the commitments that PTP requires, and deserves. So, it is time to hand the reigns over to those who can.
We have worked closely with all of our staff to develop teams and to cultivate leaders within those teams. Alamak, Doubt, Forseti, Nuked, Meadow, and Machenic will work together with paperk to guide and nurture the site from here on out. They are more capable, and far better equipped, to handle whatever the comes their way than we ever were. They have our every confidence, and with all of you behind them, there's no end to what they can accomplish.
Farewell PTP. We leave you with the hope that our time here has left an impact on your lives. And with the knowledge that this experience has completely changed our lives, and that in fact, is something that will last forever.
John Williams
what the fuck is going on here
Anthony Diaz
which tracker has this album?
Kevin Barnes
perhaps the former what admin has returned
Josiah Watson
Hey /ptg/ I think you are faggots but since I just made ETM fuck it I will let you faggots know how to get buffer on RED for free.
Basically Tidal rips are allowed. Just use this program.
That is easy 2017 albums. Go look at this website and see what albums are dropping. Protip download long albums to save your self some time. Try completion packs for all that buff.
>inb4 delete this
Nope it is too late
Jack Scott
Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
Nolan Williams
/ptg/ is dead
/ptg-pg/ is alive
Nicholas Rivera
New to torrents. How do I access public, legit, all-legal trackers.
Isaiah Harris
Oliver Lewis
What does "" mean?
Jayden Gutierrez
it means get the fuck out of here
Jonathan Gutierrez
>We have worked closely with all of our staff to develop teams and to cultivate leaders within those teams. Alamak, Doubt, Forseti, Nuked, Meadow, and Machenic will work together with paperk to guide and nurture the site from here on out. They are more capable, and far better equipped, to handle whatever the comes their way than we ever were. They have our every confidence, and with all of you behind them, there's no end to what they can accomplish. This is a joke.
Isaiah Morris
Is that your final answer?
Andrew Hernandez
My last stroke just went viral
Isaiah Murphy
PTP will fall before the end of the year.
Easton Jones
Uh, what makes you say this?
Bentley Perry
I am going to suicide my PTP account, I have around a 1TB buffer. What should I download?
Liam Wright
neon demon is unironically a nice watch
Jayden Foster
The biggest torrent.
Wyatt Phillips
Why? Going somewhere?
Oliver Brown
PTP staffers retiring
David Rivera
I just want a lot of content before PTP inventively shuts down.
Lucas Stewart
Eli Hughes
Nicholas Harris
That thread is trash
Daniel Cox
mine says 3h 36min?
Grayson Allen
Daniel Thomas
You guys are fucking idiots
Kayden Reyes
Fuck you
Nolan Butler
Why are you mad? All this marking shit is retarded
Blake Lee
Is it? Link /ptg/ in all of your profiles then post them here.
Andrew Bennett
I post memes all the time in RED forums and nothing bad happened to my account. I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Brody Morales
>Sup Forums is the only place memes exist
Eli Russell
>Why are you mad? You called me an idiot
Christopher Hall
People know about rukia and she hasn't been banned either. It's proof that /marking/ only matters if you are breaking the rules.
Cooper Hall
LMAO you are truly an idiot then
Jayden Perry
Fuck you!
Austin Cook
Are you a grill? If not, then I'm not interested in some gay autistic bootyhole filled with Doritos and Mountain Dew
Angel Parker
can someone explain to me why there are two fucking /ptg/ threads?
Samuel Moore
One is not enough anymore. We need more space for our massive epeens.
Easton Bell
The other one was so bad that a new thread had to be created. This is the superior thread.
Jordan Reyes
Because we have retards here now.
/ptg/ ain't what it use to be
James Harris
Also non of the OGs are here nowadays. They moved onto IRC (not the rizon one) for some real proper shitposting
Noah Taylor
IRC is not anonymous though. It won't let me argue with myself without others knowing.
Christopher Fisher
You're using IRC wrong then.
Invite only + FiSH is a starting point
Anthony Scott
>he isn't signed into IRC with multiple alts that have different personalities top pleb
David Lee
You have a mental illness
Ryder Powell
Try clicking it.
Isaac Phillips
Christopher Ross
Jeremiah Gomez
Leave me alone, neurotypical shit! I'm having an important argument here!
Levi Carter
Jason Torres
How much is a Apollo invite right now? Looking at buying one
Jace Smith
Colton Young
they're giving invites to anyone joining their recruitment channel just to increase their user count
James Brown
>18 posters >61 posts
Christian Foster
Gabriel Davis
Yeah, and? Do you not know how general threads work?
Cameron Parker
Eli Gonzalez
Pretty much. It's a shitty circlejerk with retarded posters
Jacob Perry
>It's a shitty circlejerk with retarded posters that's what happens when you shoo off the anime posters
Asher Green
No that's what happens anyway. The anime posters just add fuel to the fire
Nicholas Young
Landon Rogers
Someone get spaghetti back in hurr
Michael Phillips
He has been range IP banned from Sup Forums
Easton Lewis
What a noob. Surely he can use a VPN or a dedi
Josiah Thompson
I miss spaghetti.
Ryder Smith
PTP is pointless now that I'm on HDB. Easier to maintain ratio and might as well get the best encodes from the source.
Thomas Bell
>mfw I'm stuck on AHD
Easton Ross
AHD mirrors HDB so you're set
Jayden Roberts
Am I set though? I can't funpost about how I'm in a super elite tracker
Isaiah Williams
You can still do that
Juan Barnes
Meadow will own PTP one day
Caleb Ross
Ian Taylor
PTP is shutting down It will happen sometime around September CASH IN YOUR BUFFER NOW Grab everything you want to keep because it's going down and they are purging the backup database as well
Christian Scott
Wtf chill out dude, im sorry, ill stop i swear
Wyatt Torres
except they don't since you can't upload HDB internals there
Kayden Rivera
>except they don't since you can't upload HDB internals there Why the hell not?
Jason Lewis
Exclusivity It's called internals for a reason, neon
Lincoln Harris
HDB internals get uploaded to PTP, so why not on AHD
Kayden Cook
because PTP doesn't respect that policy from HD sites On AHD in the other hand is in the rules
Cooper Smith
god fucking dammit now I have to start building buffer on fucking TEH why can't these trackers just stay online for fuck sake, they receive thousands in donations every single month
Jace Young
I think that is a stupid rule. The point of private trackers is to share high quality torrents
William Jackson
>The point of private trackers is to share high quality torrents
>private >share uh no, private trackers are not and have never been about sharing
Oliver Lewis
>tfw neon with 2TB fat buffer on TEH you're gonna beg me for buffer now, you smelly ptp refugee
Christopher Russell
PTP is not closing down you fool.
Aaron Cooper
I make at least 200GB of buffer on TEH every single week, which is more than I will ever be downloading in one week. More users using TEH will just result in me making more buffer on the movie of the week just sad to see 10TB of buffer go to waste is all
Jordan Anderson
Leo Morales
Two staff members left, the staff that actually matter remain. Explain why I should give a shit?
Justin Howard
because that post was not about the staff members leaving, it was a warning to its users you can go ahead and pretending nothing is going to happen though we all deal with loss in different ways I suppose
Jason Rivera
> it was a warning to its users A warning about what? The post was just about one of the staff leaving.