Post your battlestations.
yet another old pic edition
Post your battlestations.
yet another old pic edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a faggot
Just moved into a new place. I'm not sure what to do about cable management with this arrangement.
dont bully pls
that radio thing on the right sure is a centerpiece! what is it?
comfy, would snuggle all day and buy plane tickets to japan
Late 1970s Marantz receiver. It mostly just powers my speakers for computer use.
i'd kill to have anything in my house use those fonts
>go to eBay
>buy something Marantz
No killing required.
What ultrawide is that?
just get one of these (not my station)
could you post the sun wallpaper please?
Digging the marantz receiver, sometimes I use an sx-650 in my bedroom setup
Been a while since I last posted.
Replaced the black Fractal Design R5 case with something that matches the speakers more and moved it on top op my desk instead of on the floor.
Who's the lady on the right?
Viondra Denninger, she's a character in Ascension.
Here we go again.
What speakers and turntable?
Project Debut Carbon
Speakers in the lounge room unknown, got them from the father in law didnt really pay attention to them because i was going to upgrade.
Ah, I have the same turntable.
Just curious on the speakers they look like sonus Faber but I'm not entirely sure.
why such a small keyboard?
>Twilight books
Tell me those are your girlfriend's/wife's user...
Just in case that one idiot confuses these for autismo pills
You do realize it says blood glucose strips?
How do you do those custom painting would like some myself
They 100% are, dont worry, user.
It is a Midi. Still havent moved my upright piano from storage so got that to play around with.
The fact that I ever got around to hanging a picture is the part I'm proud of.
That chair doesn't look very comfy
I'd love to snuggle up with those kneesocks of yours user
Are they cans of STRONG?
God i miss that shit
>backlit desk
>i7 4790k
>gtx 1070
>amazon basics chair
>slightly more comfortable than ipod stock headphones
phone camera sucks but here we go
3 monitors,
papers i need to get to
a thinkpad docking station
empty cans of redbull
a lot of wires
empty snus cans
empty packaging, antistatic bags
a playstation 4
vga ram heatsinks
a gun
various trash/usb memsticks/sd cards/lighters
jim beam bottle
smirnoff bottle
empty coke bottle
a glass
a roll of TP
black metal album covers on the wall
a rasbperry pi in a 3d printed case that didn't turn out too great
a SFF desktop
a workstation
custom wasd keyboard
logitech performance mx
aviator sunglasses
vitamin pills
for some reason a floppy cable probably tried to fit it on the gpio of a raspberry pi
that's about it
nice machine, i have one of those in my thinkpad collection
How do you all keep your desks so clean?
I use compressed air a lot desu. I should get some sort of minicompressor instead of the canned ones.
5" paintbrush
sprayway glass cleaner
terry microfiber cloth
gas duster
like mini leaf blowers
compressors can condense water vapor and spit water droplets. probably not something you would really want
Mah nerdvana.
Still looking for some decent speakers.
>that kid who doesn't know how to save money so he just blasts every paycheck on cheap shit and pretends he's made it
o shit wuddup
hello satan, your dog looks comfy
did you build that desk? looks ok, i'd probably throw some paint on it tho, the plywood look isn't real trendy
Thanks user. I'll look it up.
Put Ur panties away you silly lil user
Btw you all have some amazing setups!
I am still constructing and kitting mine out. Hopefully complete within a week or two
I like your shelving and monitor arm.
Pic related is my setup. Cleaned recently but still cluttery sadly. Keen to receive suggestions.
Forgot pic
> possible trap or trans
> uses gnome
checks out
not bad
what chair is this?
Thanks. IKEA Markus
I fell in love until I saw
Why? (╥ᆺ╥)
It's a pretty old pic.
It hasn't changed since.
looks comfy. what's ur chair tho
how does the rest of you look?
also nice trips
Very comfy
Lamp could be too bright for me tho
Chair looks nice, can you rock back on it gently?
What is that display thing on your case called?
Anyone got details of that pink/purple light set up?
Spotted that too. I don't even drink but it was a nice addition
Nice looking cat, no homo
Don't you find that Akai keyboard to have very stiff keys? I had one, think it's the same one anyway.
Just cleaned for the first time in weeks, smells nice now.
I find the keys are fine, the bit that is lacking are the pads are the worst aspect of the board. They don't have a tactile feel, and while I know that is intentional, I don't want to be beating hard on the pad and hurting the tips of my fingers like I do on long sessions making a tune.
what monitor is this?
god bless the wizard
what monitor?
I actually like this in a strange way
very heterosexual
Dell u2211H, 1920 X 1080
Please upload your Kimi No Na Wa wallpaper.
I need more shelf space.
new posters coming tomorrow.
What yall think?
Looks pretty comfy
My laptop on the right is running Void Linux and is hooked up to the monitor, the laptop on the left is running windows 8.1, the keyboard is synced by synergy
Anyone know what stand that is?
i can't cable manage
i love the plants. I don't have enough light to keep anything alive.
Still looks good. What monitors are these?
Dell S2415H
Not that guy, but those are recent Dell Ultrasharps, the 25" model if I had to guess. They all have that thin bezel though (2014 design, hasn't changed since), except for the 34" ultrawide I think.
thanks dudes im just looking for a good dual display monitor
I need some plants or cacti or something
It's a no-name one bought from a guy in my country.
>i love the plants. I don't have enough light to keep anything alive.
They are cacti, user. You literally just have to drop a little more of a spoon of water in each of them once a week and that's it.
not that user but unless you're hoping to grow a luminescent cave fungus or something, every plant needs light, even if some don't need much water. It's a challenge if you live in a basement.
You don't need to put those in direct sunlight. Mine never leave my desk and only get sun indirectly from the open window to my right.