What does Sup Forums think about Lua ?

>Absolutly disgusting

I prefer it over JavaScript and Python anyway.

Worse than absolutely disgusting

Nice for Computercraft

>it's the same fag from the f# thread
i thought you'd learn to not use fucking thumbnails to start a thread, but no

i.e., starts arrays with 1, not with 0 like retard languages do.


It's alright but keep in mind it doesn't have a lot of practical applications

it seems pretty good for what it does.
underrated i think.

It's really ugly.

Every variable is global by default but you absolutely do not want that because globals break code reloading, pollute namespace and add a performance overhead

Ugly type system, most of the errors you'll get is that you have a nil somewhere. Nearly impossible to get good static checks because of how language works.

Can't modify tables you're iterating through because it invalidates iterators. # operator doesn't fucking work.

Lua and Laujit interpret code differently, and you'll probably want Luajit because it has easy ffi.

No good IDE.

But it's fast and easy to embed and has no competitors in that area.

My only experience with lua is from the many errors it's given me while gaming, so ... not a positive think.

It's good if you want some really fast webapps and don't rely on node.js.
Most famous example would be propably Wikipedia.

Besides that it's shit.

>A game written in Lua

>Brazilian botnet

It's OK. You just need to learn few things about it and writing in it. Its fragmentation is really bad.

> Every variable is global by default
One can get sick after writing "local" in half of the lines.
> most of the errors you'll get is that you have a nil somewhere
This one is sadly true. One needs to write own type checking all the time (or at least get good one once).
> # operator doesn't fucking work.
It does, though.
> Laujit
LuaJIT is pretty dead right now. It is also one of the reasons for lua's fragmentation.
> No good IDE.
What are ZBS or LDT?
> it's fast and easy to embed
Additionally it has coroutines which were quite a thing back in the day (they aren't really that cool now, but they are still useful). Sandboxing lua is also really nice.

>shit pants regularly in 2005
>get asked to play jew-friend's new game
>LEGOs online
>tell him he's a jew
>tells me you can script
>make rockets with setLinearVelocity()
>jew steals my code and makes Nuke the Chinks
>fuck you jew

>early 2007
>ton of fat kids with mommy's credit card playing
>jew wants more money
>creates proto-microtransactions with robux
>start selling scripts to losers for mad robux
>off-load it at discount on neopets and runescape boards for real dosh
>now i am jew

>c. 2010
>$300k from farming dumb kids
>1000 BTC deep into laundering money
>one of them narcs
>jew tells me stop
>tell jew we are both cut from the same schmatta
>delets account
>this isn't even my seventh proxy

>continue dealing scripts until 2012
>too much free time
>silk road is in full swing
>start with vicodin
>then iv morphine
>develop tolerance
>go all in onto opanas

>see offers for """bromadol""" on the market
>no more satoshis
>no more stop signs
>try to sleep
>sleep never comes
>everything is pain
>someone kill me

>3 weeks later
>clothes stuck to body from shit and vomit
>4% BF haven't eaten ever
>knocks on door
>family, hasn't heard from me in weeks
>I gave them my spare long ago
>they open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody call 911

>>A game written in Lua
It's very popular for games.

You mean 1.0


it's good in its niche and doesn't try to compete with general purpose languages

The fuck even

No it's not.

It's popular for scripting games. Using it or any other duck-typed language for making games is like trying to build a bridge out of limp dicks.

Those were my experiences with LUA.

what a journey

Thank you. I've learned a lot after reflecting on that period in my life.

The syntax is simple and it's easy to learn. Can build simple programs but, from what I've seen, not good for anything too complex.

Ugly toy for plebs. Move to OpenComputers if you want to taste real computing.

i hate OC so much i still havent found a way to make it with rotarycraft

Blue Revolver is written in lua

Lua is nostalgia for me when I was 12 and making custom game mods for wc3 with the mod tools.

>It does, though.
The fact that it works only if you strictly use ordered numeric indices renders it useless

>make a table with three elements with indices 1, 2 and 4
>element count is actually 4
>remove second element
>element count is now 1

I get the reasoning behind this, lua is supposed to be simple to be simple to embed, but from an end user point of view this is fucking autism

>What are ZBS or LDT?
I ended up using ZBS when I had to, but it's very clunky (e.g. it kept opening on a wrong display for me, probably because it's mostly written with semi-buggy lua bindings for wxwidgets or whatever) and pretty barebones (iirc no autoformatting or vcs support), the only redeeming quality of ZBS is stepwise debugger integration

Technically any non-lua IDE that has syntax highlighting probably does a better job because you can't have good code completion with lua anyway.

I think Payday 2 (rather popular game on Steam) is probably 80-90% lua code, you can find it on bitbucket, but this is more of an exception

Blue Revolver mentioned by other user here , I think it uses LOVE

But if you can, doesn't mean you should. Pretty sure Payday devs reduces the amount of lua code in their later projects.

>Commonly abused for game scripting and stand-alone scripts, while solely designed for software configuration. People then complain about the API or slow speed.
>Zillion versions and none is properly audited, unlike mruby.
>People embed CLua and LuaJIT without bothering sandboxing it properly or even bother removing FFI access. They get owned.
>mfw they never learn

1 indexing is the only problem.

lua was used in sc2 , wow and baldurs gate. mostly on path finding.

My only experience with it is downloading cheat engine scripts to mod dark souls.

>starts arrays with 1
what the fuck

>his language does not allow him to change index origin as required
We've gone backwards.

got me into programming by literally playing a video game

Tables as the basic datatype that you build things out of is cool.

Dear fat heads!

Arrays should start with 1, not 0.
Period. End of discussion.

Plain Lua? meh
LuaJIT however can accelerate your workflow by several magnitudes. Wouldnt recommend it for permanent solutions tho.

>Been writing lua for 6 years now

>300k from kiddie game scripting
Things that never happened the post.