I was very excited but honestly fuck this in particular.

I'm done with openmailbox

2 days down
lost all the mail in 2 days
no advance notice that it will be down for TWO fucking days
that french fuck can go fuck himself. I'm gonna switch.

holy shit the new layout and everything is fucking garbage
i wish there was a way to go back, it was simple and perfect. but at least it's back now, he could have told us in advance ffs

>muh material design
fuck you french fag

why the fuck does it load images by default now? where do i turn that off? this is a huge security risk

Op here, i actually like the design, but as said, it lately has been working pretty bad and despite i recommended it to a cousin i was never able to create an account because creating accounts was disabled on the main site and i was never able to access the beta because i always get an 502 error.

I'm thinking about protonmail but it only gives 500MB (i don't put anything heavy directly as attachments anyway) but i haven't researched. Honestly i'm pissed but oh well, i never donated anyway (i was thinking on doing it tho) but it's still bad because i was comfy and i already use that address for a good number of things. Damn,

in addition to this a heads up: third party scripts seem to be loaded when opening mails, too.

the contact form on the website is currently not working (i think) but i urge you to contact the admin about this ASAP

maybe the design takes some getting used to for me. i hate when websites change. i hated the new youtube as well, but after a while it was ok.

i don't really want to switch providers, too much effort. i hope the guy gets his shit together. i loved this service

I'm switching. I sue OPMBX for non-important shit anyway but I lost all the ending auction alerats for few auctions I was bidding on.

Riseup is not run by retards.

>tfw openmailbox is your main mail
i knew i'd regret it at some point

Yeah, shit sucks.,

I now have to update all my registrations and newsletters.

But it's worth it because OPMBX is dead.

Switch... ASAP! Who knows when it will go down again.

Honestly if they remove the paywall for imap access there's a possibility i would use it again assuming it doesn't happen again. If they don't restore the imap support for free users or if it continues working like shit i'll never come back tho.

I know, pic related is how i feel.

if more people donated, the guy wouldn't have to put things behind a paywall. i never donated, so i won't complain.

>continues working like shit i'll never come back tho.
it went down too many times to count. this was my last straw.

maybe you should have made a gmail account instead :)

Op here. True, i don't blame them. Still i feel that putting IMAP access behind a paywall is a pretty dickish move, i only used the mail for basic things, if i need any more advanced feature i would gladly pay for it (rather than just donate). If they consider IMAP access a premium/advanced feature is up to them.

True and pretty fair.

I have multiple accounts on different places including a gmail one. I wanted to rely less on google but it seems it'll be a bit harder now. Oh well.

>putting IMAP access behind a paywall is a pretty dickish move
yeah, i can agree with that. but i think it's better to make (some) users pay than to shut down the service.

>yeah, i can agree with that. but i think it's better to make (some) users pay than to shut down the service.
While i agree with you to do this it's necessary to be careful to not cripple that much the free service compared to the competition. This is the same kind of mistake that some companies do with DRM or paywalls, i think EA is the best example with the dungeon keeper and sim city fiascos. I think is more probably than someone who was a free user and it's happy with it can become a paid user than someone who has never used the service before to become a paid user directly. If the competition provides a better free service (or if yours put basic features behind paywalls) it'll be hard to get people becoming free users in the first place.

you're totally right! i don't use imap or pop3, so i honestly don't care, but if i were you i'd contact the admin about this. people on twitter are already complaining a lot, if enough people do it, the admin might realize his potential mistake. he seemed like a good enough guy until now, so maybe he'll listen. your reasoning is solid.

Why in the flying fuck anyone would be using anything other than gmail? No, seriously? And dont start me on this security/botnet memes - i can have privately hosted mailbox on my own domain, but what the fuck does that matter if 99% of the clients are either using some google-related software to communicate me, or have own domains linked with google app, so th emailbox is still gmail'ed in the ass?

Stop trying to be edgy l33t 14 year old haxxor and use gmail like rest of the world.

so this is the state of the average nu-Sup Forums user

To be fair the service used to be nice and without the ugly google terms so it was possible to use the google account only for their services. The problem is that lately (this year as far i remember) it started to fail often, it was not possible to register new accounts (supposedly you can on their beta page only but i always get a 502 error) and putting imap access behind a paywall is pretty bad IMO.

It used to be a good service and while i was freeloading (i actually felt bad about it) i tried to not abuse the service and i was pretty comfy. it's not about being an special snowflake, i actually liked it.

>He's not using Facebook email
It's like you don't want to have friends.

i have a facebook account but when i know about the facebook mail directions, i always used to think the facebook email it was just a redirector to your main mail address. I'm not interested into getting a facebook mail account but i didn't knew that exist (as a proper mail service.)

what's the general consensus on riseup? I never see it mentioned but it seems really good

Roll your own server on a VPS you stupid fucks, jesus christ

too poor

It's probably more than $5/m for a VPS, $60 a year! Can use it for other shit too like a website. I'm in college and I'm still finding the money to pay for a $30/m dedi I rent for email/web hosting/random shit

>need to pay for 2fa support

Your choices are all Google variants in each of the three world powers. They are: Google (United States), Yandex (Russia), and Tencent (China).