
>I can assure you it will not cost $5000!
4999.99 it is then

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for your daily shill, Zhou

>I can assure you it will not cost $5000
It's still going to be hideously expensive.

I bought an XPS right before they announced this, too late now.

The main appeal of thinkpads is that businesses sold old ones for super cheap, this will just be another super expensive laptop with a better keyboard.

>three TrackPoint caps

Wow so generous Lenovo! Buy a ThinkPad and get TWO whole extra $0.00000000001 rubber nipples FOR FREE!

>poorfags on Sup Forums unironically thought the retro thinkpad would cost $200

>thinkpad that can't be librebooted
for what?

Who said that?

>The main appeal of thinkpads is that businesses sold old ones for super cheap, this will just be another super expensive laptop with a better keyboard.
yeah I am sure business were buying so many of these because they knew they could sell them for cheap to a neckbearded autist

16:10 would be acceptable
3:2 wouldve been perfection
1440p 4:3 would have been god tier

But 16:9 can eat my dick

Where do you see 16:9, retard?

The target audience for this laptop is clearly the neckbeard autists and not the businesses retard.

the whole article was filler shit. About 2 sentences of actual information.

you say this because you are on Sup Forums. The reality is before you got your greasy cheetoh-dust-coated fingers on one, it belonged to a business professional. This is true for all ThinkPads (no exceptions).

I'm kinda annoyed you don't get at lest 6 caps (2 of each) for free with every new Thinkpad.
And they should add some spare rubber feet as well.

This is what any actual quality brand would do.

enjoy your chink malware

>he doesn't know neckbeard autists can have businesses as well.

When it's a business expense you essentially get a 60% discount.
That's why you buy nice stuff.

+15 Sup Forums credpoints for you, congrats.

Would be interested depending on the price.

The lack of affordable midrange laptops is sad. There's such a void of anything decent (new) between cheap atom garbage and overpriced razor shit.

Expecting this to be midrange is setting yourself up to be disappointing. If it's limited edition they're going to charge a premium price for it knowing people will eat it up.

If you want mid-range just get a low end thinking pad

If the price and parts are right I'll get it
I need a durable laptop for college anyway
A thinkpad is what ive been aiming at for a while
If it has a good graphics chip in it I'll be happy (fuck Intel 640) and if its ryzen powered I'd nut

I was just planning on buying a T470 for 800.
Im pretty sure this will be 2000 starting.

>This is what any actual quality brand would do.
not one single company does that.

I hope it has a 1600x1200 screen

I hope it has an 80 column display.

I hope it comes installed with Arch/i3 Clang/Linux

i fully expect macbook pro tier price gouging

whats the release ETA?


>extra parts

I hope it's CRT

>all these retards pining for a 4:3 screen
Are they even making 4:3 panels anymore?

Oct 5th

For a few thousand dollars I'll make you one.

No. It's going to be 16:9. 4:3 panels, hell, even 3:2 and 16:10 are hardly in supply if at all. Nobody uses them.

Wouldn't this retro ThinkPad would be a limited edition? So why not 4:3 or 3:2 because this product is going to be in limited quantity? Doesn't make sense because this will be aim at the hardcore fans of thinkpads, so they expect a 4:3 like the old ThinkPads

Lenovo isn't going to custom order screens for a small demographic of autists

they don't need to. dont doctors still use 4:3 displays?

Why would you assume that?

Doctors use whatever the faculty provides them, or MacBooks.

they have high resolution new tech displays before other industries.I wouldn't be surprised if they still mad a 4:3 IPS high pixel count screen for xrays

You dumb fuck ahahahaha


Typically, operating theaters will have high end monitors made specifically for hospitals which cost 10-20K, and have all the certifications required for any devices used in those sterile environments.

As for laptops, you don't see them in operating theaters.
This is a thread about a laptop.

so someone is still making 4:3 ips panels.mmmkayy

> someone is still making 4:3 ips panels
Of course they're still being made, the iPad uses one. You just won't see them in laptops. 3:2 is the squarest you'll see in a laptop.

I work for Lenovo. Ask me anything

Some spoilers

>It's basically Edge series with retro accents and keyboard

Lol why do you like squares feg

not him but they are what make the retro ones so aesthetic and it makes more sense if you use it for business uses.

You don't have to work at Lenovo to know that. Edge series already looks like a "modern" thinkpad, so what else would it look like?

Will it be any different to use than a T470s? I don't really care for the appearance and branding.

It's an E470, it's using exact same body and components. Only difference is an increased price tag and retro design badge, accents and keyboard starting at $1299

That's fucking stupid. Who the fuck do they think the market for that is?

Citation required.

Though in the end, what would it be besides this? Metal body, provided the E470 doesn't have one? What else?

Why is square better

Just screenshot my post. It will be debuting soon for their 25th anniversary in October. It will have a shitty texture coated over it that will wear out after a year of use.

because it doesn't leave extra space around the keyboard to match monitor size. the golden ratio

>rubberizied coating

Who is the target market for that?
Nobody wants a rebranded E470.

Die-hard "fans" and collectors. It's not meant to be a powerhouse or fill any role in the market, it will just be a collectors item.

There aren't any Lenovo "fans" left...
None of the recent Lenovo machines are worth collecting. If they wanted to make a collectible machine, they should have rebranded the P51 and sold it for $10,000.

>thinking pad


>niggers who don't know that their opinions differ from fact

Same. I'd never buy a laptop with a wide screen.

I hope you like MacBooks or Microsoft Surface.

I don't. Which is why I use a laptop from 2007 and a smart phone to do everything I need to do on the move instead.

16:10 and thunderbolt 3 please

It's a botnet infected piece of chink garbage, it'll probably have a chicklet keyboard, no 4:3, etc.

punish them and buy non-oem replacements

>intel backdoors

what's retro about this? blue enter button?

>Sup Forumsuys did I fill my post with enough memes? do I fit in yet?

>thinking pad

I hope it comes pre riced with anime girls and the thinkpad logo as the background, with some stickers stuck on it for good measure

didn't they fire the guy that wrote that a few weeks ago

Speaking of fitting in, this 'retro thinkpad' which is basically made to appeal to /tpg/ will flop thanks to chink shills like you not understanding what we wanted.



yeah but will it support libreboot?

no way, it'll have efi

Libreboot support is not possible on modern hardware.