Fuck Linux.
Fuck Linux
Other urls found in this thread:
>Fuck systemd
systemd is a part of linux
then fuck linux
It is optional.
So fuck you.
How did you hook your phone to a laptop monitor? Also, how do you get to that screen?
Wrong retard, you don't need systemd to use linux
every distro have it now
fuck you!
Poettering wants this but no
Gentoo, devuan, and slackware don't
>How did you hook your phone to a laptop monitor?
>Also, how do you get to that screen?
that's an uninstallable tumblewee livecd kek
>how do you get to that screen?
edit your /etc/default/grub file
remove the words 'quiet splash'
run sudo update-grub
now you get boot output to screen and look LEET AND HAXOR for your retarded college buddies
for bonus points do sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target to boot directly into tty
Not yet.
I don't get it. I just turn on my phone and it works.
Never happening, the init will always be separate from the kernel
Should've installed a distro that works.
You can do it using ssh and x-forwarding over usb. Did it on one of my pi's
or just press Esc you dumb fuck
>he installed Linux Mint
Time to stop with Systemd.
I have a question
I know you're supposed to press F1 to bring this up during boot (or shutdown) over the splash screen, but sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. at sometimes it stops working forever. what gives.
also, does anyone know how to skip the 90 second timeout for things that don't respond (for instance mounting a drive that changed volume serial number - need to fix that in fstab, but after boot)
remove systemd, intstal any other init sistem
Run: systemctl-analyze blame
It'll tell what's slowing things down.Then head over to the Arch Wiki and read the systemd entry to see if there's anything that'll help you with your problem.
>hydrogen is a big part of the sun
>hydrogen is unstable
Fuck the sun
>t. the negro.
Fuck YOU
I can even run this shit on a VM, smells like a fucking shill
get guud
>optional on any distro worth using
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, systemd/Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itsellf, but rather another free component of a fully functioning systemd system corelibs, shell utilities and system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
such a handsome guy
Next time don't push the power button to shut down system you uncivilised orc
...are you lost?
The kernel has nothing to do with systemd.
no it's not
just pin it with apt-mark and install sysvinit
I want to FUCK lennart if you catch my meaning
Linux sucks harder than your mom. Drink bleach.
Shutdown your system while it's performing fsck on external drive. Boom, your linux just hangs forever just like in OP.
don't forget void and alpine.
>Implying based Gentoo isn't GOAT
systemd is CIA
I bet those lips feel great on my peepee.
I miss having blowjobs from men...
I thought it's fixed (and tmux cucked). There is a workaround.
looks pretty nice and simple desu
suse has a nice mascot
Shitty loonix can't even remember widows position and sizes.
Install gentoo
stop using xfce
>using linux
let me guess, everyone ITT is still a virgin?
shutdown -P now
fuck off shill
thats actually windows command user
You're using linux.
Unless you're actually at the Sup Forums server and just stole a harddrive, connected to your windows PC, mounted the harddrive somehow and inserted your post into the database.
He wants the (system)D
b-but how can he do that is hard drive was stolen user? and even if he sets something on drive, he must return it back and reconnect the drive
>shutdown -s -t 0
Get the drive, post, put the drive back, hope nobody noticed.
nmap can't tell the os as the site protected by clod whatever.
If it's still up, it's some form of unix.
the timestamping is odd
are you guys actually checking Sup Forums server?
And i'm definitively not sitting in the Sup Forums's server room, temporarily removing, placing my posts into the harddrives and placing em back, while trying to not be caught by the geeksquad in it.
Good. People like you don't deserve to enjoy it. Never use it again.
Systemd is NOT a part of Linux you mouth-breathing fucking Windows-using subhuman, do you even understand what systemd is, or what Linux is? What a GNU/Linux distribution is, what an operating system is, what an init system is, what a kernel is? Get the fuck off of this board right now you tech-illiterate mongrel.
Windows users are the niggers of the tech world. Posts like this confirm it.
It's not.
You don't know shit about technology.