FFMPEG - Daily Reminder

FFMPEG, FFPLAY, FFPROBE are all you need. Don't fall for the MPV meme.

Thank me later.

mpv is just a thin frontend to ffmpeg famalamadingdong


nty. I like the layout of mpvs bottom bar

How do I make it look like mpv?

You don't. That's the joke!

Well this is a shit thread.

So that's why it is so unfriendly to its users.


which one

By what?

Anyone used natural grounding player to convert their shitty low res clips to 60fps (cleans them up somehow too like some sort of magic)? It's great but the weirdest software I've ever seen.

Literally what the fuck

I never use that part of the software it's nutty, there is a media encoder I use everyday almost. Who wouldn't need to be egoless while watching their fave music video.

Ffplay doesn't print new icecast titles to the terminal when streaming.

>girl's generation
Literally the only reason to listen to this is to drool over their thighs
Holy shit I would cover their thighs in so much saliva goddamn

>girl's generation
Just checked them out, you're right user. Downloaded it before I even knew what I was doing, reflexes.

Does mummy wipe the poop from your bottom as well?

ffplay has a shit subtitle renderer.
I need my stylised animu subs.

she sure does

Go home, burgertard.

$ grep ff[mp] .bash_aliases
alias ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner"
alias ffprobe="ffprobe -hide_banner"
alias ffplay="ffplay -hide_banner"