Distro recommended by stallman physically block you from installing "proprietary" software

>distro recommended by stallman physically block you from installing "proprietary" software
Hmm... That doesn't sound very free.

The ability to decline a recommendation is.

At best he forked/ported, and is probably into Asimov. Ive always idolized Bruce Schneier myself :^)

>physically block you
Except it doesn't do that

Don't you know that if the OS isn't personally delivering the software, you're not allowed to use that software? I mean, that's how it works on Windows.
Oh, wait.

Doesn't seem very free to me either. Hm...

free in terms of the 4 freedoms friends
freedom is a meme anyway

Free software is different to freedom you fucking retard.

It's free in that it is all software guaranteed to give the user all of the fundamental freedoms of software. Truly, that is the only definition of freedom that matters. Any other position is that of a micro$hit supporter.

Freedom from negative infliction, not freedom of nature.

Learn the difference.

the only think that blocks you is your stupidity

>You don't have the right to own slaves
Hmm, this doesn't sound very free

That actually isn't free though

slavery brings a net loss of freedom

Physically, huh?
What, it materialises a hand in meatspace using magic that slaps your hands away if you try to install nonfree software?

It's almost like Stallman's a butthurt idiot more concerned with ideology than the actual usability of devices.

nice forced freedom


>all these fucking retards not understanding how distros work

Don´t worry that´s how it will work on Windows(tm)

oh the irony

But user, Windows 10 will be the only up-to-date Windows Operating System you can use.

But user i much rather prefer not-up-to-date Windows Operating Systems


That doesn't happen. If the distro refuses to obey the user's command and install free software, that distro is by definition non-free software.

>Chatting with a girl in a roulette chat
>Haha, I have to go, but we should chat again, user, what's youre skype?
>I don't use it
>Sure... well here's mine if you feel like chatting again
>Next day meeting only bots on the same site
>Consider downloading skype
>I could put it in a VM and not worry about what it could do to my OS
>Huh, what is that folk music playing somewhere?
>Search for skype download link in Starpage
>Click on the link in the search results leading the the skype download page
>Is the music coming from somewhere in the room?
>I-It sounds like it's coming from the speakers of my librebooted Thinkpad, but it couldn't be, it's closed and turned off.
>Get up walk over to and bring my ear up to it
>The lid springs open hitting my head and deafening me with eastern European tunes blaring from the now unobstructed speakers
>The screen lights up
>An obese, hairy ghostly dancing figure emerges from it
>As I roll on the floor with a MIL-SPEC gash on my head, the figure dance over to my desktop and starts wrecking it by smashing its parts against the table
>I try to get up and stop it, but the music gets unbearably loud and instead I reach for the Thinkpad's keyboard to lower the volume
>The lid suddenly, violently closes and opens, breaking bones in my fingers
>I recoil again, but this time I'm caught by the ghostly figure
>The music dies down and the ghostly figure grasps my injured arms with his ghostly, yet somehow greasy ones
>"There are 4 essential freedoms..."
>Oh, my god, he's going to kill me
>"..that a user of software..."
>I wince and turn my head away
>MUST always have"
>I slowly open one eye to peek at the figure only to see that he's left
>There's a burning plastic smell coming from my obliterated desktop
>The Thinkpad is booting Trisquel with blood from my hand wounds dripping out from below the spill resistant keyboard.
>mfw physically blocked from installing proprietary software



Good riddance.

Welcome to the "Free" Software Foundation. They, like all communists, like using doublespeak to make their tyranny look good. Read 1984 by Orwell. Communists regimes use "democracy" and "people" to make them look like the good guys. I.e. "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is North Korea. Same with Stallman and the "free" software movement.

You should read 1984 again.


absolutely kek, this is why i keep coming back to this shithole.

freedom can't be quantified, you're either free or not

Doubt that he read it in the first place.

What's Stallman doing on his shitpad that's so fucking important that he needs to do it in the middle of the lake? Even the spic behind him is like wtf.

browsing Sup Forums

Interjecting for a moment.

have a (you) on the house

I guess you did a pretty superficial read of the book. You probably got only with the >muh big brother thing. Sorry freetard but that book isn't for people with low IQ or underage.

