Name a better hacker

Name a better hacker.

My diary desu

This is made up. Show sucks, normie.

Can he even hack things? The only characters who I remember hacking things were Elliot, Darlene, and Whiterose.

He can hack my boypucci.

David Lightman

Why does it suck?

no he can't hack shit, he uses KDE like a faggot


The hacker known as Sup Forums

Didn't he hack into his own company in S1? Or did he attempt to?

>This motherfucker FUCKS a guy IN THE ASS to plant a backdoor in some faggot's phone
Truly an alpha stud.

Didn't you hear? Human alpha males don't exist

I can't, because she's never been caught.

He went to work with fsociety to launch an attack on E Corp as revenge for getting fired iirc.

That's true but there was a scene where he's seen using the terminal at work. I can't remember what for


I just started watching season 2.

Its amazing.

i still dont really know how i feel about this show. im on S1E5 and every time i think im getting into it they do some fucking dumb shit. like brute force a facebook page or act like a ddos is some type of wmd.

that picture is pretty acurate

So, a Moto phone?

funny thing is, I would buy that phone

I had to save the image so I could repost it

I would use a cell phone if it had an arch/gentoo switch on it.

that shit is boss

>This is made up.

Oh really? I thought it was a documentary.

Is he /ourguy/, Sup Forums?

Try imaging like it's not real, like a tv show or something.

>there was a scene where he's seen using the terminal at work
Was there really? I've seen all of the show except the season 2 finale, but I don't remember seeing that. The only part I remember with him using a terminal is when he was in the fsociety arcade with Elliot.

hello /lit/ friend

What if I tried imagining it wasn't a shitty show for teenagers who want to 'hack da racist system'

then it would most certinly be boring

>>Sup Forums

Also this show is worse than aids.

This show is meant for stupid people. Don't feel bad for not getting into it. The only good part is the sound track.

the soundtrack is one of the only things keeping me on this show. the other are this guys character and the fbi agent. everyone else is ass

yeah, the soundtrack is great.

He's in Elliot's head. He his Elliot. So is every other major character on the show other than the women. Basically all guys are in his head, other than characters like the boyfriend.

i was really hoping thats just what they wanted me to think

Literally a faggot

>gets hacked immediately

yeah no

If Mr. Robot was just Elliot's delusion the whole time, does that mean Elliot was just talking to himself when he talked to Mr. Robot?


It was cool that they referenced the Stagefright exploit.

pretty much, yes

That's what I don't get though. When Elliot first visited the fsociety arcade, he was talking to Darlene about the hack and planting Colby's IP in the dat file. Then Mr. Robot showed up with a bag of Twinkies. So does that mean Elliot just showed up uninvited to the fsociety arcade and bought Twinkies before going there?


he's an unreliable narrator. so technically we don't know if some of the shit we see is real. he mostly showed up invited (they all know he's delusional, or at least darlene) so yeah he probably had twinkies beforehand and just imagined mr robot was the one that brought them.

Why is she such a cutie?

Yeah, that's what I didn't get. I know that there are scenes where he asks Mr. Robot questions, and Mr. Robot answers, but I don't know if that means he asks himself questions and then immediately answers them himself. And I know there was a scene with Tyrell and Mr. Robot in a car. Was it just Tyrell and Elliot?

If I remember right he had started to and then realized that Elliot's group was the way to go

Except the dude he fucked told everybody else in the office and there is that scene where the guys were making fun of him for it

if they are by themselves, then he was just imagining that conversation. and tyrell also most likely knew that elliot was 'crazy' and tried to appeal to mr robot

>Was it just Tyrell and Elliot?

>if they are by themselves
There were some scenes where they weren't by themselves. Like Elliot was asking Mr. Robot questions when they were in the fsociety arcade with the other fsociety hackers.
>tyrell also most likely knew that elliot was 'crazy'
How would Tyrell know that? He doesn't even get that much interaction with Elliot in the first season, and he didn't even know who Elliot was until the GNOME KDE scene.


Tyrell tries to SSH in to the allsafe server that Elliot left the root kit in but he finds out it's been turned into a honey pot

I think I remember that scene, but I have no idea what it means in terms of what he's doing.

>t. someone who hasn't watched it

didn't Tyrell die in the big green fire?

who is this Sup Forums?


he's totally a hacker.


He's in the season 3 trailer, so no.

When pic related was 11 he crashed 1507 computers in a single day and caused a 7-point drop in the NYSE.

What the fuck did your guy do when he was 11?

didn't he hacked the phone of a dude he fucked, by rooting his phone and installed some kind of logger?

aN eXecUTIVe runNIg LIN@X???????

yes I AM RUNning the obonto LINOX

This guy

You obviously lack any social cues; they werent making fun of him, if they knew he did it, they would have KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT, because the entire company knows Tyrell is a volatile man, case in point when the old dude who lets him go says he had no idea how he was gonna react.

Oh and you know, being fired from your cushy, cruisy job is certainly not what you try to do on a daily basis.

Take a few steps back.

This is set in 2015, which means it would have been put together 2013 - 2014.

Brute force was possible then.

>The only good part is the sound track.
while i disagree thats its the only good part, the score is fucking great.

I want this. You can delete the magsafe connectors if you like, but everything else has to stay.

This isn't confirmed yet

> liking a danskjävel

>This is made up.

You don't say? Jesus Christ. The sheer retardation on this board has ceased to be entertaining.

That's why we need to ban shit like LTT being posted on Sup Forums.
It floods this place with retardation, underage, and Sup Forums.

Obviously you didnt look at the board the FBI has set up in the last episode of s2.

literally who



this should be an r9k banner

why the fuck am i laughing so hard... can't breathe...


i think i need to sleep


>Awkward around chicks
>Gets pwnd by chicks
>Subservient to random mental case
He's definitely Sup Forums

someone spent a lot of time on this

he's a fagola.
so no

Is that hacking?
What's the legal definition?
iirc "unauthorized access to an electronic device", so that would mean going on someone's unattended laptop and writing " I'm gay" on FB is hacking aswell

I bet this guy uses KDE

that is correct. that is technically why when some normies fb gets """HACKED""" by their friend posting a stupid status, they are not wrong

Dade Murphy AKA Zero Cool AKA Crash Override.


>sum gay shit

Steve Jobs

Swanny, he hacked nasa

He did show that Android was better than iPhone, although he did get infected by Trenton.




cannot watch this show without falling asleep. nothing happens. nothing to follow. Terry Davis archived livestreams are more eventful.

i run das minecrÅft desktop enviromenten.


have you got the longer version?