/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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Post waifu

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

What's the second best headphones behind the he-400i?

Best budget headphones coming through

2 tin cans held on your head by a string.

Beats by dre


>I haven't heard it so it must not sound better
Enjoy being poor.

tl;dr You're retarded.

>With this site, I can PROVE my headphones are endgame!
TL;DR: You're a downy

Does anybody know any good headphones for Counter Strike?

>Implying fqr is the only important measurement pertaining to audio quality
>Impling fqr isn't the easiest to adjust regardless of headphones with equalization

So basically, if I buy a $5 set of gas station earbuds and eq them, I'll have the glorious performance of the memeheiser hd600s?


ATH ADx Series

Anything open-back for positional accuracy. Phillips shp9500s would fit the bill for this.

Disclaimer: Not actually waifu. Seventeen is for friends only.

>arguing over response curves

From Mr. Speakers Dan Clark:

"There's not really a "target response curve" for headphones like you get for loudspeakers (which are challenging enough). There are lots of reasons for this, including that compensation curves like diffuse field, were designed for measuring speakers, not headphones, and while the "compensate" they don't make a flat-sounding headphone measure flat.
Further, if you think of the ear-cavity in an ear pad as the "room", every headphone creates its own set of near-field interactions with the measurement system, and that will not be the same as the interactions they create with each users's ears because the "room" geometry can vary. There are flat ears, "cupped" ears, big ears, small ears, etc, and if you change the "ear" on a test fixture the results change. I suspect this relates to the fact that people can have fairly different responses to a specific headphone or tuning, but there's not any real research around this I'm aware of."

Looking to spend up to $100 because I want to get a modmic with it. Done with gaming meme headsets.

SHP9500S easily. Nice wide soundstage, also comfy as fuck.

I didn't say price was a factor, I said you haven't tried anything more expensive because you can't afford them. There are better sounding headphones that happen to be more expensive. They don't sound better because they are more expensive, they sound better because they actually sound better.

If I get just the magni 2 and use a RCA to 3.5mm will I need to plug it into my LINE IN or my headphone jack on the front?

Ath-ad series or Phillips shp9500s are within that budget.

line in


Dumb HD 600 poster

>line in
>to output to a magni 2


gb2 ur favelas monkees

I'm sorry but for some reason this is fucking hilarious. Hope your amp and cans are okay user.

Eh fuck it anyway I wont notice the hissing while listening to music

the green one

>including that compensation curves like diffuse field, were designed for measuring speakers
That's wrong, though:

That's wrong. Line-in is usually blue.

Really? Pretty sure line-in is always red.

aight well as long as volume is maxed it doesn't matter

I want to buy a new gaming headset for my ps4, I'm thinking about the HyperX Cloud Revolver S.
Any other recommendations?

You wouldn't plug it into a line-in, you'd plug it into a line-out.
Oh, right, I get what you were saying now. Yeah, green is usually line-out. But yeah, you're going to want to plug it into the back, NOT the front output. Front outputs are usually noisier.
If plugging the Magni into the back green jack produces a noisy result you'll need to get that Sabre DAC and use that instead of the green line out.

Holy shit, that's overpriced. Try taking a look at the SHP9500 and pair it with a V-Moda BoomPro.

nah hyper x cloud(takstar pro 80) is a good headphone. I don't use mine unless I'm blasting some JOI/JOE/ASMR/GWA porn but sometimes I'll play a song and be impressed. If you're not huge into music its an okay buy although you should probably just the regular hyper x cloud if its cheaper

Mic is usually red/pink. Line-in is usually blue.


I was memeing; sorry

shp9500s and boompro

They don't work well for gaming.
Buy the AT M40x or CB-1 with the V-Moda BoomPro.

>They don't work well for gaming.
That's some bullshit if I ever heard it.

>open back

It is generally accepted that open back headphones out perform closed back headphones in situations which do not require isolation. Is it backwards day or something?

>They don't work well
>No soundstage
Man, if I didn't know bullshit, I do now.

>>Open back
What's wrong? Is your mum going to hear you play?

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

>owns the best headphones in the world
>listens to primarily shitty J-Pop

>Best headphones in the world
Lmao. Poorfaggot.

Mostly metal, videogame OSTs, demoscene music and electronica (tipically

Jesus the shitposting never ends

I use my dt 1990 pro just for idol shit.
Are you triggered?

kotoshi no natsu no nioi~
Excellent taste as usual.

waiting for aune in the mail

>using bad headphones for bad music
That's fitting.

What music do you listen to, user?

Is the fulla 2 enough for the HD600?

>Believing HD 600s are the best
Are you sure you aren't delusional, user?

Thanks senpai
Why buy super expensive source gear before upgrading headphones?
At -10dB EQ preamp, no. Without EQ, yes.

>bad headphones
I know how you fell user, I was poor once.


Fell seems fitting

I don't want to be stuck in mid-fi hell. Jumping to HD800S in a few years.

Happy beginning of the week, everyone

Mid-fi "hell" is a lot more fun for your wallet than summit-fi hell. I told myself I was done with headphones once I got the elears. Now I think if only I had those HD800s and Utopias I'd finally be satisfied.

I've stopped taking opinions on the internet so seriously, especially when people use the words "fast" or "transient response". They're my personal endgame and maybe one day I'll buy them and be done with audio.

It's no longer about the sound. Buying more headphones will surely fill the void in my heart right?

get into speakers it'll give you more to work towards especially because of the price

YOHANE, you little demons.

i-is there a vinyl general somewhere


literally degrades each time you play it

...unless you've got $15,000 for a laser turntable.
Kind of cool: LPs made out of various materials = extremely long-term, EMP-proof data storage and retrieval

Fulla2 or Magni2+Modi2? Or sell me on something else?

Never had an amp before and interested, driving a DT770 Pro and HD 650. I have no doubt the Fulla2 would be fine, but I wouldn't mind spending $200 and wondering if the stack is worth it. It would probably make me less likely to think about pointless upgrades later, if nothing else.

Aune X1s

The logical decision here is to buy a Fulla 2 first and try the headphones with it. If they're both loud enough for you, great. You're done. If not, then buy a Magni 2 and use the Fulla 2 as just a DAC.

can't go wrong with FiiO E10K either

Not unless I get several independent reports that it's brought people to orgasm

Good plan probably, thanks.

Yeah thought about it and not really being able to try them out beforehand the Schiit is just the gut feeling choice for me

Vinyl, huh. You might want to look into the Schiit Mani. They've also teased a turntable.

Which of the V-Moda headphones are the best? Currently looking at them and they all seem similar.

>not really being able to try them out beforehand the Schiit is just the gut feeling choice for me
They're both solid-state amps, what are you even expecting from it besides increasing the volume? Don't fall for audiophile magic bullshit.

The bigger impact to your music quality will be the quality of the volume pot on either one. They are really prone to channel imbalance at low volumes.

Is there any USB to 1/4 adapters? To be specific USB 2/3.0 input on one side and 1/4 output on the other

Focusing on just functionality, for

You are describing a USB DAC. Some come with headphone amps built in.

Well I bought an AMP while drunk but I only have USB headphones currently (waiting for HD6xx shipping)

The fulla 2 is one such device, and a decent choice at it.

Looking for a gift for my dad who travels a lot, and I wanted to finally get him a nice pair of headphones but I'm not sure what to get, also noise cancelling is preffered...

>Under $200


>AUX, or Bluetooth

>Something relatively compact, preferably foldable and over ear


>Moderate to max comfort

>Really doesn't matter for him

>Some old sony noise cancelling headphones

Oh. If you're asking if there's a way to use USB headphones through a 1/4" output, no, there is not. I thought you were asking for the other way around: powering headphones with a 1/4" jack via USB.

Some random vid for you to enjoy :^)

Perhaps this version. Good work here.

that's awful

Headphone Gen, I'm a filthy wagey as If wanted to see n wages I get a pair of AKG K712 Pros, J was hoping to us ten with my laptop Nd a PS4, f I need an amp what or oils I get that is relatively cheap?

I'd look into DAC-X6.

any suggestions on how to fix?

>glued on pads
yeah nah

guess the headphones at the red dot

>not mid-fi

>putting speakers right up against your ears
enjoy going deaf before 40