Do you guys realize that AMD took a shortcut when they superglued™ 4 CPUs on a single socket, right?

Do you guys realize that AMD took a shortcut when they superglued™ 4 CPUs on a single socket, right?

This will slowdown the advancements in processor technology and low powered CPUs.

For example, if you look at what Apple is doing with their AX series, they have a low power core now and then the other ones stay idle until the system needs it.

AMD is not doing this and Intel is.

The point is, anyone could have done what AMD has done.

Other urls found in this thread:

>people will reply to this bait and nobody will stop them

Yes. This is why I personally am ordering an i9™ from Intel® and you should too. AMD cannot be trusted.

>The point is, anyone could have done what AMD has done

Then why didn't they?

>The point is, anyone could have done what AMD has done.

hehe yes exactly. we let them win.

>retards use CPU w/ more than 45W for daily use, small server and 2005-2014 video games

>caring about low powered CPU for consumer usage
What are you some third world pajeet? Cheap electricity master race.

I like glue.

>he doesn't know AMD 70W+ CPUs are unstable and last less than 4 years due to extreme heat


The motherboard is already one big superglue.


> AMD is not doing this and Intel is.
VIA does that too. Will Intel fall to VIA level of marketshare?

>t. intool


Same here!

I love Intel!

So this is the power of the glueating favela hue


Stop reading buzzfeed and repeating what they said u pleb. If you just do not like it, say it. Don't look for excuses.

>For example, if you look at what Apple is doing with their AX series
Fucking dropped


>He makes up shit and treats it as fact

I'm pretty sure the "AX" is just Apple relicensing big.LITTLE.

You're not funny

>I can't make a better cpu so I'm just gonna make it bigger and have more shit inside

thanks for adding value to the discussion and sharing your thoughts. Do you have a blog where I can follow your commentary?


>The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was a controversial United States
>United States
stopped reading


what a superficial argument

Intel literally stopped CPU advancement in the past.
Post someone that research about how jew intel actually is.

Until we get true quantum computing on the desktop it is going to be a battle to keep shrinking shit. We have reached the limit of what is possible using current manufacturing methods.

you mean like the superglued intel EMIB ?
An Elegant Interconnect for a More Civilized Age

slower than IF with less bandwidth and more power!

intel found the way!

You could say the same for multicore technology.

But then again you're just a fucking summertard so fuck off.

I thought I saw this tread already
AMD is working on 7nm, the fuck is Intel doing

Intel 10nm is superior to it



>1.7% yields

AMD is going to release 7nm in 2018-19 and 7nm+ 1 or 2 years later.
Intel's new arch (???) will be up in 2020-21.
At this point I think they're blowing it all at being diverse.

Who cares about advancements in technology and shit? Most people just want the cheapest CPU that does the job.


Lel I got 89W Athlon X2 and It used it for 8 years, processor never died. Only motherboard was the issue.



