Should I get AMD Threadripper?

So, I am a content creator, and I am going to be processing 4K, 30fps, Color Graded footage in Premiere Pro sometime in the future.

I am looking for something that won't bottleneck dual 1080 ti graphics cards and a 4k capture card from black magic.

But also, I do a lot of multitasking. The most tasks I would be doing at once would be streaming, gaming, rendering footage, uploading footage, and running background tasks like skype and steam all at the same time.

Would AMD Threadripper be too overkill for my situation?

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install gentoo

What does Linux have to do with any of this?

install gentoo

No, it would be perfect

Install Gentoo

Intel i9 is a safer bet, AMD architecture is weird and nonstandard


considering that adobe is currently adding support for vega in general id say buy a vega (IF and only IF the benchmarks are close to 1080ti because most surely they will go above it in time)
now for threadripper i suggest to wait a bit cause im sure someone will try to see if they can use an EPYC on TR4 motherboards

Why would I9 be better than threadripper?
Wouldn't I get more performance per dollar with AMD?

EPYC is a little overkill.
I am trying to find a decent balance between Ghz and cores. I don't want my gaming performance to suck.

It isn't.

Buy Intel

he wants to render video, not burn his house down.

If you donna use things like handbrake etc, just dive in.
GPU video processing right now is disgusting, proprietary and don't give you the best results.

Nice try intel. We don't want your funeral pyres.
>nonstandard architecture = not intel

But isn't CUDA acceleration faster than software rendering which is run by the CPU?

You do work, you don't buy repurposed desktop dies glued together inelegently for work you would be a laughinstock in pro circles

Fuck off


Honestly, I don't give a shti about heat, power consumption, or architecture.

I care about price, and performance. I'm going to be using 1000 watt power supply and dual 480mm radiators anyways.

>Intelfags have literally dropped trying to argue specs and have resorted trying to sell on brand name alone


You should, I bet you don't want burn your render farm

>I care about price, and performance

another pleased Threadripper customer.

Because they lack in every department.
Threadripper has more L1,2,3 cache, more ghz, lower price, etc.

This shitty meme needs to die already

It is faster, yes.
But what it makes in speed it lacks on software support.

Considering I will be cooling it (and my GPUs) with dual 480mm radiators, heat dissipation is not a concern for me.

The liquid cooling I will be using will be able to dissipate >1000 watts of generated heat.

>he says that after posting his 400th wojak since May

I guess it depends on how fast you want to render. I think Jaytwocents is currently using a 1800x to render his videos now. I

"Software support"
Dude, I'm using premiere pro. Software support isn't going to break my leg in that category.

Plus, I am not paying 300+ more USD for "software support" That's bullshit.

I will have to produce content for lots of clients. So, I am hoping on being able to render video clips in a relatively quick amount of time.

Then buy a Intel i9 18 core


Dude, that's 2000 dollars. I am not spending that ludicrus amount on a fucking CPU. That's more than the cost of both my GFX cards...

At that price, he'd be better off with an Epyc CPU. 32 cores is better than 18.

what is the best threadripper motherboard senpais

Reminder that the $1000 kikeripper is still in the top 10 best sold CPUs on amazon since preorders started, Intel's skylake -x is around #40, and the most expensive in top 10 is a $300

The TR costs over 3 times more.
Intel has surrendered HEDT

one with the most RGB you can find

Does premiere benefit more from a higher core count or more from offloading to gpu. Thread ripper has more PCI lanes so it with a Nvidia GPU is probably the safest bet.
he's isn't going to have water cooled VRMs too

Literally any motherboard from gigabyte or ASUS is a safe bet.

Not a big fan of asrock or MSI. Software sucks, and the motherboard quality is sub-par.

Threadripper will be more than enough at a very pleasant price point. The Intel alternative for performance is significantly more expensive and not worth considering. The whole "glued together desktop dies" and "no software support" is a meme.


Do you wntn inconsistent performance and unexpected bugs? If yes, buy threadripper

Do you want a new house? If so, buy Intel Core i9 and better home insurance.

He'll also be using a socket that won't get dropped after 2 years.

"Nobody ever got fired for buying intel".

Not a problem unless you're poor.

Yes you should. Threadripper is better in every way than Intel can provide (price thermal, power draw and performance).

>$1000 cpu and $300+ motherboard
>lol ur poor xdd

gigabyte is out of the question for amd this round

they literally cucked themselfs for unknown reaons

he's running a business, it's not a matter of being poor, it's about proper financial decisions. You don't buy Koenigsegg Regera as a work truck. Why should he spend 2000 dollars on a platform that won't last as long? Just to brag to clients he has an i9 and can render videos their videos and extra 15 seconds faster?

So then, what would be a good motherboard for threadripper? I don't want to buy the most expensive one from ASUS because I have a budget I want to stay within.

One who isn't poor doesn't look st price, that's why he can throw $2000 for a cpu and $500 for mobo for the most consistent performance.

asrock is the best bet
dont buy the one with the over the top wifi shit tho

Finally someone understands. Thank. Almighty. Fucking. Kek.

That's exactly the point I make here. I'm not poor, I make six figures. That still doesn't mean I can't spend my money conservatively.

I am more worried about overclocking performance, fan headers, reliability, and a good BIOS. Recommendations?

you wont get past 4.2ghz anyway so why worry? lol
proper cooling solutions for threadripper is going to come on late q3 for now we are stuck with a universal bracket that doesnt cover the whole chip

Making up excuses again, there is literally no reason for thrradripper to exist in the face of more consistent and proven intel architecture
It's two different CPUs for fucks sakes! It's like two sockets! All the drawbacks, none of the benefit!

I did find this video
for render times in premiere for the 1700x

"Consistency" nobody has been able to prove that. And, I don't give a shit if it's 5 different CPUs. I want performance.

Well, I will be using dual 480mm radiators. So, cooling and overclocking are already covered.

>intel is this scared

Doesn't the NDA for threadripper lift on the 10th? You could just wait for the reviews

>consistent performance

FUD campaign in full throttle, Intel's acting like their favorite toy got taken from them

True, what also bugs me is how much it is going to cost after a few months. The ryzen 7 lineup had around a 20 percent price drop after a few months. I wonder if the same will happen to threadripper?

in a nut shell ryzen renders faster than intel, but premire doesn't seem to be fully utilizing either CPU to it's fullest, so you might not get huge gains at first with thread-ripper, at least until adobe updates now that cpus with more that 4 cores are on the consumer market now.

no point just buy a simple 280 rad that is compartible with it till the proper blocks are out

Will threadripper still be able to help with megatasking? (Running a lot of shit that takes up a shit ton of processing power at once...shit.)

What the fuck you are talking? Who the fuck care about skylake x and decade old core architecture?

This is going to be a completely custom loop.
And considering I will also be putting my GPU sli setup in the loop as well, 280 would be underkill.

Do you want me to burn my house down or something?

>,decade old
>still faster than new Amd arch

hi Brian, don't you have some (((work))) to do?

>none of the benefit!
>less power
>less expensive to purchase
>less expensive to upgrade later
>consistent and proven intel architecture
you do relisea they are both x86 and AMD64 cpus right? the main difference is the interconnect between the cores. AMD's solution is that each CCX can communicate with any other CCX with IF, so multi thread work loads like OP wants have better gains, and the CPU can scale more efficiently in the future. Something Intel is currently struggling with ring.

What other things do you plan on doing while videos render?


Gaming, streaming, Uploading content, and skyping. That's probably the most I will do at one time.

7900X sounds perfect for that

you wont find blocks for it so whats the point there isnt currently a single block out there that is actually fit on the socket late q3 or early q4 for proper blocks

>user is not trying to break the bank.

uhm, no sweetie, try again

Then yes, I was thinking you where going to try and run two instances of Adobe and render two things at once, which you might be able to do with a VM or something. It still might be a bit overkill, especially how long it take Adobe to update, and i might still wait until NDA drops for thread ripper just in case there is something weird about it.

another video of someone running a 4k editing station with a ryzen 7

how is that perfect? he didnt specify arsoning as a feature

This should be an enemy in the next DOOM game.

EKWB says they'll be releasing one soon. I am hoping to build this computer later down the line anyways, so, I am not worried about lack of water cooling blocks.

yeah but its not a proper one it will fit on the bracket only
there is currently a problem with some motherboards and their vrm's cooling solution that prevents a proper TR4 blocks to sit

Amd = 180W

Intel = 140W

Try again pooman

from this video even he can multitask well on the 1700x while exporting video and do other things just fine so threadripper might be just overkill, then again he didn't mention gaming

>content creator

>6 more cores

If skylake-x actually stuck to its TDP rating its all core turbo wouldn't even be 3.5ghz

In summary, kill yourself favela monkey

So, when do you think EKWB will come out with proper cooling?

Do you think cooling would be a problem? I don't want to have to liquid cool any VRMs.,5.html
140 tdp on paper
in reality 353
literally put fx95xx to shame

it wont be aproblem but it wont come in launch thats why i said but a simple 280 rad for now and wait for proper blocks

You mean 500 W for Intel.

I can wait a while for a good liquid cooling block. :/

Shouldn't you be calling the fire department about now?

TDP is not power consumption dumb indians

Trump will fix it.