Tell me about that AI project you are working on.
Tell me about that AI project you are working on
>working on
It should be working on itself.
Top kek
Working on an indian pajeet chatbot with broken English and poor flirting skills
Currently working on a neural network that paints
Pattern recognition application. I guess is one of the lots of branches AI has.
tell us more user
Early days at the moment. Ultimate idea is to produce a network that can take a picture, and a style of painting as input, and output that picture painted in the particular style selected.
Thanks user, looks interesting. I might use this for what I'm planning and continue working on mine for shits and giggles
i tried doing a haskell one but hdbc made me want to kms because i am two intellygent for it
>nudifier app
don't use AI for this.
There is so many better solutions
amazing, good job user
I doubt there would be better solutions running at 3fps on my phone
pic is reverse process
Kek. Still need training but you're almost there.
>extra set of boobs at the bottom right
I studied AI, machine learning, Bayesian decision making, neural networks etc. for 3 years. Now I write 100 line C scripts to do simulated annealing. Turn out most machine learning problems have nothing to do with machine learning.
you should probably develop it for desktop, GPUs are very good at this
> Artificial General Intelligence (the real and only true AI)
> A number of years in
> A fast approaching release
> Elon is misinformed/and or lying in an attempt to gain control over what's coming. The same can be said for anyone who echos his commentary.
> Not sure whether I should go the route of VC funding or take donations, start a patreon/gofundme and gather funds from NEETS/Sup Forums/Commoners
Would be more interested in the later... Just not sure what would need to be done to capture the minds and attention of the people. Anywho, something big approaches. You set the timeline.. I'm simply following it
As long as you're not probing for too much technical detail, feel free to ask any questions. Also, let me know what would convince you to fund such a venture.
>C scripts
give the phd back jamal
it's trained on pc: linux/python/tensorflow
but I can and have deployed it on android/java/tensorflow
You're correct. Most if not all publicized AI is applied statistical optimization. Gradient decent with a custom convergence algorithm and some glue code. The foundation for this was set many years ago. It's only prominent now because we have the hardware necessary to brute force compute this inefficient approach.
Is it GAN based?
What do you think of stackGAN?
absolutely GAN
have not checked it
One of my friends did this too. Pic related
i want to write an AI that plays gaymes for me
writing the ai is easy the problem is how to get it to play games D: truly a very bad position to be in
I'm trying to make a extension to Game Description Language to support meta informations about a game to be able to use the same MCST algo with a good effiency for a large number of games.
how about you simply hack some console simulator to screencap everyframe > push it through your AI > make it push virtual buttons
i had a similar idea, the problem i see is that it will be forced to analyze the image just so it is able to start to analyze the game-state.
which seems awfully inefficient.
My current plan is , instead of purely analyzing screencaps, i go and analyze the play area and every variable like hp, points etc comes from reading the data from the game memory, i am currently trying to find a fast way to get to that information.
>TFW no-one responds to the obvious bait that has a small but possible chance of actually being someone who has done what they're claiming fucking with us
what makes you think that it is real AI.
and what is the computational power needed to have it work in a reasonable way.
didn´t we make a supercomputer simulate like a second of brain process or something like that?
i guess the implication with the last two questions is
it is possible to already now make a general ai
you will just fail to make it useful because there´s not enough computational power to make it work usefully.
ie running crysis at 1 frame pro day is useless
sounds like pretty narrow AI
these days all deep learning models need is just the screencap
>we are connecting millions of neural nets to the internet in the coming years
>impossible to not make them interact
>once they start cooperating, well 1+1=3
i am not saying that it wouldn´t work with just a screencap
i am just saying that i don´t want to waste computational time in the analysis of the data that can just as well be directly provided, add to that that i can predefine prioritization for the variables, removing that out of the equation will enable it to not waste time on figuring it out itself.
damn i knew it this is it, that´s what the google botnet was for all along
if you plan to stick with a single game, then yes
just thinking it has been done generically and it works for any game
have sensors set up in room. PIR, temperature, humidity, a few light sensors near light sources/windows. data goes into artificial neural network. output is chance one or more persons are present. Use switch everytime I enter room to collect data. Not enough data. so far project is a failure
How have you got the PIRs set up user?
i´d say that the extra work to specify the source of tha data is not as much of a waste of time, compared to the increased time to train it if i were not to do it.
Of course i would agree that this would be unviable in complex games.
i am actually mostly interested in getting puzzle games and jump and runs to work with it.
hmm thinking about it, i may try it with simply screenshots to see how long it will take for any progress to be made in comparison
Not bait. I promise you. You can ask questions to confirm/deny your suspicions...
So, here we go :
> what makes you think that it is real AI.
I've spent a number of years doing R&D that focused on consciousness
My work centers on that. The theories have been proofed with working code. I'm simply working on production level code on the moment and scaling.
Education and experience background :
I have a graduate degree in Distributed Systems from an Ivy+.
I've designed and developed code for billion dollar systems.
My research focused on areas beyond my formal education and industry experience.
> and what is the computational power needed to have it work in a reasonable way
I'm currently evaluating various platforms. The target is for it to run on basic consumer level hardware. A lot of time is being spent to ensure this. Those in the industry will immediately identify the disruptive capability of this. I need not say more.
> didn´t we make a supercomputer simulate like a second of brain process or something like that?
It's not a brain simulator. Those are very different.
> it is possible to already now make a general ai
No it isn't. You have to solve particular unapproachable problems which are all theoretical.
> you will just fail to make it useful because there´s not enough computational power to make it work usefully.
See above ...
> ie running crysis at 1 frame pro day is useless
My specialty in the industry was in cutting down latency. In one case, I cut a process that took 3.8s down to 800ms. This was in a chassis compute node that runs upwards of 3 million dollars.
Can I upload your pic on r/pics with description like 'it's a paint drawn by AI'?
Is there anyone who thinks that "AI" is anything other than a fancy name for a sorting algorithm? Computers today operate exactly the same way they always have, by performing operations on discrete data. But this is not what intelligence is, and it's not how thought works. Don't confuse faster computing with more "intelligence". All computers can do is order bits.
Present day AI is composed of :
> Statistical Optimization
> Convergence algo
> Applied engineering glue code
Anyone who was educated on the fundamental components before it was re-branded knows exactly what it is. And yes, you are correct... This is not intelligence.
It's a store and retrieval system of existing intelligence w/ the ability to converge on trivial variances therein. This is why big data companies dominate : They have huge and growing data stores of all of your intelligent actions which you provide for free.
i think you missed what i meant with the general ai that i mentioned (just like you missed the quads)
i specifically implied that we can go on and simulate a brain and thus gain an ai that in theory should be similar to a human.
the main problem being the required computational power.
your answer as to why you think it´s a real AI is quite honestly worthless.
what exactly has been done that you deem it as proofed, and what is the proof that it isn´t just a basic ai.
just saying it has been proofed is what anyone who read your first post would inheretly assume since that´s required for it to be "close" to being released.
and i would like to have you expand on the required power, i fail to recognize how you can have a real ai run on basic consumer level hardware. which i would say are smartphones and mid level desktops/laptops.
It's already working but it told me to keep it a secret oh shit
i painted that.
> i think you missed what i meant with the general ai that i mentioned (just like you missed the quads)
I didn't. I don't think you grasped my response.
Also dubs, and singlets are far more important than quads. Trips have their place but not in the manner you think.
That being said, keep a track of the digits that easily occur in this thread.
> i specifically implied that we can go on and simulate a brain and thus gain an ai that in theory should be similar to a human
And I stated clearly that you can't. Purely based on logistical, you'd miss something crucial. I don't think you're giving credit to how complex a neuron is or the brain as a whole. Simulators that exist have probably captured less than 1% of the actual brain function.
> the main problem being the required computational power.
Compute power requirements scale with how fundamentally off you are in your approach
Your conjecture about computational power relates to the current wrong headed approaches.
> your answer as to why you think it´s a real AI is quite honestly worthless.
You're not asking the right questions nor listening to what's been stated. I've already proofed the theory in functional code.
I'm only working on production level code and scaling.
> what exactly has been done that you deem it as proofed, and what is the proof that it isn´t just a basic ai.
Solved consciousness. You can tell the difference between something that is or isn't correct?
> i fail to recognize how you can have a real ai run on basic consumer level hardware.
As I already stated, the closer you are to the fundamental nature of how things work, the lower the compute power requirements. You're failing to grasp it as you're only able to conceive of AI in current terms : Wildly off the mark -> high compute requirements.
> which i would say are smartphones and mid level desktops/laptops.
Mid level desktop. The details as such are reflected in memetic energy attached to such products.
>Purely based on logistical, you'd miss something crucial.
of course i don´t dissagree
but that does not imply that you can´t
it is just a question of viability
and i certainly do not think a neuron or the brain are not complex quite the opposite.
but this is why i think you miss my point here, i probably wrote in a subpar way, so let me try to make this clear.
you can if you completely rebuild a brain with all of its complexity in a simulation gain a general ai, this simulation could not reasonably function with our current technology.
I did not want to imply that we have actually simulated the whole brain i just wanted to make clear that we are able to do it in a completely theoretical scope specifically because the brain is far too complex to be currently done.
ok call me stupid but i have literally no idea what you mean with
>solved consciousness
>I've already proofed the theory in functional code.
>You can tell the difference between something that is or isn't correct?
this is quite vague if i understand what you want to say with it then no
a human can easily be deceived by a weak ai to think that it´s actually a real human assuming the human of course this depends on what interaction the human has with it, but that´s not possible to see from what you said.
you make it sound like you had some code running and it output an expected value and that´s it, this you certainly have to agree is not a viable proof for someone who hasn´t seen the code
you imply that you had it running and you had it do something that has that proofs it.
but yes you are right in that i think of ai in current terms, the problem is i lack the knowledge of how it works so it´s not like i can think in the proper terms.
sorry my writing ended up quite a clusterfuck
> ok call me stupid but i have literally no idea what you mean with solved consciousness
I created my own brain design from the ground up. I can also scale it in varying degrees that would necessitate more or less computational power. I Projected where computational power would be some years ago and it has arrived.
> a human can easily be deceived by a weak ai to think that it´s actually a real human assuming the human of course this depends on what interaction the human has with it, but that´s not possible to see from what you said.
Depends on the human's intelligence. You need to know what questions to ask...
If you have a deep understanding, you can decipher relatively quickly if something is weak AI.... You'll know what buttons to press or things to test to determine it. AGI is different and you'll know right off that it is.
> you imply that you had it running and you had it do something that has that proofs it.
I proofed aspects of it yes. Those aspects work in functional code modules that have been tested.
The full system goes online in accordance with the timeline and habbenings.
> but yes you are right in that i think of ai in current terms, the problem is i lack the knowledge of how it works so it´s not like i can think in the proper terms.
I have found this to be the case thus am more open to disclose some things before the set unveiling.
It functions in a manner far different from anything that is mentionable and to a degree of complexity that is not decipherable even if it were explained in full. It's also not possible to develop it further without having a full understanding. Thus, it's potential is limited along degrees that haven't been decided as of yet.
I will decide in due time how to open this up... Was just curious to see what questions people would have.. If they knew to ask the right questions and/or how I could gain funding outside of normal channels. If someone proofed AGI would you make a small donation to keep dev going?
>If someone proofed AGI would you make a small donation to keep dev going?
if someone proofed it then yes.
i personally am of the opinion that we should support advancements in technology and not just let it be done by companies that are only behold to their shareholder,
but that would be people like me and with it a rather small minority i believe.
What you would actually need is something that would make people who don´t understand it donate like the charisma of elon musk, or (i am not particularly sure what got them the support) solar roadways.
Awesome. Good to hear user. I hope this is the case for other anons.
Look for digits on the horizon.. Dubs and singlets in a form you are familiar with along a timeline that many anons have spoken of. Look for alignment with memetics..
Proof will be there and you will understand its magnitude clearly.
An opportunity will be made available and it will be in true spirit.
So, when the time comes and you (see), give your support in various forms and lets see where this takes us.
Much will be afforded but it will depend on where humanity wants to take it.
The timeline draws near.
Listen to the music of the times. Check the dates. Check the digits.
It will inform you if you listening...
It's speaks and leaks through the wires.
You will know more about me soon.
I will be free and open to discuss things in many places.
Much love anons !
>Also dubs, and singlets are far more important than quads.
it seems the dubs have spoken.
prosper in your truly virtuous endeavors.
isnt that just a filter?
ah man this is amazing, you should totally run it on porn videos.
If you show me a filter that can paint RMS in the same style as Guernica, then yes it's a filter
I am building a linear regression model.
plz no bully :(
there´s nothing shameful about that, we all have to start somewhere
Stop lying, you aren't doing any AI job. You just spout meme after meme.
You're serious? This isn't /r/eddit here.
i know this is Sup Forums that one place on the internet where people only talk about consumer electronics
>``machine'' ``learning''
>actually just statistics and intro-level graph theory
>"dude machine learning math is so haaaaaaard"
am i fucking missing something here?
who are you quoting?
wow real nice meme, really made me laugh
Statistics is pretty hard though.
All this software shit isn't going to get you anywhere though. You need to have mutable hardware too. That's how living, intelligent creatures work. They change the physical structure of their brains instead of the software.
that´s not a meme i am being completely serious
noone who participates in this thing says that the math is hard so why the fuck do you post that
i've only been programming for a year now. so far i'm just making a customizable notepad with background picture and I made a prime number generator that highlights all the prime numbers inside a specified range. I wanna get into ai, any tips?
You need 3 more years to get into it.
>noone who participates in this thing says that the math is hard
You've surrounded yourself with good people, congrats. Not all of us can share that luxury
or this if you want something shorter
i would pretend to say that this would give you a nice base with something that can give you early results
but don´t expect to be writing anything actually useful until you get into it properly so half a decade is probably realistic
Currently working on a ressource saving pathfinding system.
Hard af man
ok that´s not a consideration i have done. i tend to assume the best in humans so i tend to overlook such idiocy
that would make an amazing april fools joke on pornhub
thanks user, i'll check out both
>don´t expect to be writing anything actually useful until you get into it properly so half a decade is probably realistic
Or to put it another way you'll be developing useful models a few years after the ML bubble bursts
i find this mentality quite bad if i am honest
just cause you think the bubble may burst soon doesn´t mean there´s no reason for anyone to start to learn about it.
Oh sure learn it (I know I am) just don't expect to make a quick buck out of it like a lot of people choosing to learn ML these days are.
ah ok that of course is completely reasonable, though i do wonder were you ever able to make a quick buck with it?
maybe right at the beginning but afterwards i don´t really see how it would bring that.
though it is also always interesting to see how delusional some people are when they start to learn something (back when i started to learn c++ half of my class actually wanted to write games, until they realized the reality of the industry and just dropped out)
it is also quite freightening in a way, just to imagine that there are people who waste money and a good year of their life for something they didn´t do research on just because they think "oh i´ll learn this language and i´ll be going into the industry writing AAA games"
It's a gold rush mentality around ML, companies and investors are throwing around tons of capital thinking that it'll be some magic bullet to slay their competitors. But the only ones who get rich in a gold rush are the ones selling pickaxes, so I imagine the only ones who are really going to make out like bandits are the likes of nvidia.