/pcbg/ - PC Building General

If you want help:
>Assemble parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560 - poverty-tier builds
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (R3 1300x - Good stop-gap between the 1500x and the 1200, only get a 1400 if you absolutely need multithreading
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games
>Vega soon.

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.de/Acer-UM-PR0EE-001-RT280Kbmjdpx-Monitor-schwarz/dp/B01KCLMHNY/ref=sr_1_12?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1501944596&sr=1-12&keywords=4k monitor

Is this good? I'll buy RX570 later after price drops

the cpu is nice for gaming but i heard it warms up a little too much


Office computer.

why would ut? low tdp and 14nm,with proper soldered heatspreader

cpu is too expensive for an office computer and even for gaming
Ryzen at the moment has the best price/performance ratio and I'm not shilling
Consider a ryzen 1300

then you have to get a gpu though. thats where (in my opinion) ryzen fails to deliver.

>muh smooth gameplay

i fucked up. shit internet so windows media creation tool kept failing. i built a new pc, reused hard drive from old system. wont boot to win10.
what am i supposed to do, and how?

If you don't have a gpu already, you're gonna need something.

If it's just an office computer, you might as well get a g4560. If you can wait, you could also consider amd apus.

Find away to make the tool. Via laptop, friend's computer, library, whatever. Alternatively, install gentoo.

download iso (torrent) make bootable usb with something like rufus

can the g4560 actually do much? day you have a spreadsheet, document, browser tabs and skype open i dont think it could do it

Can I overclock a ryzen 1700x to 4.0ghz with a prebuilt water cooler?

probably. reaching a certain number doesnt really do anything though


yeah, i have no access to another laptop or computer, so it makes it more difficult, and i frequent Sup Forums so i have very little friends in person

im interested in VR. This is my current build, built about 2 years 3 months ago.


Im reasonably happy with its performace, although the GPU is starting to run warmer and louder.

Is it worth it to just upgrade the GPU to a 1060GB or 1070 for the sake of VR (maybe a vive)? or is the dead socket and 4c/4t cpu not gonna last. considering making a whole new build but then i couldent afford a vive for a while after that

so why not do what i said? torrent works on the worst of connections

Is this fine ? GPU and storage will be from the old PC, waiting for GPU prices to go back to normal

Work related usage: matlab, altium, ltspice, excel. No gaming for now, in the future I want to get a top end gpu for simracing with VR. I went with be quiet because I want a silent pc. I would like to run a slight overclock if I can. I will migrate the GPU (AMD R7 360), HDD and all peripherals from my current PC.

Any recommended changes for this build? Don't include gpu or go above 1000€. I am from Slovenia.

People still build PCs? I stopped doing that around 2009 when the gap between mid range hardware and cutting edge hardware narrowed to the point where it no longer mattered except for spergs

You guys are all just a bunch of benchmark spergs aren't you

Enjoy buying prebuilt at 150% component price then

Is there a good way of getting Office 2016 without paying hundreds of bucks for it? Getting sick of Libre office and most of the keyshops I looked at looked really weird and only send a key card via actual mail.

is there any monitors guide?

You are in the wrong thread.

I didn't know you could buy laptop components individually at a lower price than the entire laptop already assembled

Do you have a lot of friends in China?

kek, I saw a few days ago a prebuilt PC for nearly 3000€ euros and it didn't even have a 1080 TI.
Put a lot of hard drive space, some shitty nox stuff and inflated the price for no fucking reason

Actually as a matter of fact yes


>look up an example of the most absurd possible alternative
>look I'm not buying that so this totally makes sense
Yeah I enjoy building a car out of random scrapped junkyard parts because someone in Dubai bought a Bentley and superglued diamonds to it. Totally not a waste of time!

Neat, well I don't speak Chinese and my 5 year old computer is doing just fine. Maybe for the next round assuming the "desktop OS" meme is not already dead by then. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to end up doing all my non-work stuff on a tablet with a keyboard plugged into it 5 years from now.

You are the kind of guy I make money from. Keep it that way good goy.

Absurd? You retarded faggot. You know what's a false analogy? Building cars is not the same as building computers. Almost ALL gamers prefer to build their own game rigs unless they are so wealthy they can throw away 4000 dollars to have a top-tier rig.

All pre-built computers will cost at least 50% more of the total component price.

You can go to the shop, buy all components separately and ask them to assemble it and it would still be cheaper

IS there a noticeable difference between a 60hz and a 75hz monitor? How much more would you pay for the faster one?

ahn? I don't get it

Oh, you're one of those people. No wonder, jesus christ. Have fun sending death threats to some female youtuber because she made the mistake of revealing her gender in a discussion about doom or whatever

if a demon captured you and said you needed to spend 10k on a pc and peripherals for a gayming PC, what would you get?

I never said I was a gamer. I barely have time to play. I get home everyday by around 21, have dinner, play a little fps and go to bed.

But I'm not a retarded that makes absolutely no research before buying anything.

You can't buy car parts and assemble it since you I don't have the knowledge. But you can see a 10 minutes tutorial of how to assemble a PC, spend other 20 minutes looking up advises on parts for a PC and buy it and build it yourself.

>I enjoy building a car out of random scrapped junkyard parts

I mean that's fine, but buying new parts to put together in a PC is not random junkyard parts.

m.2 drives are a meme in all but very specific workloads, none of which you have listed. get an 850 instead.

not here

become a student

personall i wouldn't upgrade for anything less than 144hz, it's a waste.

What i should know before i buy a mobo? I have 2 DDR3 memory and a AM3+ processor.
I will have a problem if i buy the cheapest one? What's the most important thing to know before i buy?
This is the mobo i have right now. She's good?

I have posted this in the previous thread and she was archived. Someone asked me which processor i have, it's a AMD FX-8120.

>you can't build a car because you don't know how
>you can build a pc even though you don't know how because you can waste time learning how
Look buddy, I was putting cards into slots and changing IRQ settings before you were born. It used to be a thing, back when you could save real money, and high end vs low end hardware were vastly different

What I am telling you is that it's a pointless timesink now, in 2017. Maybe if you're a professional bitcoin miner or something like that, then buying a lot of hardware on newegg and assembling it yourself is worth the effort. Or a pathetic "gamer" who threatens to kill people because he got "fragged" by a person with the wrong genitals

And yes, looking up tutorials and freaking out about "ryzen" and watercooling is a timesink

Now, you might argue that you think it's fun, and if so, I'd say, fine. Do what makes you happy

But it doesn't make you "smart" any more than changing your phone wallpaper makes you "smart". Of course Sup Forums would disagree because installing unetbootin and following a guided setup menu is a major life accomplishment

i can make a pc with maybe 10%~ less performance with 4k though

You'll need to make sure you grab a motherboard compatible with the FX chips then. Personally, I'd recommend the Asus 970 Pro Gaming Aura.
It's decent enough.

If you can, look for someone locally selling an AMD FX-8350. It'll be a much better CPU. You can usually find them for $50

I currently have FX-6300 with no plans to upgrade, RX 480 4GB with Freesync monitor. Because the prices of mining GPUs are so crazy and the RX 480 is probably overkill for the CPU I've preordered a cheap RX 560 4GB and plan to sell the 480. Do you think I'll notice much difference in 1080p?

btw, I know the big flaw in this plan is that the price of RX 480 will fall while I wait for RX 560 to come into stock so would sell the 480 now and temporarily reinstall my 7870.

>reaching a certain number doesnt really do anything though

question mark

Cancel the order and just keep the 480. You're spending money for no reason

I'm from Brazil. Eletronics here are godamnt expensive, it's hard to do a CPU upgrade.
For example, the mobo that you recommend costs $89,99 in amazon, and that's suposed to be R$281,80 in my country money.
Let's double this price, just for fun. $179,92 is R$563,60. It's a fair price for you? Now look at the cheapest one i could find.

Thanks, user. I accept your advice.

wow. You are fucked. Have fun.

>you can usually find them for $50
$50 = R$156,57
Let's double the price again, why not? $100 = R$313,15.
Triple the price? $150 = R$469,72
The cheapest one i could find. Someday i will live as illegal immigrant in USA and i will build a nice computer for a fair price.

Your country has importation corruption, you're not alone though this happens even in the EU, and poor Australians have it worse as far as I'm concerned.

When passing a video card through to a virtual machine when do you add the second card? Using linux. Will I need to boot the machine with both cards in there? The instructions say to blacklist the drivers that use the second card to make the system ignore it.

Running hardline water cooling and this needs to be planned a bit to avoid a pain in the ass.

Can't you just order from a non brazilian seller?

>can the g4560 actually do much? day you have a spreadsheet, document, browser tabs and skype open i dont think it could do it

G4560 owner here. It can do that perfectly well.

First for Threadripper
Ripping them wipe open summer '17

>giving an attacker a red carpet onto the host OS
If you insist on being a gayming babby you need to compartmentalize everything on its own hardware

What? How does running a virtual machine open anything up? Only one attack I have heard of breaks containerization and that was some hacker event thing that was immediately fixed. The host OS doesn't touch the second card it should change nothing in the host os.

Is this why sopa de macao poster gets butt hurt with AMD? Can't he just pay some fag to sneak it through customs without paying chimp tax?

australia is canada-tier and while it's shitty, it's nowhere near as bad as brazil

I always wonder this. We should crowdfund a smuggler into these countries once a year to help out fellow anons.

Not only importation corruption, they stole in everything.
Every citizen here lost at least 6 months of wage just paying taxes and the goverment uses this money to pay lazy people that "work" for them.

Sadly is not that easy. We also have importation taxes. The goverment holds the product and only give to you afer you pay it.

>can the g4560 actually do much? day you have a spreadsheet, document, browser tabs and skype open i dont think it could do it

G4560 owner here. It can do that perfectly well.

I think Canada is just the currency right? Its not actual imports.

Well, i don't know about that, but it must be only a coincidence. Give me a intel CPU name with his price in dollars and i can show you that is also too expensive here.

really just make sure your motherboard actually supports the processor you have
also, be careful with that motherboard. only revision 4.0 and higher actually support the 8120

i thought australia's was about 10-20% more than USA prices even with exchange rate?

Oh well don't worry user, I'm sure you can buy a computer eventually, just save up some more and improve your situation, don't get mugged by sopa de macacos.

question. in light of recent memes. Why doesn't Intel rename Coffee Lake into Covfefe Lake?

I have the rev 5, don't worry.
So i can buy anything that is compatible, right? I have these two babies with a acceptable price. Which one i should pick?

Thanks, user. Uma delícia.

tfw your country wants to crack down at import corruption but ends up making the price for imported item more expensive because it's harder to pass border security now.

Is the promise of a long life for AM4 something people take into account when choosing?

I'm sick of Intel. Even now they're actually responding to Ryzen with Coffee Lake, they're still keeping the tradition of requiring a new motherboard purchase. I think the reason they really do it is to make people try to "future proof" their CPU because it's more expensive to upgrade. I know I do

Is it realistic to buy a mid-tier X370 motherboard and expecting to use it for eight years, through several CPU upgrades?

Doubt it. First you probably dont need to upgrade cpu for awhile they are powerhouses and speed isnt growing much on intel side.

Second its a new architecture they will learn shit and have better motherboards.

You would need to wait for the 2nd or 3rd gen to get that kind of thing.

>m.2 drives are a meme in all but very specific workloads, none of which you have listed. get an 850 instead.
I did some research and it turns out they really are a meme. I already have a 850 in my current PC so i just saved 120€, should I put that money into something else?

So apparently the asshole dumbfuck at the PC shop ""forgot"" to include the HDD cage in the delivery. PSU cable is totaly blocking most of the CD drive bay so i dont think it would fit there either. The fuck do i do now?

I've operated SSDs at the bottom of case before, but will "normal" HDD's also do this without problems? Should i turn it upside down for better airflow? I also got one of these HDD fans which i could put underneath so it doesnt touch the case but then said hdd fan's metal encasing would touch it instead

there should be a lossless version of this pic out there

>must provide proof of purchase of ryzen/am4 to noctua to receive mounting hardware

Ebin :DD another three weeks of waiting from I actually buy the fucking components

Running HDD at the bottom of the case should be fine although the vibrations might irritate you

I think i'm going for the hdd case fan option though, putting it underneath for the time being should absorb said vibrations somewhat i think

Jesus i hope the asshole sends that missing hdd cage (which i paid for in the case price mind ya) ASAP or else he's going to have a paypal reimbursement case on his hands real quick kek

Your build is pretty solid otherwise considering you don't care about gayming for the present moment. Personally I would spend a bit more on a case, and also move to a better psu, with gold efficiency, but those things don't really matter. Spend the extra 120 earoshekels on a prostitute or something.

How much quieter is a stock Ryzen cooler compared to a stock Intel cooler?

should I go for 2 x 1080p monitors with a GTX 1060 6gb build


1 4k monitor with a 1070 gtx and pay extra

fuck I'm in Europe as well so this setup would be at least 1500-1600 euros (1800$)

what do?

Googling will give you objective benchmarks

>tfw reference cards look sexy but have awful cooling

go the 1060 - more productivity, you'll hit 60fps reliably and it'll take you a while to develop the autism necessary to justify buying and powering a 4k monitor.

1 4k
Tile it as 4 1080 screens if you really want a multimonitor experience
Physical multimoniter setups are a tired meme from last decade that's rightfully falling out of style

I'm looking for an IPS panel to plug my Switch on. Do you guys have any ideas of good IPS panels that'd give me the same image quality than the Switch has in portable mode? Inb4 muh gaymer.

>2x1080p is more productive than 1x4k

>Physical multimoniter setups are a tired meme from last decade that's rightfully falling out of style

Of course it is. Is your desk 1 meter x 1 meter?

what the fuck are you even talking about

i think ill go with you on this, i have a 24" 4k monitor at work and I just end up splitting windows instead of using my secondary 1080p monitor

isn't 24" a bit too small for 4k?
When I did calculations, 32" seemed to be the sweet spot to not require the use of scaling

it is, its an old one, I wanna go with amazon.de/Acer-UM-PR0EE-001-RT280Kbmjdpx-Monitor-schwarz/dp/B01KCLMHNY/ref=sr_1_12?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1501944596&sr=1-12&keywords=4k monitor

Plus Im not gonna play video games on two monitors


I don't know what I'm doing

not sure about those monitors, are you sure you chose well?
How much approx do 32" IPS 4k go for ?

Unless your 4k screen is literally twice as tall and long as the 1080p screen, you have more screen real estate with 2 screens. I have 3 screens at work and 2 for my personal setup, can't imagine life without them, for any sort of production task.

Thanks lad, got my key

3 times as much. I'm not sure I just chose the one thats on discount, 28" and 4k for 300 euros is pretty good, no? what could go wrong

What's a good sub-$100 cooler for a Ryzen 1700x? Prob just overclocking to 1800x levels. Are there any adequate ones around $50?


I'm in the process of doing incremental upgrades to my FX8350 rig. The CPU is starting to show its age.

I'm stumped on which motherboard to get for socket AM4. I can't afford an x399 right now so I'm looking at the higher end x370 boards. What do you guys recommend if I plan on getting a Ryzen 5 1700 and doing heavy overclocking? Lurking previous threads tells me ASUS is probably the way to go right now.

>what could go wrong
That you will get high pixel density, but overall shitty monitor
But I guess if the next better thing is 3 times as much, there's not much choice to have
Or you could get a QHD IPS 24" for 200-250, but that's less pixels than 2x1080p, but still at least a single screen without bezels inbetween
By your logic a 50" 768p monitor would be more screen real estate than a 15" FHD then
2x1080p provides the same size horizontally but will be two times less vertically than 4k