Tfw fell for the linux meme

>tfw fell for the linux meme

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just install GNU operating system at the top and it will work

It's a good OS, user. You should give it a try.

It has everything I need.

we all been there OP. Now that you have seen how shitty it is you can stop worrying about it.

Linux is a kernel, it won't work by itself

agreed, Android is fucking shit

have you tried it with GNU?

>people taking (((stallman's))) autism over the name seriously

I fell for it too. I'm glad I did tho.

which distro did you fell for?

>install OpenBSD
>everything just werks
>be secure as fuck
>still totally free
>clean code
Only pajeets would stay on Linux.

>GCC 4

clang is in staging, GPL3 is a shit license desu; theo isn't falling for jewish tricks

>Using outdated as shit software just because it's licensed differently
I though that was the macfag's excuse of using Bash 3

>everything just werks

GPL3 is a cancer, take a look at this from king penguin himself:
Besides, as I said before clang will be used to build the system in the near future.

Using OpenBSD on a personal computer is pointless unless it's a netbook or very old. Or you want to do your banking in a browser running as root.

>be secure as fuck
good joke

Which distro is this

Theo isn't that retarded to care about that. They practically forked gcc.

It does though.

>Or you want to do your banking in a browser running as root?
What did you mean by this


So what? I don't give a single flying fuck what license it's under as, I just want shit to work.



Too late faggot

To use my wifi chip i have to recompile the kernel because the faggots banned loadable modules. Also 3D acceleration and sound (sndio) have way more bugs than pulse audio ever has.

>tfw fell for the GNU plus linux meme




manjaro openRC

Someone should interject for a moment.

The Manjaro logo is right there at the top left, why did you have to ask?

googled Linux distros and it wasn't in the first few images. Figured that would be quicker. It was.