82 days since last Windows 10 update

>82 days since last Windows 10 update

Should I even care anymore, Sup Forums? Im afraid that Creators will only break more things than it adds.

Whats your approach towards Windows updates? In before "using Windows" - none of the Linux distros worked for me, I ahd to switch to Windows everytime I needed something to be done.

install gentoo

>>Sup Forums

So what? You will install it sooner or later. Just suck that ms cock as usual.

Since when operating systems are video games board material? I can assure you that if I would make this thread on Sup Forums, mods would delete it.

I dont really have to, as you can see. It simply remind me about updates being there, I always ignore it. Hence the thread.


game console os

I just follow the companywide policies properly and trust that the admins know what they're doing. I just use Windows to run my programs.

>82 seconds since last pacman -Syu
I have to check again to make sure I'm not missing out on any new package


You'll have to update eventually, just bite the bullet already.

>Since when operating systems are video games board material?
Windows 10 is Sup Forums related and 99% of its users are Sup Forums related.

Mods and rules dont agree, its just your weird imagination user. Video games are Sup Forums material, operating systems are Sup Forums material, no matter how much you hate Windows or anything. Sup Forums is not "linux only" board and until it become one, I suggest stick to the rules.

Windows is for video games, it's not technology

My experiences says otherwise - pretty much every company runs Windows unless on servers. A lot of software neeed for various works runs better or only on Windows. Your weird idea of "Windows is only for games" is a meme.

> Creators will only break more things than it adds.

It does. Since I updated it every single time I open a program that uses and audio device while another program is currently using it I hear a crackle in my speakers, even if I have headphones connected. Fuck windows 10

>not using windows xp

>dont really have to, as you can see. It simply remind me about updates being there, I always ignore it.
It will eventually tell you that it'll only let you postpone one more time, and after that it's time to install. Happened to me a few weeks ago.

ANd how long did you waited? Also, Im using EU Edu, it behaves differently than what most people describe.

A month or more.

Well, I wait over 80 days so I dont think it will affect me.

I've traditionally stayed about a year behind and never suffered any ill effects, other than that my computer always works and I don't have to suffer random reboots.