Who /regret/ here?


>remember I have a little bitcoin

Millions of nerds live /regret/.

But I doubled my money earlier this year, so I'm good with Bitcoin.

Don't forget to split and sell BCH

Buy now or you will really regret it in a year.

The pyramid scheme will end eventually i dont wanna take that bet

I regret not buying it when I first learned about it on Sup Forums when it was less than $10 per coin

Instead of crying about missing out on the Bitcoin bubble, why don't you support a coin that has yet to reach its true value? I'm talking about Monero. This should be the coin of Sup Forums. FOSS, privacy-oriented, decentralized, better technology than every other cryptocurrency I know of. It already sees actual use from normies as the best way to buy drugs, and darknet markets are currently in the process of shifting over to using it in place of Bitcoin. The dev team doesn't do any kind of marketing, so /biz/ retards and the like haven't caught on yet, but it I imagine it will be challenging Bitcoin within a few years.

Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. (Proverbs 13:11)

Get off Sup Forums with your shilling

/biz/ is filled with retards lured in by the latest flashy scam coin. I know at least some portion of Sup Forums has an understanding of technology, so I just hope some people here will look into Monero and see its potential.

>calling bitcoin gains hasty

fucking this. at least i bought ethereum at $10

>sold 30k worth before august 1

The problem is, the people who only benefit from this are the people who have the time, money and means to scale up and industrialize the process.

Sure, Bitcoins are three-thousands dollars each, but.....
>Miners have driven up the difficulty
>Miners have bought up all the resources and driven up hardware prices

This ponzi still exist? Wow.

I will never be able to buy a new GPU within this decade

b u t t h u r t

/biz/ actually doesn't give a shit about Monero, too few ICOs and one of the lead developers telling people to not buy it.

I almost invested 50€ when it was like 1€.
But it was too much hassle for me to make account etc just to buy drugs.

A few years latter it was at 600 and I almost took the plunge.

>new ke anonymoose digital coin for deventralized money
>wow nice lets sign up on coinbase
>take a photo of your id
Lol fuck off

World is full of missed opportunities. Why didn't I invest in x, why didn't I learn technology y. If I started going to the gym few years ago when I started jogging/running I would be jacked as fuck now. Why didn't I take better care of my health and relationships with people. Why did I spend so much time playing vidya. Didn't go to parties/events, later hearing there was girl there looking for me wishing I had came. On the list of all of my hindsight regrets bitcoins aren't that high.


>Why didn't I take better care of my health and relationships with people

For the same reason you're here thinking about what could have been instead of using the ample time you have right now to do all those things. All so just a few years from now you find yourself again wondering how your life would be if in this very day you had chosen to do something instead of projecting your wishful thinking while sitting your ass down 24/7.

There is no shame in learning something the hard way, there is only shame in learning what you did wrong and still persisting in it.

Bitcoin is NOT anonymous in the slightest

whats a good normie bank to buy and sell btc

It's a ponzi scheme

I spent all of my student loan money on the first bubble and I've been in debt ever since. I want to kill myself right now so badly. I hate myself. I fucking hate myself. I'm a worthless piece of shit. I am retarded.

>tfw when i haven't lost thousands of dollars by investing in wrong scamcoins
>tfw i don't have to shell out hundreds of bucks on gpus because i am not a gaymen
Feels good, Sup Forums.

I don't know how to make this fake money into real money without getting hit with a million fees or getting v& so no regret.

>sold around 20 btc august 5th 2013 for like $95 each in light of news that governments were going to crack on it making it illegal
>i'd now have 65k if I had held onto it

this. only reason why i avoided it

I had 100 btc in 2009 and sold them for a gtx 500

>instead of crying about missing out on buying stocks in Google, why don't you support the latest search engine startup company that has yet to reach its true value, Dogpile?

I remember like 5 years ago there was this one old guy (like 60 years old) that came to my store and suggested me to mine bitcoins. I laughed it off saying "free" money don`t exist. He is probably very rich now...


don't say you didn't had another chance.

I had all my BTC at btc-e. FBI robbed me dry, so I don't give a fuck anymore.

I had Bitcoin miner running in a Sandbox for a few weeks back at the start.
I don't even know how many coins I generated.
I stopped it because it was boring.
That drive had since been written to so many times that all free space was used several times in the period that the value of the coin exploded.
I was never able to recover it.
Almost felt like headbutting 100 fireworks.


You and 7 billion other timid retards

Noboby gives a fuck for this shit, not even the fucking lazy people who developed that coin.

its worth $50 bucks, it was worth $5 august last year and less than a buck the year before

you already lost the boat

add you will Monero to your missed opportunities in 2020

mark my words.

isn't it harder to mine than ETH with the same GPUs despite there being less people mining it?

What do I do with the ones I had on Poloniex? I didn't get BCC/BCH on there.


sold 2,000 ETH at $3/coin in late 2015

what fees are there if you liquidate all your btc to cash and put it back into your bank account?

0.2 % makers fee + capital gains taxes

oh wow

(((they))) have even gotten to this too huh

I remember when bitcoin was like $1 a piece and I almost bought $100 worth, but I was a poor college student and decided against the gamble

>fucking lazy people
>have PhDs in mathematics
>second most active codebase of all cryptocurrencies
Really makes me think.

Are still lazy developers who are not giving a damn fuck for XMR.

For a long time now, banks have colluded with the tax man.

I've actually had this problem before, switched banks because of it, and had it happen again.

If you get a cash transfer above a certain amount into your account, it gets flagged by the bank. They report it the IRS, and probably law enforcement agencies as well.

A cash transfer of $20,000 was enough to get my bank account frozen until I went down to the bank in person, sat down, and talked to a manager about where the money came from and filled out some tax paperwork.

It's fucked.

damn... i kind of want to play with like 10k in BTC

> The dev team doesn't do any kind of marketing
Then the coin will go nowhere

Getting really sick of these fuckers and their digital beanie baby pyramid scheme sucking up all the inexpensive tech shit. A $120 card is now selling for $170. I want to roll up to some cryptochad's pad and just fucking beat them. I want them to beg for their life and offer me their fucking shitcoin before I beat their head in with a post.


You still can, it's just that if you liquidate... you'll need to track everything and pay the appropriate taxes if you don't want to risk getting jerked around.

Being serious for a moment, I'm really tempted to devote all my time to destroying cryptocurrencies. And not in a dumb way. In subversive, spooky, underhanded ways. Because all you really need to do is keep people panicking and you can strangle one of these fucking things. Just need the right angle.

>Sup Forums poorfags getting triggered
Yes... yes... let the lack of foresight flow through you...

What app is that?

Do you have any idea what the market cap on BTC is like nowadays?

You're dreaming.

Servers are easy to break.

I watched live when this rolled over 1000 years ago
but I don't feel bad because I cannot compete with all of the chinks and kikes with their ASICs

It's decentralized, that's the whole point.


1. It isn't as decentralized as people like to believe.

2. You fucks turned projects intended to benefit mankind into your own deranged form of capitalistic folderol. All that processing power going to just generating some fucking Monopoly money.

I remember when this shit was about crunching genomes and curing cancer.

butthurt communist detected

It's more comparable to
>instead of crying about missing out on buying stocks in Myspace, why don't you support Facebook?
Monero is pretty clearly the technologically superior coin. The only way Bitcoin wins is if its head start in adoption prevents anyone from switching to the currently less-used Monero.

Like, let me clarify point 1. It isn't regulated by a treasury, but it isn't like it's nebulous and omnipresent. Bitcoin is reliant on infrastructure.

If say, certain elements were targeted, large quantities of the currency would vanish. If certain people were targeted, similar events would occur. If certain revelations came out, of which there are indeed many, people would flee.

Cryptocurrency is a pyramid scheme. No matter how fancy the narration. No matter how obfuscated the wordage used. It's a pyramid scheme. It's a get rich quick scheme that people are flocking to. Because they feel like discouraged billionaires. But they're worthless people just propping up the tiers above them. And that's how Bitcoin operates. The haves trickle down mana to the have nots, and as the bottom grows as people flock in seeking riches, the people up top simply have the value of their stockpile increase.

It's a scam. It's all a scam. Because money at its core is a scam. It's all like this. The only difference is that the dollar can launch a missile. Bitcoin can't launch a missile. Bitcoin can't field an army. Bitcoin being thematically decentralized per a power structure means it's defenseless. It's defenseless. It's vulnerable. And the only thing feeding it is the capacity for idiots to be stupid. So.. say... you blocked off the access to the mining. Let's say you turned the valve and you closed things off. No more mining. Let's say... no more mining for all Comcast customers, and that filter stays active...

Yeah. Mmm. Sorry. Sorry about your pyramid scheme.


Read Zero to One, it doesn't matter whether it's technologically superior, if it isn't marketed well it will go nowhere. And even if it is, it has to be 10x better technologically to have any hope of overtaking BTC.

>So.. say... you blocked off the access to the mining.

>crypto currency entirely built on a virtual Monopoly of nonfree patented asic

The market is already fake retards.

Constant software features which don't work on nonfree chinkware Asics.

It's pretty fucking easy actually.

>my friend bought 40 at $60 and still has them
>I never bought any

There are so many points of attack to target cryptocurrencies. The network, the verification, the transmission of data itself. I mean, you can also just attack memetically and point out that the last update to Bitcoin's "success" comes from numbers from 2015 when it peaked, and that it's been in steady decline ever since, with the record "100,000 vendors accepting" rapidly declining over the last two years.

You realize you can just choke Bitcoin out with a bunch of shitty micro transactions right?

It would be very trivial if you had the coin and didn't care.

I mean, the whole value increase of Bitcoin comes because as more people mine, the more they mine the harder it is to get Bitcoins. The difficult scales into infinity. So it is a train with very real brakes. And the people that understand the math know when the fuck to get off that train.

Bound to happen eventually. (((They))) won't allow cryptos to threaten their power.

Or you can just shut off the electricity, and it's over.

No electricity= no bitcoin.

As has been proven, that's a matter of a few hundred people acting simultaneously.

If a coordinated act took out the grid, that fucker's staying down for months. It's why all the letter agencies freaked the fuck out about that incident in Cali.

>Its a scam!
>it will never work, fiat will always rule!
>its only being used by druggies!
>it will never be mainstream!
>its a ponzi scheme!

Countless times have I heard this shit. Countless times it just keeps going up. Anons, do I have to fucking spell it out for you? This shit is going to make you rich, i'm going to give you one FINAL warning, by the dip and hold or else.

waiting for a dip

Okay, in Peter Thiel's meme terms, it is a zero to one development because no other private, fungible coins exist. Even normies don't want their finances to be completely public.
And honestly I don't think that applies to cryptocurrencies yet anyway. None of them have any kind of mainstream adoption, just a bunch of people speculating on the price.

the only thing that suffers from news like this is the countless scam ICO's that pop up and have zero use

the big coins are going to love this

lel fucking this,

this was the opportunity of our lifetimes and many nocoiners are still missing.

It keeps going up because that's part of the scam. The longer the chain is mined, the longer it takes. Scarcity increases, thereby increasing the value of the hoarded coins.

It's like a leveling system in a game. Sure. Leveling can be infinite. But that curve goes up like a motherfucker.

Like, let me blunted this. There will come a point where the electricity it takes to generate a bitcoin will be worth more than the bitcoin, no matter how much you can inflate it.

wasn't the incident in Cali funded by the government 'to test for flaws'?

What incident in Cali?

so much new
Bitcoin has never been shilled as anonymous with anyone with the slightest idea of what it is
Also, Bitcoin it's almost 9 years old now
Keep using Goybase instead of just buying Monero from your friendly local drug/crypto dealer
>t. no idea what a ponzi scheme is
Literally anyone can cash out their crypto whenever they want, the current market cap it's not really justifiable but that isn't what defines a ponzi scheme
No you didn't, the first bubble (as most normies know it, 2013) hit an ATH of 1300 on Mt. Gox, the current price sits at over 3000, you would had twice your money right now if that was true
Even if it was another """bubble""", like the January 1200 peak, or the recent 2800 peak, you would be sitting on profits
If it was any of the other bubbles you would be rich
This is what Jihan does and he hasn't been able to wreck Bitcoin tx-wise, and he has been at it for like 3 years now
SEC's regulating ICO's that offer themselves as securities while pretending to be tokens
It will finally end those countless scams
There's nothing stopping you from designing your own ASIC that can mine the Bitcoin PoW, in fact some of the first BTC FPGA's were like this
Are you actually retarded? BTC has been doing nothing but grow since then, and there's been much more complex and coordinated attacks on it
That's not how BTC works, the entire system it's based on deflation, not inflation
After the inflationary phase of BTC ends the mining reward will be just transaction fees
You probably don't even know what that means, also, the mining difficulty adjusts itself to how much it is mined, it can increase or decrease according to that

>What incident in Cali?
Some people launched a black ops style raid against a few power facilities. Shot up a power station. Some other shit. Never been caught.

>You probably don't even know what that means, also, the mining difficulty adjusts itself to how much it is mined, it can increase or decrease according to that

May want to go edit Wikipedia to hide the dirty details and further encourage people to get a second mortgage to sink into mining buttcoins, chief.

I mean, for fuck's sake. The reason there are like 500 different fucking cryptoscams is because they're pump and dump. Early adopters get benefits, the latecomers get fucked in the ass. That's why there's been an endless fucking lineup of these fucking things.

People have forgotten what money is. It is an intermediary to the barter system. You get paid for work and you pay for work, that's about it. Businesses and greed blurred that system, nothing has a clear value now. I'm staying away from this Snake Oil and planting a few more veggies in my backyard garden.

Bitcoin is still a dumb meme scheme even if it goes up. If it goes high all that means is it is a successful scheme with a lot of suckers. Bitcoin is drug coin and nothing more. Silk Road shut down but for some reason it's worth even more now. Wow, you can't even buy as much shit as you could when it wasn't worth anything but it still keeps going up for some reason.

Sucks for transactions since it is slow anyway, it is just pretend money autists play with thinking someone else might eventually use it.

mfw i bought pizza for 65 BTC in early days
it wasn't even good

Yeah, by that definition anything in business it's a pump and dump scam, including Apple/Google/Amazon and Microsoft

>he believes there could only be a single Silk Road and no one can redo the thing

Oh shit. I forgot that all Microsoft has done for the last 40 fucking years is get people to mine Microbux. Oh, I must have so many Microbux because I started in 95. I must be a Microbux millonaire.

>ignoring the financial economy that was made around Bitcoin
Yeah, BTC's value it's entirely from mining, keep believing that dumb retard