Install MPC-HC like Sup Forums recommended

>Install MPC-HC like Sup Forums recommended
>Watching a cute anime
>Go to take a screenshot
>Doesn't include the subs in the screenshot
>Even VLC does this
>Need to install a meme codec or program like MadVR


Other urls found in this thread:

2b more like 2 cute feet

>watching a cute anime
>go to take screenshot
>program crashes due to dumb bug in screenshot plugin
>install different plugin
>commence screenshotting

>go to take screenshot
>screenshot doesn't include subs
>locate plugin github
>study plugin's code
>gain a greater understanding of what your computer does while simultaneously improving the plugin for yourself and everyone who uses it

>not using mpv

>install mpv
>everything just werks

there is an option to turn them on you dump pice of fuck

mpv is the patricians choice. Windowscels can rot with their virginity and autistic codec packs

2b more like 2 cute feet (。>﹏

no there isn't








>watching anime

Footfags should not be considered human beings

>not using objectively better video players because of non-features like "screenshots don't have the subs in them"

What is the PRT SC key?

>Click printscreen
Wow, that was hard.

even mpc-hc devs recognize the superiority of mpv
get cucked

Nah, I use both, I just don't like it when idiots blame x program can't do y thing when it can.

I just press prnt scrn on my keyboard whenever I need a screenshot.

The thing you got to realize about Sup Forums is that they will recommend to you the most far-from-removed mainstream solution to any question you have. That way, they can feel more clever and intelligent about themselves. When, in reality, the reason why the mainstream software is mainstream and bloated is because it provides a solution to 90% of consumer desires.


>low quality

prove it can then?

2 b a weeb
more like a good time to hang yourself!

works on my machine