Which VPN does >/g use and why do you think yours is safe ?

Which VPN does >/g use and why do you think yours is safe ?

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I use AirVPN because it has a very easy to use and powerful Windows Client with Network Lock and stuff like that. Also it's fairly cheap, the staff seems competent and have a good track record

However, I don't want to shill a VPN. Do your own research and find the one that fits your needs.

>my vpn is the real sheetz
>i don't want to shill

Proxy.sh, but they have less than the best customer service, and the business itself seems sketchy af. But I've never gotten v& yet, so I guess there's that. Also $5/month to post "thanks yify"

If you use any VPNs based in the 14 eyes country, you are a fucking pleb and deserve to have your dick roasted.

>buhhh no loggs!!!

fucking dumbos

I just explained why I chose the VPN I'm using.

It's very far from perfect, for example it has severe leaking problems with Linux and Mac systems.

Sauce on image?

None. I trust my ISP more than I trust VPN providers.

God I wish I could trust mine more than some filthy servers around the world

bought into the vpn meme and tried out privateinternetaccess because as others have mentioned they were 'proven' reliable in court, the issue with the court case is that the guy was found guilty because he was using another vpn and the only mention in regards to pia was that he bought a subscription, as far as I know there's nothing to suggest that he even used the service and pia's statement that they don't keep logs could just be a pr move

either way their eu server speeds are shockingly bad and had plenty of packet losses, ended up refunding that and going back to tunnelling into a dedi

I use Nord VPN. My main reason for it is that it's based in Panama. Jews don't have jurisdiction there. I also use it because it has openvpn support, but now I realise what a buggy thing openvpn is I switched to their client. It's good, but as it's with almost all VPNs, the connection breaks and this damn client doesn't have reconnection. It didn't work with openvpn either, had the same problem with ipredator. Ipredator was alright but expensive and supported only one connection at a time. But they own their own servers and operate in Sweden where the law supports wider privacy.

Would I go with Nord VPN again? I googled for a discount code for it and got it for a year for about $40. I don't think I would. They lack a customer support medium so the only way to contact them is via some e-mail. Slow and inconvenient. But I would be torn about what provider to use. PIA has good reputation but it's owned by Americans, means I can't trust it when torrenting.

I use doublehop.me:
> Based in Seychelles
> 33$ a year
> /dev/null logs
> Bitcoin-only payments
> Their customer service is so shit that it qualifies as OPSEC on its own - just look at thatprivacyguys review of doublehop.me
> thatoneprivacysite.net/2017/03/16/doublehop-review/
> They were removed from privacytools.io recommended VPNs list
> doublehop.me/about.html

>Sauce on image?

Adobe(R) Photoshop(TM)
google reverse image search returns a lebbit PS sub with an original image where he is reading his own webpage.


which VPN allowed on netflix and Sup Forums (for posting)


I use PIA, but am thinking about switching to Mullvad.

Is it worth it?

Pia coz no logs until now


You probably have to use a own VPS or TOR, since all big services like Netflix and Sup Forums are blocking VPN IPs. All VPNs I tried are blocked on Sup Forums

i use my own vpn running on my server at home

and i believe it is safe because it is set up by me and it runs on my hardware

Digitalocean droplet + OpenVPN

You can get nordvpn for 79€ for 3 years right now, i think.


AirVPN for casual traffic & torrenting. Cyptostorm for the other stuff.

Does anybody use Lavabit? I'm thinking about getting the service.