Tell me one good reason to use Winspy10 over Windows 7

tell me one good reason to use Winspy10 over Windows 7

>muh DirectX 12

Other urls found in this thread:

Microsoft disabled updates for Windows 7 on newer hardware.

Easy. Also,
>not taking 3 min to nuke all telemetry and bloat in windows 10

>needing to update past SP1


Because windows 7 does the same thing now, moron.

>>not taking 3 min to nuke all telemetry and bloat in windows 10
Do you actually think turning the settings off does something?

It doesn't.

You can pick and chose your udpates. Find a copy of 7 that isn't updated.

>support for modern hardware
>you can't trust win7 either
If you're worried about microsoft spying on you then switch to loonix, you have no gurantees that 7 doesn't spy on you too. If you're not then there is no reason to stick with 7 when 10 is just a straight upgrade to it.

I'm not going to discuss anything with retarded tech illiterate like you. If wannacry didn't teach you anything then maybe it will once you get hit personally. I hope you will.

you can't even edit Linux files with that worthless shite

>If you're not then there is no reason to stick with 7 when 10 is just a straight upgrade to it.

Well windows 7 doesn't outright take encrypted screenshots and upload them to microsoft, so actually there is a reason to stay on it.

>f wannacry didn't teach you anything

>not being on a private network
>being open to malware services
>not knowing how to backup and reinstall an OS

>source: my ass

Do you actually think no one has spent time nuking bloat/telemetry in windows 10? Plenty have and plenty incentive exists to create good software for that purpose. Not hard to check the packets.

pfsense shows it did the job.

yes you can, what?

>being so retarded to get wannacry in the first place
i'm seriously wondering how people get those
>Disables the "Unsupported Hardware" message in Windows Update, and allows you to continue installing updates on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems with Intel Kaby Lake, AMD Ryzen, or other unsupported processors.

hahahaha you don't even use it, do you?

Can't wait for that 'RSA Decryptor' webm to be posted.

>MUH Gayms
>MUH Pro tools
and it's also free

they are encrypted you piece of shit, you don't know what the fuck it's doing

>who needs security updates for a bug-ridden OS?
you're right dumb animeposter

tell me one good reason to use any version of Winshit over GNU/Linux

>muh gaymes
>muh botnet software

>Prove it!
>W.. w.. well its ENCRYPTED? Prove me WRONG!

Every fucking time

>connecting to the internet
>using a mainstream browser (or a fork of one)
>using Sup Forums
>but he's worried his OS is going over the line

that goes both ways, pajeet

you tried too hard with this post

>muh gaymes
Doom singlehandedly made DOS sell.
One of the main reasons why Valve was created, because Doom was selling more copies than DOS/Windows at the time.

Games is not only valid reason it might be the only reason to get an OS as all the other software will follow suit


Applies to linux and mac users too. Spergs on here are ruining the entire concept of what privacy actually fucking means.

You can
>modify linux subsystem files on that subsystem
>modify any other file on any operating system (incl. the subsystem) and load it from /mnt folder
That "can't modify linux files" only applies to the internal storage of the subsystem, it's mapped to a visible folder but uses it's own permission system.

blue pilled af

keep yourself safe sweetie :3

for dx12
you should be using a linux anyway and only using a passthrough in a vm for gaming

you don't know what you speak of, you just want to post.
>"dude but Ubuntu spies on you with the amazon stuff!"
I guess that's true if you are too stupid to switch desktop environments

>you don't know what you speak of, you just want to post.
Read your own comment you fucking dumbass~
It's not just about amazon, but you constructed a strawman just to prove how amazing you are at arguing against it, you totally pwned him!!
Fucking spergs ruining this board.

CEO worked for blacknips CIA company

*black ops
no idea how that got on my spell check

By never bothering with security updates. And being unlucky enough to be on infected network - which also happens to be because there are morons like you and that never bother to update. You are too much of a retarded sub 90 IQ brainlet to realize it, but all forced updates and other botnet 10 fuckery is caused by morons like you.

I already knew about this, just didn't want to bother installing some shitty third party hacks just to keep basic functionality of my OS. Either way, that's actually decent solution for as long as it works.

I hope it will be followed by source code of Windows 7, that you seem to believe to be so much more trustworthy than botnet 10. Protip for you, brainlet, anything made by microsoft should not be trusted.


there's nothing that will convince you neckbearded autists that a piece of software/hardware you use is secure.
>"dude you are losing your privacy by going on the internet!"
going on the internet is essentially going out in public. You don't expect to have privacy out in public do you?

if win7 is up to date, it spies just like 10, if not it's highly vulnerable (wannacry toussatoussa)
win10 run way better on low end modern hardware
win10 is way much more optimised for high end modern hardware, newer won't even be compatible
edge is not perfect yet but it is the best browser right now imo
win10 will be upgraded every 6 month for many years for free
more and more softwares won't run on win7 (games of course but not only)
what is your opinion on XP autistic users ? yeah that sucks but you should know that win10/OSX/GNU/Linux/bsd/... users and everybody using a non-outdated OS think the same of you
I'm too lazy to continue but you asked for good reasons, there are plenty. Embrace the futur or at least live in the present and leave the past to your memories
>btw win7 is an ugly piece of shit frankensteined from a shitty vista, 2000 master race

just give upĀ®

no, shlomo

>what is updated kernel
>what is "lunix 4 botnet10 subsystem"
>what is hyper v
>why am i a neet "programmer"