How do you Linux users get by without Adobe Photoshop...

How do you Linux users get by without Adobe Photoshop? Gimp users needn't post with their inapplicable horse shit about the piece of turd that is Gimp because it will never have anything on Photoshop, especially with its atrociously horrid excuse for a user interace. I'll wait

Other urls found in this thread: archive/ubuntu/gimp-edge

I'm not a faggot graphic designer that needs some giant bloated suite thats why I'm using linux

if you don't give gimp a try, and expect it to work just as photoshop(c) you'll never find such a program.

green is my krita

Wine CS4
Theres a portable version on piratebay that works flawlessly

Not an argument

Wine, krita, learn to use gimp

By using photoshop?
It just werks under patched (for GalliumNine) Wine 2.10+ and GalliumNine

CC 2017 just werks now...
No need to use old CS4 unless you really like it for some reason.

Dual boot yaknow

I use GIMP. It's fine for most uses, and the fact that it's difference than PS is a non-issue, as GIMP has never touted itself as a PS clone. If you're a some kind of "graphic designer", then you need to get a real job and shut up.

well, let me tell you a secret m8, I don't.

I don't need anything more than KolourPaint.

>How do you Linux users get by without Adobe Photoshop?
I've never had a reason to use Photoshop.

>How do you Linux users get by without Adobe Photoshop?

he answered your question completely, just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it invalid

>proprietary software
Might as well not use GNU/Linux. And chances are, there's nothing you need to do in PS that you can't learn to do with GIMP.

graphic artist here

I switched to gimp/krita and my only complaint is you can't do certain things with paths that you could do with photoshop but theres workarounds and besides if it bothers me that much i can just learn inkscape.

I'm not paying 20 bucks a month and I'm not installing a botnet crack on my PC so its a win win.

This. Not everyone need that piece of shit.

Draw a circle?
Editable text layers?
Editable layer effects?
Measure distance between two points with a custom scale so as to determine real world measurements from an image?
Decent save-for-web functionality?
There is shitloads more, GIMP sucks huge chode.

Krita is an excellent replacement for CorelDraw and CorelPaint - if GIMP was as good as Krita we wouldn't be having this argument.
But right now, Paint.Net is a better replacement for Photoshop than GIMP.

whatever, GNU/Linux is a tool, and an excelent one at that, it is not a way of life.

remember, this are the only approved GNU/Linux distros:

if you're not using those you might as well use windows. amirite?

right tool for the right job. that's all.

Because the vast majority of us have absolutely no use for it?

>Draw a circle?
>Editable text layers?
GIMP can do this. Way to out yourself as someone who's never used GIMP. Not sure about the rest of your meme stuff, but probably baseless if you think the first two are true.

>does not know layer effects

that's why you can deal with GIMP, I hope it gets better I really do. But today's not the day.

>draw a circle
Gimp can do this, there just isnt a "create circle shape layer" ellipse tool but lets be honest who the fuck needs shape layers anyways
>layer effects
there are workarounds to emulate these but I admit for example dropping a shadow isn't as pretty or customizable in gimp as it is in PS and you can't exactly bevel and emboss and stuff like that. But I'm an artist not a graphic designer, though I have designed graphics here and there using GIMP and found no issues.

it all boils down to masks and a more robust pathing system, if its worth 20 bucks a month to you or you get it for free from work then power to you. you can use QEMU or dual boot by the way since this thread is about running the shit under linux

I don't. I wanted to go full Linux but because I work as graphic designer - I just can't.
I hate Adobe and their subscribtion model but the truth is - there is just no alternative to their products, especially if you work with print houses (Scribus is complete shit).
But, I truly believe that if you don't work as a designer for a living -GNU/Linux has enough tools for semi-professional work with graphics.

GIMP can do all of those except "Editable layer effects". I'm not good at GIMP but I just make a layer above the layer I want, but most of the time I can just make a another layer for the effect.
I'm not sure what "Decent save-for-web functionality" means. You can use regular pngs on websites.

>decent save-for-web functionality
it means severe crippling autism in dealing with colors.

Linux users don't use Photoshop, they only use it for shitposting, tiling windows, editing config files with vim.
Any to create any decent work which involves editing non-text files requires another OS.

ITT: Linux users who typically promote freedom, chastise users for using exactly the same software as them, with their use cases under their terms.

>editing non-text files
>worthwhile or decent work
A "graphics designer" is not a real job. All of technology is built on text files, while abstraction is just for useless parasites and photoshop-artisans like yourself.


>muh ad hominem
Just admit that Linux does not have any decent software for these tasks.
It also does not mean that Linux is shit, it's userbase is just small and mostly consists of devs / more tech minded people, so there is no pont for companies / OSS to invest money / effort in compatible software.

>tfw when macOS master race has even more viable options to choose from

Affinity and Pixelmator are both viable alternatives and fairly affordable.

Wine doesn't work with 64-bit PS. It's totally unacceptable.

>muh ad hominem
Your post literally starts off by equating all "Linux users" to ricers, then goes on to claim using Photoshop somehow constitutes real work (it doesn't). Good job, retard.

Using PS is not work, editing graphics is not real work, and such people are nothing but tech illiterate parasites who rely on GUI for even trivial tasks. Of course no one Linux want's to be responsible for the monstrous task that is pandering to such retards.

One of the things I hate most about the industry is running in elitist pieces of shit like you who think everyone using a GUI is a "tech illiterate parasites".

You are a sad, strange little man. You have my pity.

>Affinity and Pixelmator are both viable alternatives
They are not. Though, It's nice that somebody is trying to end Adobe monopoly.
Wow, literal authist. People like you give GNU/Linux a bad name.

stallman is so full of himself, and so is anyone that follows his stupid guidelines

Why would I need PS, I'm not a liberal arts faggot.

if you're a graphic designer, why aren't you using a mac anyway?

Because they are poor, Macs are the industry standard in such fields.

yep. Macs have nice materials, great color correction (that i still have to recalibrate) and font rendering is also nice but Apple is making a lot of kinda retarded moves lately. It's frightening.

Retards will buy them anyways, Apple is indeed doing a public service taking money away from the retards so they don't fuck the economy.

i used to really like apple machines, but they've gotten terrible about pushing users forward and forcing them to update their hw
there is no way to properly use older macs

sure there is. bootcamp desu

Again, not an argument.

>Draw a circle?

op btfo'd is good enough for me

Not a single argument to be found, quite literally just fallacies and personal attacks.

enjoy your missing hardware acceleration, especially if you work with 3D

That was 20 years ago. They're only used now at the front desk to impress clueless clients, since they're so problematic for actual work.

I don't need photoshop, Linux isn't an OS for graphic designers and it doesn't need to be.

Using a mac for graphic design is a huge fucking awful meme that needs to die ASAP.

t. graphic designer that has to use Macs at work but uses Windows PC at home

>Linux isn't an OS for graphic designers and it doesn't need to be
And what exactly does it need to be?
If GNU/Linux would had great tools for graphic design then it would be an awesome platform for web development.

drawing shit on screen != writing code


you mean an argument to IM SO 1337 BECUZ I USE CLI ONLY fuck off faggot and kill yourself

Why do you think that graphic design tools are needed for web dev?

>what is backend
>what is database
>what is css


Did you pay for it homo?

>"graphic design isn't a real jeb!!!!!! you are just tech illiterate idiots"
>gets replies of the same kind
>"not an argument"

I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

I still don't understand how Gimp doesn't have a circle tool, wtf. MS Paint has it so why can't Gimp?

> User interface

What, you mean the buttons and shit?

Is that what you think makes a photo editing program? Why do you give a fuck what it looks like? Are you a woman?



Nice meme. What is this, 1998?

Paintshop pro in a windows xp vm offline. I don't like gimp. I like linux. I like old windows. I fucking hate microsoft.

By being one of the overwhelming majority of people who don't need Adobe's mediocre commercial products.

Also, GIMP is perfectly fine software. It's simply not meant to be an analogue of artistic tools, it's designed to be programmatic so tasks in it can easily be scripted.

>any decent work

This is what the brainwashed sheep really think. Only Windows and Mac can be used to get "decent" work done because they ship with proprietary software like PS(hit)

found the web dev

Not even remotely an argument.

What plugins, skin, GUI mods, etc. are you using?

It's just the development version from the gimp edge ppa. The theme is included with this version and you just need to drag where you want everything. archive/ubuntu/gimp-edge

wine dude

i think you will find that some work places need everyone to be using the same software

>being an artsy gwafix faggot
could've said "I sip latte and walk around in sandals" too

kys kiddo

>How do you Linux users get by without Adobe Photoshop?
I've never needed that application in my life, ever. Gimp serves all my needs, but I use it like once every year or something.

I don't need photoshop

I'm a programmer and sysadmin, not a fucking designer.

I don't even know how to use photoshop.