
What exactly did I just see?

only components of it and even then you cant be sure because we dont have the source to verify against

also this only includes pre skylake and even then some models dont work

checkout the github for more info

Your birth.

>This only includes pre skylake
Better than the 10 year old duo core shit you had to use previously.

Most likely, i really need to try me_cleaner on my Haswell machine

Literally this

whats wrong with the intel management engine?

>that heavy breathing


It gives intel/hackers/NSA complete remote control of your computer.

can't you just, you know, disable the intel management engine driver?

It bypasses your operating system.

then whats the driver for?

>Connecting to the internet with an Intel processor with IME

ill give you my public ip. hack me through IME

oh wait i use amd products, nevermind ~o.O~

Go ahead, post that number.

It's a mangement tool you fucking tinfoilers. If you don't open the port on your gateway no one can connect to it.

kind of my point. if the driver is disabled, the port remains unbound.
they seem to think there's some magic, OS-independant binding
bios cant bind resources. even uefi. retards

seriously, kiddos, learn your osi

It's basically an onboard IP KVM. It doesn't even work unless you configure it.

illusion of control

so this alarmist bs is a meme