Is this currently the best way to get windows 10 for free?

is this currently the best way to get windows 10 for free?

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Do you use assistive technology though? I think it's immoral to upgrade if that isn't the case.

so missing the free upgrade cut off date and then using this is immoral?

Yeah but why would you want to?

because windows 10 > linux

>what is kmspico

>what is botnetpico


And do you actually care about what's immoral or not in this case? Do you think microsoft ever questions themselves if things they do are morally right?

well, basically

mfw i see you being this sneaky

It says nothing about needing assistive technologies so if ever you use the magnifier to read something on the tv you use them ao you qualify. Nothing immoral about that

>what is Microsoft Toolkit
>what is ReLo
>what is Daz Loader

>what is slmgr -rearm

Why sneaky? Autists might need those tools

assistive technologies trick doesn't even work anymore

you'll get a server error

Why would anyone actually want Windows 10?

What are you, the morality police?

Anyone know a program that block Windows download/upload on Svchost.exe?DisableWinTracking doesnt work.
I just want to watch my milf porn online

no, pirating W10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB is the best way

The kmspico software is closed-source, which proves that it's malware just like Windows.

Used it Friday. Try again.


You can get a 'legit' Pro key from ebay for about £3. Bought several some months ago and haven't had an issue.

if you say so

anyone who uses windows needs assistive technology

Immoral people are mentally disabled therefore need assistive tech


>on Sup Forums
Do you think these guys give a shit?


On a updated version of Windows 10 blocking telemetry and tracking forces a blue screen crash

[Citation Needed]

Good thinkin' Jim.

Should have bought a curry with that money instead.
