Hello my name Patel from micurrsoft. I regret to inform your computer has wirus

Hello my name Patel from micurrsoft. I regret to inform your computer has wirus

Other urls found in this thread:



Goddammit Patel what are you doing, get back to coding Windows 11 Service Edition!

u r sayin wat u son of basterd bich

Not until 300rs raise sir. If needing me before then I will be toilet. Thank you sir.

Hello my name is Stallmanjeet from Linux, or as I like to refer to it, GNU/Linux. I regret to inform you that Windows does not respect your freedoms to shit freely.

My CURR soft?

My curry is diamonds

But I don't have a computer.

How can you gnu respects freedoms if it's not made by people who work for free? We need to outsource more of our free software development to men like Patel.

If I pull that mask off, will he die?

Microsoft is already dismantling Paint. Soon we'll be completely out of options as Microsoft continues to rob us of our freedoms.

No but it would be extremely painful

Please do the needful and download the teamviewer software from I provide link

poo you.

Paint is going to be in the Windows Store lad. Don't you be worrying!



Hey its ur uber driver... am here



Please to do the needful and make yes your computer to restart

>On the left side you can see a row of people collectively eating off the ground
>On the right side you can see a row of people collectively taking a shit on the ground
>sometimes they'll collectively switch sides

>I will be toilet
Do you even designated?

I like your womenz. I am not rully ghey.

dammit pajeet


Good thread

I literally just tuned into this 3 minutes before seeing this thread.

That black girl looks like she'll be a QT desu

That fucking respirator kek


how do they know what number to call

Whats up with food portions usa

>call winders virus deleters (not scam)
>actually go through the whole process and pay a small fee of 75.95
>says he will improve my CPUs speeds for small 20 dollars extra
>do it
>find Sup Forums
>realize I was scammed

American companies sell numbers to other companies

Do Pajeets browse Sup Forums?


Sent from Macbook running Windows 10

Does his cultue prevent this fucking curry nigger from washing his hands too?

Present and accounted for.


>have accident at work
>go to doctor employed by work
>less than a week later get letters from a gajillion different lawyers wanting my money
Because fuck privacy I guess.

Hello sir I am very pleased to be helping you.


>opens remote desktop connection
Take the wheel, Pateel!

why is this board so racist -_-

fuck off pajeet

kek I remember this

kurwa mac

I like the one where a guy makes a bot that floods the call center.

>using an remote connection
You are an idiot

Send vagana and bobs

Thanks for the heads up Patel, I'll fix it tonight when I get home.