Linux will have 50% market share by 2053

>It's math. In 2053, Linux will break 50% desktop marketshare. Beating out Windows for the first time in desktop usage. On the flip-side MacOS will have dwindled to 0% usage by 2020.

Will the year of the linux desktop rise over windows and crush osx, or is the bryan lunduke meme man just trying to make himself feel better?

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this will literally never happen kek, microsoft has an unbreakable monopoly over the market followed by apple

just hope for a wall street crash

>implying desktops exist past 2030

I'm not even memeing here, I'm serious. Look at all those normalfags of today

hence OP's actually right.
of the last 10 existing desktop PCs in 2053, 5 will run Linux.

with the shit they're shipping out, I say theyre gonna break themselves pretty soon here

You're delusional if you think that normies don't like Windows 10. Every one that I speak to thinks it's the best version yet, and they don't give a shit about the spyware (because they already own iPhones and smart TVs and Amazon Echos that spy on them anyway, so what's one more).

Software market monopoly. Obviously they don't have anything meaningful coming out in terms of hardware/computing.

>implying anyone will own desktops

>I can predict humans

Windowsfag here, this guy is fucking retarded
how can someone be this delusional holy shit HAHAHAHAH also
>implying mac will be dead within 3 years
he surely doesn't know shit

>implying an OS is bound to be in a desktop

>bryan lunduke

a worthless faggot sucking lennart poettering's dick

OP was literally talking about the desktop marketshare you tophonk

>he doesn't understand humor

Only possible if Microsoft built newer versions of windows with the Linux kernel.

Oh i just read the title

>windows brainlet still trying to act like he isn't cucked hard

>>It's math. In 2053, Linux will break 50% desktop marketshare.

>implying we won't be all in NWO gulags by 2030.

Are you ok?

are all windowsfags so stupid?
he is the only guy who creates wachable Linux-related content

Happens to everyone every once in a while

by 2053 we won't have desktops anymore

>It's math. In 2053, Linux will break 50% desktop marketshare. Beating out Windows for the first time in desktop usage. On the flip-side MacOS will have dwindled to 0% usage by 2020.
I didnt know math materialistically predicted pseudostochastic processes.

and here I am thinking that mathematical predictions of things like the market are just probabilistic predictions.

Not saying I dont want this to be true, I do. And I mean, with windows

I mean, did you guys see this video of this russian hacker?

He modified a version of Windows 10 to replace microsoft's public key with his own public key. He then installed it on a virtual and MITM'ed the traffic as it left the machine (he posed as microsoft using his own public key)..

he showed that windows 10 periodically takes screenshots of your desktop to send to microsoft

there is still no valuable alternative to desktop. Maybe in the near future we will have smartphones that could be easily converted to work as a desktop but the desktop computing iself is not going anywhere.

>insider preview

i'm not out there to defent microshit, but it's literary written in insider preview terms of usage that it sends everything to microshit for diagnostics

LISTEN retarded neckbeards and pretentious *nix hacking larpers:
Once x86 dies and ARM becomes mainstream on the desktop Microsoft will already have a operating system compatible with ARM which will DEFINITELY run adobe programs and the latest office suite. FORGET about your games, gaymen is NOT Microsoft's focus, actually gamers are pretty much irrelevant to them when it comes to windows since the XBOX STILL sells really well and it will most likely still be updated hardware and software wise within 10 years.
The future is pretty much desktop machines with ARM CPUs running a new version of windows or whatever Microsoft chugs down people's throats.

SystemDOS is not Linux

>insider preview
That's why.

Believe it or not but normalfags are so braindead already, they slurp up the cloud meme everywhere.

This means desktop PCs will vanish into the expensive professional corner while consumer products will be mobile devices or flat displays in the office that are connected to a cloud service for literally everything.
Gaymen will also run over cloud services, outsourcing processing power which already kind of works.

user here, i can confirm this.

This is exactly how predicting the future on market values work.

You simply find a relation between two points in time, lets call them point A in time and point B in time and linearly expand that relation into the future.

This is serious shit guys, it takes a masters in probability theory, statistics, and economics just to be able to calculate this type of thing.

Pic related. by 2035 the US dollar will be worthless. It's still not to late to drop your fiat currency in favor of cryptocurrencies

aka legal spying

no wonder it will have 0 market share

thanks (((government))) controlled fiat currency.

>tfw it's just a modern flavor of the pre 1980s mainfraim and many terminals meme

tech went a full circle.
new PC in 2081?

i can understand thing like offloading some heavy video / 3d rendering work on a server, but there's a reason why a 'realtime faster than light speed' gayman service onlive failed and the principle has never reborn under a different brand no matter how good and popular broadband has become in west

As a Linux user, I don't want this to happen.

>year of the Linux desktop will occur in your lifetime
what a great time to be alive

holy shit you're so fucking retarded
>implying the kikes behind network companies will bother with wasting money to make the infrastructure better
>implying people will just buy into the cloud meme for things other than file hosting and servers
>implying desktop users who want to game will use cloud technologies

By 2053 nogs will swarm the planet and civilization as we know will be a thing of the past. If by 53% you mean 53 nerds in undergound bunkers then why not.

how can one be so naive

>with a special program that can decrypt RSA keys, we will decypher piece of traffic that we "sniffed"
That is such bullshit.
If he has changed Windows keys then he doesn't need a random, faceless RSA_Decrypter.exe, he could use any RSA file decrypter.

The best part, though, is that it doesn't take any key. You're basically telling me that he wrote his own command line application and hardcoded the RSA key he change Windows to use into it for the purpose of decrypting this communication. Which is not suspicious at all.

Wtf am I looking at

>1kb binary files contain full-size desktop screenshots

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>Linux will have 50% market share by 2053
I believe it. Normies will be using cellphones exclusively and Linux nerds will still be hanging on to their old laptops from 2007.

you faggots are already in the botnet by using the internet

I hope I am still alive by then, desu

Oh yeah, windows rt was a huge success too. :^)
Android will destroy windows and ms can't do jackshit against it.

linux will be dominant because most desktop owners are going to be the kind of people that browse Sup Forums

I had no idea, should I start selling all my money?

Buy dragon dildos and sell them for bitcoin at /biz/.

As another linux user, I don't see how it matters either way myself.

very pessimistic

It's unscientific. Linux will take over within a decade.

The more normie stuff disappears into DA KLOWD, the web, and mobile apps, the weaker Windows becomes. Microsoft's single biggest asset is vendor lock in and the web has been eating away at that by providing shit that works the same between OSes and isn't Java. Without Windows desktops, Windows Server becomes utterly pointless. Gaming, the biggest remaining draw of native desktop software for people who don't use it for work, is headed for another 1983 style shovelware bubble and crash, while the back library becomes ever more playable through emulation, VMs, and WINE.

That's definitely how statistics work

Wasn't steam console supposed to up Linux install share?

That was before Valve fucked it up.

>In 2053, Linux will break 50% desktop marketshare.
No, maybe 10% at most.
>MacOS will have dwindled to 0% usage by 2020.
It's going to stay the same % as before with a little variation and very small increase, then it will star falling by 2030 to 0% in 2050.

2020 for the Mac to get to 0. Seriously? 3 fucking years? I just bought a Mac. I plan to keep it around for basically around 5 years and use it. I alone will make that prophecy eat shit and die. So no, I call bullshit.

>implying that android will replace windows
now that is what i call delusion

>if this trend continues

>implying every Linux system won't be rendered inoperable by the Y2K38 problem

And by 2120, it'll have 180% marketshare!

>denial will save fanbois from this

Are you retarded? Linux has working ARM releases since forever and they run any linux software you compile in them.

Why did you answer that retarded shitpost?

by 2053 linus would have dieded and the kernel would be rip thanks to his sjw/feminist daughter

Fat facts right there

Yes, and the kernel will be rewritten in javascript.

>Yes, and the kernel will be rewritten in javascript.
What an horror vision you gaved me T.T

Google was Linux's saviour outside of servers, it will go back to irrelevance once they are done with it.