I've been redpilled and want to stop using chrome...

I've been redpilled and want to stop using chrome. Whats the best desktop alternative that isn't a complete meme and preferably isn't firefox?

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Still haven't found something better than ff desu. It's not perfect but check out the /cyb/ pasta, somewhere in there is a fat list of how to set up ff securely.

Opera, it’s the fastest browser imo, also lets me have 90 tabs open with no problems where Firefox and chrome will shit themselves

Probably Brave browser or the one Sup Forums is making.

I've just started using Nightly after not touching Firefox for like five years. Give it a try honestly, it's pretty good. Tests faster than all the Chrome derivatives on my machine.

If you really don't want to consider that, Brave is probably the way to go I guess.

firefox or opera
opera is proprietary though


fuck SJWfox.
they betrayed their users

firefox nightly

Only real option besides Firefox is Chromium.

iridium* Unless you really really love flash player.

Link for Sup Forums's browser?

le nightly meme xD

Chromium woolys build/iridium or waterfox

ms edge

succless surf

Placebo retard.

>removing mozilla botnet
>removing mozilla and google urls

You can disable this shit yourself.


Last thursday the based nightly got the first impressions of the new photon interface + new render engine and, I might say, the future is beautiful.

>downloading firefoxshit so you can remove shit yourself
No I'd rather use waterfox since I'm not giving mozilla any downloads those data collecting jews

>still thinks this """campaign""" is going to have any positive impact
you are just digging a bigger hole

Pale Moon
Ungoogled Chromium


irdium is german bot net and got a guy in prison, brave op, slepenir and water fox are your choices, super bird is neutral one

>"blease install our albha suftwar :DDD it is so gud and beder than ghrome :DDDDDD fug boble :DDDD“

t. reddit
>got a guy in prison

57 is a pretty huge change, legitimately. Your loss if you don't want to give it a shot.


Program your own

Chromium based but with more feats. Vivaldi is now my main browser.

>I've been redpilled
mods can you pls do your job

I haven't used Vivaldi in a couple of months. Back then it was relatively sluggish and a bit of a resource whore. Has it improved in any way?

???? Wtf go send a letter or something non capitalistic

Use Iridium or Ungoogled chromium and use external player (mpv) to play flash media.


sleipnir is non-free and superbird is dead idiot

just hijack that shit
I'm not about to let them keep literally the best browser on the market with the best addon support and virtually limitless ui options
fuck them, their dangerous, anti human, violent, and all around pure evil political views aren't going to stop me from surfing the web in style like the politically incorrect badass that I am
appropriating their shit will hurt them more than avoiding it

the real redpill is that javascript was a mistake and that UIs like Discord should write proper desktop clients instead of sandboxing a webpage in chromium and calling it a client as it uses 0.5GB to accomplish barely anything

I've been using ungoogled chromium for some time now and I like it but since I installed there hasn't been any updates. I'm considering moving to chromium woolys build, like this user recommended


Firefox nightly, Iridium. Maybe Brave if it still doesn't suck.

Their software developers are very privacy aware. They got their own version of Firefox Focus (Klar) just because the defaults had telemetry enabled.

Oh fuck, is Eich the same dude who used to be the CEO of Mozilla but stepped down due to his opinion of gay rights or something?



And shortly after built _the_ best browser for privacy and speed by porting chromium

which browser?


>best browser
but seriously what a guy. Now he's the CEO of Brave too


Speed is worse if you add custom filters. They should have integrated uBlock O instead of adblock plus. The browser doesn't even block all ads or trackers.

You can try a qtwebengine-based browser like qutebrowser or qupzilla. It's basically sanitized, de-googled chrome with a custom interface.

Man you really convinced me with that stellar argument


>Unironically recommending brave, a Chromium port designed solely to filter ad shekels in to Eich's pocket.
>Supporting it just because you've been convinced you're sticking it to muh sjw boogieman.
I want Sup Forums to leave.

>Addicted to Granblue Fantasy
>Can only be played in Chrome
I’m stuck with the botnet.

This is the state of modern Sup Forums. Basing your choices on developers ideology/political standing on things totally unrelated to the technology rather than the quality of the software itself. Feelings over logic.

yes, it has. More customization (ux, sidebar, speed dial, etc..), better loading, screenshot tool, history on the sidebar.

Firefox Is better

Nightly 57 is actually quite fast. I like that.

Waterfox, the creator said he would continue to support old addons and just provide security updates, and possibly create a separate branch to support old addons even as the main branch moves to the new addons.

It's bugged and I can't drag tabs though.

yandex browser is a great chromium/opera.
Since I recommend it, I've only had good reactions, like wow I like it so much I've dropped my previous browser.

>no google
>great customizable news feed
>no search tunneling : easy switch between several search engines, much better than the old FF field in the task bar
>great if you speak several languages