Where did it go wrong?

Where did it go wrong?

The desktop market.

Chrome OS

Microsoft used unethical tactics

I don't get it. What did that do that caused things to go wrong? Did that even use gnu?

Seriously? Are you saying the gnu/Linux can only compete when everyone is being nice? That's pretty sad.

I think the two biggest problems halting Linux right now is fragmentation and lack of software support

The name

It's based on Gentoo

stallman and the linux userbase being autistic


Nobody working on Linux can develop user interfaces, which are extremely important. They are bloated, slow, and full of bugs. Look at Ubuntu Software center (and no, I don't want to install some obscure distribution because you think your criticism of a complete operating systems justifies your abortion of an OS), it's "Dash" application selector, dependency idiosyncrasy, etc. Ubuntu was Linux's only chance for success. Chrome OS and Android are tacky. Windows 10 LTSB is much better. Regular Windows 10 (Creators Update) is the worst. At the moment, Windows 10 LTSB and Yandex are what all traditional, handsome men of Christianity and conservatism, aligned with Russia, should have equipped to their loin sacks.

windows 10 is not usable. 7 and even 8.1 are way better

>user interfaces
>extremely important

yep this

perfect is often the enemy of good

especially when it comes to millions of lines of operating system code



Lots went wrong.
Stallman couldn't make up his mind on anything so Hurd languished into obscurity.
GCC chose obscurity over usability or flexibility causing devs to look elsewhere for their compilation needs.
GPL3 made FOSS even less appealing than it already is.
Failure to embrace somewhat invested corporations like Sun before they get bought out and their contributions are cut.

Agree. I like ideas of free software but I can't understand why most of GNU/Linux users are so authistic and hostile.

No-one audited the code.

>phrase not found

>t.New Jersey

i3 is pretty fukin trill

>not the most polished DE
>implying microshit does any better

> one pic

Its community.
A bunch of edgy wannabe 1337 h4x0rs who think an OS that has to be learnt in order to use it is eventually going to be succesful if people stop being such "tech illiterates", or even worse, the ones who think of Linux as their secret club ain't going to make Linux less of a pain in the ass for the average person who has no interest in technology.
Not user friendly = small userbase
Small userbase = fewer software
Fewer software = small userbase

rarequints confirm

>calling desktop market as a competition

All rewuires humans to work together for little or no money through project competition. Honestly, we should all marvel how much was actually accomplished and how long it lasted.

GNU didn't get it's shit together.

Lack of standardization, and refusal to work towards simplicity of use. Even some basic tasks require going to terminal. Some display resolutions (even display's native one) can't be selected sometimes.
Linux is forever doomed to stay on servers, and, in heavily modified forms - on mobile and network devices.
I've been trying to jump Windows ship multiple times, only to find out that alternatives are far worse

>Lack of standardization
Stopped here as anyone with a little knowledge would know it's not true.

Are you a gedit user or what?



Fragmentation is an integral part of the linux community. Its a byproduct of the absolute freedom to do whatever you want that is the most relevant aspect of the community.
If everyone just worked on three or four major distros instead, sure we would have a more polished result, but that would come with stagnation instead.
Small distros is where innovations are born and developed.

The thing about the lackluster GUIs in linux is that:
1 - hardcore linux users ( the ones who contribute and code stuff ) don't care so much about GUIs, so most don't bother with it
2 - user feedback is vital for GUI development. without telemetry, the only way of getting feedback from users is from the active community, aka the guys on the forums who don't care so much about GUI. if they used telemetry to get feedback from newbie users, the rest of the community would ostracize the devs behind that decision and the distro would become a black sheep

You're confusing Linux users with Sup Forums users.
Any large linux community is friendly. Maybe not archlinux's.

It has done nothing wrong.