What went so wrong with Japanese electronics, Sup Forums?
20 years ago, companies like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Sharp, Sanyo etc dominated the electronics industry but today they are a mere shell of what they used to be like
What went so wrong with Japanese electronics, Sup Forums?
20 years ago, companies like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Hitachi, Sharp, Sanyo etc dominated the electronics industry but today they are a mere shell of what they used to be like
Because JAV trap porn is on the rise. You can't have both simultaneously.
They moved to Korea
they are old as fuck. their time is over...
same path that Germany will go down quite soon
China is the new master
Korea fucked their shit up.
>he doesn't buy japanese capacitors
So how did Korea catch up so quickly? I still remember a time when Korean products were viewed as absolute shit tier, only broke/poor people purchased Korean products.
Demographic waves
Sony used to be the best brand. Solid, reliable products that lasted for years and had good build quality.
>sony will never again make laptops like they made in the 2000s
The globalist race to the bottom essentially made them obsolete.
Their designers and engineers really were peerless back in the 80s & early 90s.
>Korean products were viewed as absolute shit tier
They still are absolute shit tier. Look at Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Kia, ...
Sony are still pioneers in digital imaging and sensor technology. They're probably the biggest contributor to that market in fact.
They are perfectionists and not suited for rapid low cost product development
Samsung makes the best memory
Lots of those companies still make amazing products, they are just more popular domestically than abroad for many reasons such as price.
i live in Japan now and those companies you mentioned are still popular in many domains.
Samsung electronics are way better than Sony.
The only thing Japan has left that's worth a damn are cars, anime, and vidya.
their car industry has seen better days...
>tfw too poor to afford one of those super expensive ultraportable VAIOs
That was the laptop of my dreams when I was a kid, those Sony engineers really used to push the boundaries of ultraportables.
>13.3" 1080p
>1st gen i7
>Nvidia GPU
>Quad RAID-0 SSDs
>Blu ray drive
Top tier semi conductors, but shit phones.
Good, ethical company making good products.
samsung and kpop
jews fear the samurai though
Honda and Subaru are pretty much the only brands my friends and family even consider buying anymore
Mazda is way better than either.
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>buying new vehicles
Fucking cucks
That doesn't mean they make good cars. Just economical ones.
Mazdas are mediocre. Budget "enthusiast" cars
We like them because they're extremely reliable and require far less maintenance than other brands
Japanese make great hardware but shit software. They never managed to make their own OS or browser. Same thing with gooks, amazing hardware with absofuckinglutely bloated software.
Japanese government hasn't been investing in electronics in a long time.
Look where Abe is putting money in: automobiles, trains, chemistry, etc
For example, some newly discovered chemical elements to the periodic table were created in Japan.
Also, there is talk about opening up Japan's defense industry to the world because currently stuff like Japanese manufactured guns are banned for exportation.
It would be funny to see Mitsubushi making military planes again.
All great things come to an end its Japan's time now
Korea is inferior to Japan.
>All great things come to an end
>De Facto leader of Eurozone
>after eight thousand years, the great jews' reign will finally be ended by fucking koreans of all people
I don't know how to feel about it.
Intel didn't start as a Jewish company, it was infested and ultimately hijacked during the last decades.
japanese are good at making better quality at a higher cost, i think thats where they found their niche nowadays, they can't compete with china and korea with cheap stuff
>Japanese make great hardware but shit software. They never managed to make their own OS or browser.
Not true. They just haven't had much success in the consumer market for various (((reasons))).
Microsoft and the feds completely flipped their shit when the Japanese government announced that they would be replacing their DOS computers with BTRON machines and threatened to completely and immediately halt all importation of Japanese goods. Consequentially pretty much all consumer use was instantly dropped but the industrial variants are still in use and run tens of billions of devices.
By that logic USA is still great too with our murder rates being the highest out of any 1st world country but thats okay we having the biggest economy haha
German products are mediocre now as are their cars and I probably even shouldnt even mention refugees
go back to pol loser
no china jumped into the game and smashed everyone into the ground, because china is the industrious power nation on this planet
>says samsung is shit phones but doesnt say shit about lg's boot loop phone glitches
you wot
Panasonics laptops own, they just aren't sold outside of Japan.
Same with most of those other companies. Japanese people are willing to spend money domestically to support Japanese companies (mostly).
Wait what the fuck
Delete this right now go-- guy!
Yes it did.
Intel was both founded by Jews and was a Jewish Greed company from -3956 days after founding (Timeline from Traitorous 8 resignation from Shockley to the founding of Intel - in between that time they stole Fairchild's money to to their Intel R&D)
everything comes in waves
in the 50s, something made in japan was considered shit tier. you only wanted made in the USA or made in Germany for quality stuff
in the 80s made in japan getting good. made in hong kong or made in taiwan was the cheap stuff.
in the late 90s, made in taiwan got good. not quite japan tier, but good. at that point, made in china was crap nobody wanted.
now, everyone still makes fun of made in china, except nearly everything is made in china. even the hitachi drives made in china seem to have outpaced the seagates or wds made in thailand and malaysia.
bottom line, even shit tier catches up given enough time. the guy at the top should worry (made in usa, anyone?) if he gets too lazy, he can't make anymore (look at uk or france). the quest for cheap labor and increased profits comes back to bite.
Only Japanese company to win le Mans.
I'm not aware that either Moore or Noyce have Jewish ancestry, but do correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm not gonna be selling my VAIO Duo ever.
so basically you're too young to remember when Japanese manufacturing was Chinese-tier
Anyone under 40 would be, grandpa.
Memes aside, the miata really is an enthusiast car in the purest sense of the word. It handles and rides amazingly. It's a true togue monster. The rest of their lineup aren't budget enthusiast cars, they're enthusiast budget cars. There is no need for those shitboxes to drive well, but mazda does so anyway.
>mentioning affordability like it's a bad thing
tfw I own one of the last laptops Sony ever made, the Vaio pro
>tfw still driving the 91 miata I bought as my first car after 8 years
>not living in japan
just wait til xiaomi really takes off.
shit will eat out any competition.
>falling for chinkshit meme
nice meme bro.
really. hightest.
Is this you?
topkek @ the 2ch damage control squad not getting a single reply. this isn't Sup Forums, fa/g/gots
"please let me fit in" - the post
Doc Brown quickly brings this up in Back to the Future 3.
>German products are mediocre now as are their cars
Germany is the only country that is producing non-cucked affordable cars
for those who don't remember
Japans economy crashed in the early 00s for the 3rd time since 1970 because of cheap Chinese goods flooding the market.
if by non-cucked you mean unreliable, expensive to repair pieces of shit, then yes
>if by non-cucked you mean unreliable
The "Americans can't maintain cars" meme is my favorite
What happened to Zenith? RCA? Grundig? GE? Priced out of the market. Their products were too expensive and foreign products were cheaper and "worked" just as good. Same thing is happening to the companies that out priced the old. Cheaper and cheaper alternatives from places like china.
>fake plastic trees
Are you a nip or an immigrant?
>Honda doesn't make any performance vehicles
This is how I know you are car illiterate.
>Non japanese keyboard.
What do you think?
user I...
Pretty much this. Game Over.
Don't you have a Honda general on /o/ to go to? I said
cars. Not performance.
basic gestalt:
Japan is a prideful nation, or at least used to be.
They insisted on being different just to be different just because mah intrinsically superior Japanese genes descended from the sun god.
Look at how 4g and smart phones BTFOd the stagnating indigenous ”””Galapagos””” (Yes, they called it that) i-mode, FOMA network etc etc in the consumer market.
Even large game company are still stuck in 1990s mindset.
t. Commissar Wang
in their faKEE plAAASSSSSTTTICCcc dirt
A jew
This makes no sense because the 4g and smartphone market also took over Japan.
If your "insisted on being different" garbage was true then they would have stuck to their feature phones still and ignored ios / android, when that isn't the case.
But all games after 2005 suck
>consumer electronics is electronics
China happened.
Most of those companies had and have a strong industrial components business. Get out of your living room more, consumer.
>Japan is a prideful nation, or at least used to be.
>projection t.redditor
tfw no sony cd rom drive to rootkit my computer with
feels bad man
If you use windows your operating system is rootkitted by default
You know what is interesting? Japan is still the king at developing tech...they're just shit at actually turning it into a marketable consumer product.
For starters go look at the number of technology patents per country per year. Japan is right under the United States and the EU in total tech patents per year.
Now here is the thing. Patents on their own don't necessarily mean shit as you could in theory have lots of shitty patents that no one cares about. Thankfully there is another figure that attempts to gauge the value of your country's technological developments and that is the technology trade balance which compares the amount your country receives from other countries licensing your technology vs how much your country pays to license other countries tech.
Know what country has the highest ratio in the world by a massive margin? Yep, it's still Japan. Other countries license Japanese technology at over a 4 to 1 ratio (meaning Japan makes $4 from their tech for every $1 of tech they have to license from someone else).
Know what country has the lowest ratio in the OECD? Korea. They have a NEGATIVE ratio meaning that they aren't actually developing jack shit worth of new tech that anyone wants and are instead having to license tech heavily from other countries (mainly Japan and the U.S.). What they are good at doing is taking that tech and turning it into a profitable consumer product at a decent price.
Cliffs for Sup Forums: Japan is still the based god of technology but has become a fucking autist when it comes to international marketing and sales.
Take back your slander now or I will be forced to act hastily on hondas behalf
the innovating tech they used in mi mix.
fucking kys
They ignored it until it was way too late. So carrier just ditched the galapagos network and adopt 4g.
If they somehow managed to remain competitive with they would have still use it.
Also It's now marketed on the cheap to old people and for company use anyway.
What do you mean "too late"? You act like the smartphone market in japan is somehow strange
I would have killed myself 10 years ago if I used windows