Got this instead of an iphone 7 did I fuck up ?

Got this instead of an iphone 7 did I fuck up ?

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>instead of an iphone 7

You dodged a bullet.

galaxy s8 plus has a god-tier battery.
8 hours after work i'm down to 60%

I got a large battery (10000mah) for my note 4 and the battery life is about three days. Only thing I'm sacrificing is pocket space. Will most likely get the note 8 once mine craps out.

is that an external battery ?

it's just a fat battery you can put into the phone but you need a special case so the battery is popping out. makes the phone thicc

you did great! not a sheeple is a good thing.

curved screens are the worst meme

>touchjizz and fagsby

You fucked up

kek... fucking retard. that's fucking garbage. you'll also get no support or security updates whatsoever.

You bought the worst possible phone for the most possible money. You're a fucking idiot OP

Which one would have been a better choice ?

>make 12 devices at the same price points vs 100+ targeting lower, middle, and high end markets

>cant use onehanded efficiently
>curved screen
>uses more power than recharges when plugged in and used even on low stress
>doesnt fit in any nonbaggy pocket unless the only thing
>and on top of that its still part of google's android botnet
Went from an iphone to it and detested it, returned it for a lgk4 and saved 700 or so dollars. Bought a kitchenaid mixer with the savings and made the best scones of my life
Still hate my current phone, but not as much despite less processing power and buggy string input.

>doesn't understand that carriers have control over updates rather than apple
kek... fucking retard

scones are a shitty meme pastry

Nope, you did very well.

Only from shit manufacturers. I still get updates immediately on my 6P and iPhone

Anything that doesn't have a cancerous bloated UI and will actually get updates.

>not a sheeple

Pick one!

link i like thicc phones, makes me...

It's to avoid legal issues.
Google could make a centralized update system but having that many models some would accidentally end getting bricked because of chink manufacturers not putting internal flags correctly so instead of forcing updates they pass and let the user figure it out.
YES Ios update system is much superior nothing to argue here

>didn't wait for sharp aquos
yea ya goofed

>not waiting for the iphone 8.


I just want a flagship android with a camera just like the iPhone's

The fuck are you talking about?

There ARE phones with better cameras than the iphones.
The Google Pixel and the S8 for example.

>Tfw note 8 is gonna have curved meme screen

Isn't the CEO of apple gay?

What the fuck does your post have to do with anything?

Enjoy your broken screen

I'll feed you baby bird.

You know how we used to joke about apple being gay? Well now it's literally gay.

Guess what's an unforgivable sin in the bible?

Never get Apple

Theyre situationally great. I baked in chocolate and dried cherries then topped them with confectioners sugar, served with a very strong drip coffee

You're the biggest faggot here user.

I don't know, you're the one sitting in my lap with my cock up your ass grinning.

It's 400 bucks at some places. What exactly is your quarrel? Did you pay day one prices?

>Guess what's an unforgivable sin in the bible?

Yet I still see people with iphone 4s

Enjoy your bloatware dumbass

no its an internal one

you fucked up in any case

I have Xiaomi Mi Mix with Resurrection Remix and I fuck you all in the asses. I don't invite you to this discussion, because there is nothing to discuss about.

>unforgivable sin
The point is that there isn't one.

Sounds more like Nvidia desu

I was just looking at it. How do you like it?

>He can't afford to get a new phone every 2 years

Just get that shit subsidized with a contract or something

Good goy

>Tfw 20k monthly
>can't project myself or get why people fight over smartphones when I can go out and buy one everyday without caring

How poor and sad you must be to get approval for a phone?

what's the matter, poor credit?

If they still have one its because they are old and don't know better or they are poor and cant afford an upgrade.

>8 hours SoT
>42% left

Why haven't any of you gotten the Asus Zenfone zoom?

No, Apple fucked up this time.

>this time.

Don't know if thread is dead, but anyway.

I am looking to upgrade from my OnePlus 1, I have had it for 2 years and it has been terrible, always freezing, shit battery and always shutting itself off. I will never buy a OnePlus phone again, what should I upgrade to?

If it helps I live in Ireland, should I go bill pay? I have always had pay as you go.

Oh man OP tell me moar. I defs want to buy me some explode phone memes now!