I bought an iphone 7 today

I bought an iphone 7 today.

Did I make a wise decision? I just realized the 7s is coming out soon...

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I think my next phone will be iPhone.


Because you don't have to deal with shit like pic related. Also your phone doesn't come with bloat and actually gets updates.


>don't have to deal with shit like pic related

Yeah, just have the apps do that without your knowledge.

>I think my next phone will be iPhone.
>Because you don't have to deal with shit like pic related. Also your phone doesn't come with bloat and actually gets updates.
Snapchat faggut

[citation needed]


up until recently snapchat on android has been the worst piece of shit app ever developed, so i mainly used my iphone for talking to ladies.

now they seem to have fixed it, and you can decline permissions you don't want used

>wah why does a ar camera messager need access to my microphone and contacts!
Are you serious? Welcome to social media.

I bought one a while back and haven't regretted it since. Prior to that I had a Motorola Android phone. iPhones are quite nice to be honest, I think they're shit on far too much on Sup Forums. They're pretty good high-end phones.

Some of the shit they do is unjustifiable.

Like only having 32gb of storage. Using the same design 4 fucking years in a row. No flac or webm support.

better design than the supposed iPhone 8

Even before I bought an iPhone I regularly transferred photos and videos I took from my phone to my desktop for storage, so this was never a problem for me. I never even got close to 16 GB of storage used regularly, so having 32 GB isn't an issue. I don't store .flac audio on my phone either, seems pointless when I'm just using regular earbuds to listen to it. It does have webm support though, I'm not sure why people keep saying it doesn't. The only issue is that the mobile browser supports the latest version (VP9, released in 2013) of it and Sup Forums still hasn't updated even though it's been years, you can still play them but not in the mobile browsers.


>Not buying an iPhone 7 Plus

Absolutely. Even if you bought it late, iPhone 7 will probably be worth more in a few years than a new Android that released after it.

>Using the same design 4 fucking years in a row.
No this is a pro. I'm tired of design changes for the sake of design changes.

Overhauling the way everything looks every few years is Microsoft tier. They could have the same design forever and I wouldn't give a damn.

iphone 7 is pretty good, If you've got a bluetooth headset you're good to go. If not then you should have bought a 6s.

Android homo here. Aside from Clover, I'm having trouble seeing why I should put up with this garbage still. I have a Note 4 (which I love) but I cannot stand Samsung, shitty battery life, and constant lag. I'm either going Note 8, IPhone 8, or killing myself. I don't see what other phones that are even close.

Clover is a huge plus though.

My Androidâ„¢ phone does not have this problem on fdroid

Get a new battery. They don't last much longer than 2 years of constant use. The note 4 is a beast and takes a fat dump on any iphone. The fact that you can't change the battery on any iphone is planned obsolescence and apple had by far the worst battery life.

I've changed the battery twice. I bought the Anker replacement battery both times. The first time the battery managed to last me a year before it started to really shit itself. This replacement has barely lasted me a month and I'm already having issues with it lasting a full day without dying.

Samsungs are some of the most overrated phones. I got memed into buying an s7 edge. A year later and you could be fooled into thinking this is a 4 year old phone. Sometimes it runs fine, but it does sometimes freeze then everything catches up after a few seconds. Apps crash more often and take 3 times as long to load as an iPhone. The edge side panel thing which I actually liked to use, would bug up and makes apps unresponsive sometimes, as if the edge side is open when it's not. So I had to turn that off.

The buttons next to the home button are invisible and only require light touch. That makes them easy to bump. I am a pretty careful person and I have had an s3 and an s7 so I like to think I am used to using samsung devices. But I have never got used to these buttons down the bottom. It is especially apparant when you hand it to someone else. Every time I hand my phone to someone they ALWAYS, ALWAYS bump at least one and I have to take it back, and get back to the thing I was trying to show them.

Literally every time, "oh let me see", "oops", "oops again" and I groan. It's like a prerequisite to showing someone something on a Samsung phone. It might sound like a minor issue but I'm so fucking sick of doing this every time.

As for the OS, well it's Android. The OS can't even keep my two favorite games open without restarting. Sometimes one of these games bugs anyway if I go back to it, so I am used to just booting them up every time.

I know Android apps are often lazily developed. But even if it's the developers fault, the end result is it's still better on an iPhone, even an SE is probably faster than my premium android. If developers are too shit that Apple has to keep them in line, then that's still Androids fault for being too open, the way I see it.

The saving grace of the phone is its screen, which is gorgeous at least.

tldr: samsung is a meme

Sage and report shill threads. I don't give a fuck about your Apple obsession, just fuck off, just go to a women's shopping forum to discuss your accessories.

Maybe you shouldn't be visiting a tech board then faggot.

>fruity toddler toys for technology illiterate technophobes

Pick one.

the current state of anti apple "arguments"

>Android homo
>buys samsung
Kys, you deserve it for buying samsung.

better decision than the tard who bought an s8. at least you'll get updates lol

You made the right choice. You got the phone that normal people use. It's better to be on the side of normal people who use technology to get shit done instead of these Android/PC/Loonix fags who try too turn tech choices into identity politics and always have to deny being poorfags and why they think their tech choice are better than yours. Androidfags are fucking immature poorfags.....you really don't want to associate with those people.