Is college a meme Sup Forums?

Is college a meme Sup Forums?
I see it discussed on here sometimes, and the student loans stories in seem to reinforce it.
Anyone here working in Computer Science without a degree? Is it comfy?

It must fucking suck to live in a country where you have to pay for college huh

Think of college as a place where you pay to be trained to do a six-figure job.
Getting the six-figure job is your problem.
If you can't land the job then why did you pay for the course.

what's the point of college? just read the damn cs books

>go for stem
>have to take humanities as a requirement
>have to sit though history classes and music classes
>have to pay for it all
>wind up spending more time trying to cram art history and parts of a band than you actually spend learning math
>end up neglecting your math classes because of all of the extra shit you have to take AND pass because of muh gpa
>instead of learning my maths, I spend more time learning how to check my privilege and be an ally to the pocs in my english class
yea, its pretty memeatic

keep paying 19% sales tax hans

I am doing a degree in medical tech and the fucking history classes make me want to die. There is just so much useless, time-sink shit they make you do for college. A four year degree has maybe one year worth of actual education.

several reasons to go to college:
- networking
- access to technology that one wouldn't otherwise be able to access cheaply / easily
- structure / organization
- most companies require a degree

Fuck college. It's a damn joke anymore. The whole point of it is to land a better job. But if jobs are hard to get and the market is flooded with people with college degrees then all your doing is wasting your time/money for nothing. All you end up with is a ton of debt to pay off (which will take you till your mid 30s at least) plus having to take a bunch of bullshit classes that have little to nothing to do with the career you want. I know a dude who paid over 25K for the whole ITT online CS degree program, two years later I still work alongside him, he ain't gone anywhere, and trust me what we both do don't got a thing to do with IT (Printshop workers)

Just print dollars. Everybody will buy it. For now. :^)

This dude could've moved on and upward within the current company, there's been many IT jobs open up within the last year. I've applied for a few, been approved for them to (I've got nothing but some college & Certs). Reason I'm still where I am is cause those jobs already got people "marked" to fill them. Most of our IT has been outsourced so any IT jobs still under company control are hard to land.

Depends. as the CS/IT fields starts to mature a bit more it's becoming more and more important to have a degree. In the past it was a lot less necessary but those days, in my opinion, are starting to become numbered. Getting past helpdesk in IT without some sort of relevant degree is a lot more difficult these days. As for CS with a bit of legwork you could probably get a generic CS programming job at a smaller company with a good portfolio but it's still going to be harder to get past HR without that degree compared to someone with one (especially at larger companies).

I would say it's still not completely necessary, but at the moment upward mobility is significantly more difficult without a degree.

>ITT online CS degree program


>muh longterm entitlement
Most it shithole is full of insecure beta scum.

>Fuck college. It's a damn joke anymore. The whole point of it is to land a better job.
It's actually not. It's meant to make you a well-rounded human being. You were looking for "vocational school."

God, I'd gladly take Helpdesk/Support over the shit I'm in right now, It'd pay me more to. (the Printshop guy again). My job is numbered, our people are leaving, one at a time, soon no one will be there and the work just won't be getting done. They (upper management) just won't hire replacements. I'll still have a job, they'll just move those who are left somewhere else when they eventually shut the shithole down.

My stupid ass took a History of Islamic Civilization. I'm a humanities major because I want to be a teacher, but that was easily the worst class I have taken. I have no idea how History majors do it.

All I ever wanted to do IT wise is help the average user/setup/configure hardware, stuff like that. Not be a Sys/Net Admin for the whole company. I'm not greedy, I just want to do my job, be good at it, and after so many years retire. I don't thank that's to much to want.

career advice is not technology discussion

College was a mistake.
Every single day only served to repeatedly confirm to me that the vast majority of people are awful and terribly unhelpably retarded.
Retrospectively, if you have to go, the only degree worth getting is pure math.
Unless you know exactly what you want and have something lined up after that absolutely requires it of you and are determined to waste no time and get it behind you as soon as possible, don't go.
Everything it offers (except maybe cultural indoctrination) you can get better elsewhere for free and without all the awfulness.

>be me
>go to state school
>degree in electrical engineering
>federal grant pays for everything
>take out student loans every semester so I can live the NEET lifestyle
>~$10k in debt after graduating
>I already have a job that will transition me to full time once I get my degree

I made the right choice I think

yea,, I didn't go their and am ok
school is for faggots

>tfw 34 ACT
>tfw presidential scholarship
>tfw $3k loan, but autismbux makes it zero
I'm gonna make it guys


try 36 pal

Well in my country it's free so it's pretty much always worth it. However, even here, not sure if CS degree is the way to go. It's not required by most employers. It's like a foreign language, if you have a degree they assume you know it and if you don't you have to prove it. But you have to prove it even with degree. So that.
What I did is study law at college and learn programming on the side.

I know that feel.
The history class is a requirement for the school Im transferring too and its the same class so I went ahead and suffered through it.
>mfw the professor dedicated a month talking about "the tyranny of the husband" and a week going on about how evil white people are for slavery
didnt even mention that every race had slaves, blacks invented slavery, and whites are the only race to stand up and end slavery..

> unironically shilling for the merits of a liberal arts education
> on Sup Forums
> in 2017
> yfw

I took 77 credit hours at a local community college and transferred to uni. Got my shitty filler classes out of the way while being paid for it (this college was literally dirt cheap) and now I'm headed to uni to finish a BS in CS. Still about to take $60k in debt because of it.

Fuck the US and their shitty schooling system. Why should I have to accept this much fucking debt with shit done ahead of time?

you sound like you'd be fun at parties
>if you ever got invited to one

yes its a meme.

internet resources are 1000x better than anything college gives you now, especially for anything related to programming.

>Study English pedagogy
>Get state scolarship
>Go to private university
>0 debts
>working part-time at small start-up
>they paid for certifications
>work full-time at a school
>get paid shitloads because language certifications
>get offered web developer position

Never needed a comp science degree, but I might get one just in case
Life is good.

>I learned Python online at Code Academy, please spend 5 hours of your engineer's time giving me an interview

It's saturday night and we're both posting on Sup Forums. You can't play that hand tonight, friend, we're both in the same boat.

I got a BS in Finance, but I've been learning C and C# in my spare time and have gotten really proficient at it. Could I just go into programming even though I don't have the degree? Is this going to get in the way of future job opportunities? Or will they see that I am college educated and have experience in programming is enough?

>mfw dad's technically disabled and our household pays like no fucking tax

I'd honestly still wish he never had that stroke and lost half his vision, but there's a sliver lining. """Free""" college is great in my opinion!

this is all very well and dandy, but computers aren't some expensive thing you don't have access to like medical facilities, chemistry labs or law libraries.
A literal street shitter can scrap together enough to buy a laptop and learn to program and do the same work as you for a fraction of the cost.
Why do you need a degree to do this?

To get a fucking job you idiot.

Can you imagine taking on $75,000 in debt just so you can get a little piece of paper just so employers won't autotrash your resume?

You americans are so fucked.

That piece of paper pays for itself in the first year. Europoors will be forever stuck with shit pay.

kek but how do you initially build that portfolio?

Do you intend to incur 0 expenses your first year?
Also what makes you think you will get a 70k starting job your first year?

I got a 200k starting job in my first year.

sure you did

Are you me? Fed grants are a fucking godsend. FUCK TAXPAYING KEKS.


>Not knowing you live in a poor country

keep going

>lying on a Myanmar quilt knitting forum
For what purpose?

It took me a while to understand burger colleges. But after seeing enough foreign students at my university I can say that (at least in ee) college degrees are worthless and 'higher' burger education is trash.
Dont plan on leaving your shit country when you all you got is a college degree.

Define meme, I don't understand your stupid teenager lingo. I guess that you're talking about benefits of the education in a tech university.

Stanford and MIT are good places to start if you're going to do something more serious than webdev and shitposting on Sup Forums about botnets and how you installed Arch your Apple devices.

The universities give a required minimum of subjects which are the must for an engineer, they give the hi quality knowledge and make sure that you have grasped those concepts and ideas.

You can learn all of this from books and online lectures but no one can guide you or give good advises and no one can check whether you fully understood what you'd learned.

college is only a meme if you sit in your dorm shitposting all day. If you actually do well in classes, get close to professors, and network with people, you'll get way more than your money's worth, and you get a lot of opportunity you can't get without going.

If you just want to learn how to program, and be content as a contractor that makes websites for small businesses, skip the college.

Of all the classes I took in college, I felt I learned the most in Introduction to Python and Intro to Java which I took on a whim since I entered with 30+ credits

they autotrash the resume because self taught coders always make big mistakes, and have a hard time actually adhering to company coding conventions. By self teaching you basically have to work on your own from that point forward, otherwise you might get told how bad you are.


Sorry I don't talk to CS cunts.

97 credit hours here and I'm still only 63% done with my degree. Switching majors really fucked me up...

I'm not retarded enough to do CS, I'm CE because you actually learn how the shit works, and get to actually use the university's expensive engineering equipment while you write programs.
Plus in CE they focus much more on optimization.

I got laid from an assembly class so yeah I'd say it was worth it

At this point CS is pretty much a meme. Every wannabe 1337 haxor and their mom is going into CS. One of the many reasons I'm a CIS major.

i never should have bothered with CS
i dropped out after I failed alg II twice, taught myself programming and then came back and passed alg II but now I found out a full BS in CS degree would require me to take...
>plane geometry (prereq)
>trig (prereq)
>calc i
>calc ii
>phsyics 2

I just wanna drop out again and write a game entirely in C

you don't fucking know geometry or trig and expect to be able to write competent computer graphics code? Jesus christ, everything up to calc 2 isn't even hard.

What are you so angry for?

Is there any point in going to college if its not a STEM degree?

>in school
Shut the fuck up, please.

you should drop out of life, lazy fucker.

Yeah honestly the most BASED and jew free career is to be a servant for jewish oligarchs desu

education is fucking stupid and useless nigga


More like normalised.

information and how it's dealt with has revolutionized completely in the last 20-30 years and institutions are just now realizing they have to catch up

do you need college to learn to do a fucking job well? no, you can learn all that shit on the internet

however your options for proving your proficiency are slim and inconsistent outside of that stupid fucking piece of paper you get at the end of it, and besides they can be really great for networking and starting a solid base for a career

so there you go

It really depends on the person now.
An education wont make a retard smart, education is more directed towards getting you on your feet easier and have a easier chance at scoring a decent job.

The only thing it does is make your chances of survival easier, its not meant to do everything for you.

You write like a fucking nigger

I agree it's suppose to give you skills. For example, you need to be trained to become an engineer.

If you are paying for college, you do not belong there.

It's not, if you live in an actual country that doesn't assrape you financially,

As always, the US is a complete failure.

I'd rather pay 19% sales tax, if that means that I and my kids get free education and free healthcare and I don't have to worry about my pension, ever.

Says the poorfag.
I bet your parents both work at a McDonalds.

idk seems like it
I just started uni

I did a vocational education before and have an Advanced diploma in IT Networking.

Never used it for anything tho because im stupid and didn't apply for any jobs so in some ways its out of date now but i could still get a help desk job.

Doing this programming course the lecturer basically expects you to know how to do everything and passes off all the blame to "You're supposed to be doing independent study" They don't give you any decent resources to look at besides some shit boring text book on Java programming.

Your literally paying $1000 or whatever for the course its a joke if you had to pay upfront you would tell them to get fucked.

>cuckputer nigger cum eating science
Please don't do this to yourself. CS is a dying meme and you'll end up just being a webdev cuck anyways.

You went to TAFE? Now what uni?

There are a lot of people that go to TAFE for advanced diploma then realise it has pretty much no value and the only way someone is getting a job in networking with that is if they have years of experience and CISCO certs.

The problem I have with study at TAFE or Uni is that it's pretty much identical to an online course except in the Bach. of IT, there's one weekly class for each unit. They seem to just pick a random textbook and structure their units around it so they can throw it at the students and hope they know what is required and desirable.

They have to create a system where they can train a variety of different people in something then test them on that something and the end result is a bunch of people who don't fully grasp the concepts of each unit and people who don't have real job skills. I think it's a shame that universities have switched to essentially a job-certificate factory that pumps out students who know a little bit of how to function in various things and know a little bit about whatever industry they apply into. Students have to learn the essential concepts in their own time as if they're secondary to assessment requirements.

Instead, I wish universities focused on the pure science and conceptual aspect of the study so that students graduated with an education in what they were fucking studying. From that position, they can learn job skills and real-life training.

There's also the problem of money. Difficult courses have high dropout rates. You can't have the Above failing or it would be another holocaust!!!

90% of cs graduates end up in web dev/app dev positions aka basic algo course + OOP course and you are pretty much set

90% of classes are useless if you are not an autistic math nerd

In germany the customer does not PAY it, you mongoloid. Learn how 2 tax, nigger.

Imagine living in a country where you don't want to pay taxes because you're afraid they'll be stolen and not actually put into the infrastructure of the country unlike most of European countries.

no high school diploma and no college degree here. work in webdev and make 60k a year but I can't go much higher than this without going to school I've found. hit a ceiling wish had gone to class

Norwegian here, they do though. It's just that unlike the US, VAT is already included into the price.

>going to an American college
Found your first mistake

cuz he's so gudd at did combuduh stuff uuhuhuh

Tax doesn't collect interest

>pay 19% sales tax

How the fuck did you get them to cover that much? All I got was $700.

>boohoo i have so much debt i'm such a victim why won't the government help me :^(

No college is not a meme. Fucking go.

Regardless of whether you get a job out it or not, it will teach you some discipline and open your mind to different schools of thought and will let you network.

>tfw 34 act
>tfw no scholarship
>tfw debt out my ass

Godspeed user

>going to an american university

literally just go to a school in canada. there are tons of alternatives that are significantly cheaper, even after you factor in international student fees. the USD is currently quite strong against the CAD too. and everybody speaks english except in quebec and parts of new brunswick.

i reccomend memorial university of newfoundland. they had a tuition freeze in the 70s so tuition hasn't even adjusted to inflation. a full semester costs about 1200 $CAD (950 $USD). it's a budget school and it shows, but the degree you get there is worth exactly as much as a piece of paper from somewhere else.

I know a few people who work in computer science without a degree, but they are an exception to the rule. These guys are EXCEPTIONALLY bright people.

Almost genius like.

The other people I know who work in computer science field without a degree had experience in the military, so they had practical training and working experience with lots of high tech shit.

I earned the GI Bill, so it's free for me.

>tfw I didn't do this and I should have

What's Canada's elite school and how much does it cost?

>thinking a degree from some no-name college in leafland is worth as much as one from MIT

>going to a canadian university

I work at a fortune 500 making over 100k a year without a college degree, most of what I work on isn't taught at colleges though
Low level winapi shit and reverse engineering mostly

From my understanding, there's only one Canadian university that's worth a shit. The University of Toronto.

The rest fucking suck.

So you make half of what college graduates start out with at Google/Facebook/Amazon, only after years of experience?

im not 100% because i went to the one i recommended (memorial). i think maybe waterloo might be considered the "elite school". i recall dalhousie and acadia being considered elite, but i grew up in the maritimes so i didn't know much about western schools.

IMO for a bachelors it's almost completely irrelevant where you go. a bachelor's is the new high school, as they say. it's only for masters and above that the name of the school really matters, and even then probably not that much.

in my personal experience, people who seriously take into account the prestige of the school are often the lowest performers.

>Canadian """education"""