How many of you consider yourself a tech enthusiast with self-diagnosed autism? I clearly am

How many of you consider yourself a tech enthusiast with self-diagnosed autism? I clearly am.

I am starting to think these two things are intrinsically intertwined

Reporting in
>be fedex warehouse worker
>i am that
>talking and stacking boxes with dude
>"Yeah user, i went to college for tech."
>"Aw shit! Yeah bro me too. Im running Arch Linux and mostly stick to scripting in python. Do a lot of web & network scraping - playing with data and stuff. CCNA 1 and 2 certified, looking to get A+ -- its easy peasy."
>"Heh, yeah user. Linux. Thats pretty ... clickity clacky ... right?"
>see myself out

Autism makes you superior.

here's a clue: unless you're a medical specialist, auto-diagnoses are ALWAYS WRONG.

Autism and Anime go hand in hand. Tech just supports these two illnesses.

>self-diagnosed autism
thats not how it works

How about actually diagnosed?

>auto-diagnoses are ALWAYS WRONG.
My family is full of medics and i have been prepared to be too one since i'm 5. Still fell for the cs meme.

>CCNA 1 and 2
Are those certs you can get from Cisco, I thought it was CCNA and CCENT?

>To see doctor
>By the time he comes into the room, he is already looking at his watch wondering how to get me out
>Forced to say everything as briefly as possible but still convey what I want
>Doing this usually ends up needing hyperboles
>Get diagnosed over my exaggerations and not legitimate symptoms

Modern medicine is a joke unless you can pay cash and go to a private doctor. Are you saying 5 min with someone who doesn't care is more valid than days, weeks, and even months of introspection? If you think the former is more valid then you most have internal self-trust issues to believe that a stranger can know you better than yourself

>Modern medicine is a joke unless you can pay cash and go to a private doctor.
Why would you trust someone more with an obvious incentive to extract as much money as possible out of you?


Because private doctors make the same as regular doctors but know that instead of lengthy insurance battles for coverage they're paid up front and spend much longer periods of time trying to diagnose and fix you.

Do you honestly believe that a doctor who on average gets 500$ for an office visit, 50 of which is an up front copay and the other 450 of which is a 2 month long Medicare claim, gives a fuck about any of your issues when he has to squeeze in a patient every 15 minutes?
No. He doesn't.

But the dude you just coughed up half a grand to for an hour long session cares more, specifically because you paid him to care.

Lol I know those feelings. Everyone usually either gets weird or is like "cool...". I am convinced some people are of low intellect and are boring with their lives.

Me on the left

I don't have autism. I'm just vapid. Technology was the least challenging way to feel a sense of accomplishment. And so now I'm a programmer.

I'm a tech enthusiast with professionally diagnosed autism.

You guys ever wonder if other people are communicating on a level that you can't quite grasp? Like some sort of unspoken, almost supernatural level. I gleam onto it when I smoke the ol' weed, but it makes me uncomfortable. Sorry I can't be more eloquent.

>Im running Arch Linux and mostly stick to scripting in python

>tfw CS grad
>use C/C++ and C#
>some pleb talks about how he uses babby python and brags about their OS choice

I'd consider you a lost cause too.

autism is so fucking overused that I don't even know what it means anymore.

People that are socially awkward consider themselves autistic.
People that have 'non-normie' hobbies consider themselves autistic.
People that have attention to detail consider themselves autistic.

It's fucking stupid.
You're not autistic.

There's nothing wrong with self-diagnosed autism. You can find tons of scientific papers and professional tests on the internet, you just have to look for them seriously and be as accurate as you can with the answers.

Best way to diagnose yourself with autism is find someone else who has it, and ask them about it. It has a very well-defined set of symptoms that you can ask about if you have it (coming from someone who was professionally diagnosed).

They have interests in things that aren't their computer.

Ok so can you determine if I have autism?

Is that even possible in this day and age?
Even normies lives are based around social media, which involves a computer.

If my computer somehow blew up, I'd probably spend my time staring at a wall or something.

Most people have no use for a computer, they use their phone to do all their communication with others.
You should talk to people sometime.

>people with nerdy interests are socially awkward

mind blown

I consider phones the same as computers.
When I said computer, I don't mean a traditional desktop.

>You should talk to people sometime.
I'm talking to you right now.
Besides,99% people around me do not share the same interests or hobbies as me. Hell, I have a hard time even relating to most threads on Sup Forums because it's mostly entry-level or college babies.

Yes, believe it or not us faggots and normies alike both have hobbies and interests and likes that don't involve tech. I'm sure that even you, user, like something non-tech related. Surfing? Rock climbing? Working out? Guns? Sports? Driving? Your friends? Prefer/play a certain kind of instrument? Clothes? Fucking drugs/alcohol? You've gotta like SOMETHING, man.

Autism is an epidemic in the tech industry

I actually feel like an outsider because I don't have it

>I'm sure that even you, user, like something non-tech related
No, I don't. 100% requires computer.

>Surfing? Rock climbing? Working out? Guns? Sports? Driving?

>Your friends?
I have co-workers who I have no problem talking to at work for hours, but I don't consider them my friends and I'd never hang out with them.

>Prefer/play a certain kind of instrument? Clothes? Fucking drugs/alcohol?

>You've gotta like SOMETHING, man.
I sure do. This includes:
Game development(Unity/C#)
Decompiling and porting models.
Web scrapping with Python(For my data hoarding needs)
Various tool development
Organizing and managing 30TB+ of data.
Tweaking with hardware/firmware
Researching and testing new algorithms

Now ask yourself why the fuck would someone like me be outside surfing. The fuck, I've got shit to do.

go outside you fucking nerd

This. Stupid NEETs use self-diagnosed autism as excuses for their obnoxious behavior and weird hobbies/interests and as a sign of "non-normie" intelligence.

There's a huge correlation with physical attractiveness and intelligence.

>i'm autistic so i'm mentally superior
unless you're a fucking savant, you're basically mentally retarded

There's also a huge correlation with dick size and intelligence.

Tfw actually diagnosed with autism.

Autism is a spectrum but even so,

OP is probably more on the assburger side of things. maybe even just a little.

You can master social skills if you try, if you never have any social interactions, how can you expect to be good at it ?

Not him but I sure I used to work out before I started programming, I think that's it though.

>all this self-diagnosis
Autism doesn't make you super smart and being socially inept doesn't mean you're autistic.
I swear to fucking god people use autism as a scapegoat for not enjoying normalfag things and think that it means they're a special snowflake or some asinine shit. These kinds of people need to read what legitimate autism is. Actual autists are so retarded they're basically unable to stack blocks and need a caretaker for the rest of their lives.

You can't diagnose yourself for mental illness. The power of suggestion will fuck it up every time.