What happens if I plug my laptop into this I'm on a train in krautland

What happens if I plug my laptop into this I'm on a train in krautland

It would be extremely painful...

most chargers will not handle 250v, the non sine wave output isnt a big deal.

do it anyways

you become a commie from the high voltage data transmission through the powerline ethernet installed. Since it's so high voltage it travels through your fingertips while you type.

Happened to my uncle once.

You're a big guy

I think it makes chlorine gas

Most laptop chargers handle 100-240V, 50 to 60 Hz

You will get power.

For you...

Use a condom. It's disgusting.

Do it, post result.


nerve gas

The Deutsche Bahn will fine you 1000 euros.

It will charge.

It literally says that the output varies heavily. Don't do it.

could those labels be any less specific
it might as well just say "???" on it
mystery electricity! who knows what it'll do!

>less specific
they're not meant for you.


>160v 15hz ~ 250v 60hz
It will slowly kill your charger.

It's not meant for computers. It's only meant for running electric beaver clippers.

you will be fine do it

I was looking at that. What makes you think it isnt sine wave when they show sine wave, square wave, and modified square wave.
fucking krauts cant keep their shit together.

Nothing. Your laptop will charge. Try it.

Haha Le Big Guy amirite? Baneposting? XD