Where were you when openmailbox betrayed its users?

Where were you when openmailbox betrayed its users?

protonmail ftw

Does protonmail support external access now? Considering migrating if so, as much of a pain in the ass as it would be, considering all my market and finance related services use my current omb email.

They ALL do

>external access
do you mean like through a desktop mail client?
no you cant access it through a desktop mail client

I'm out of the loop. How exactly did they betray their users?

paywalling imap/pop access

Yeah, that's what I mean, and shit, that throws that out the window.

Happened in the course of the last couple days, but basically they were "upgrading" their service backend (and frontend it seems) and part of the 'upgrade' was adding a payment feature for imap/pop3 for a "Pro" account.

Basically the gist of what pissed everybody off was that they did this out of the blue and notified none of their users until it had happened already.

>not using airmail.cc, the standard professional e-mail provider for e-mail professionals

>not horsefucker.org

Oh, great. And it seems like another punch to the face is that I can't even send an email from the web interface either. Bug, or purposeful lockout, this whole damn thing is a mess for OMB and this is absolutely unacceptable.

its because protonmail has an encrypted inbox
so you have 2 passwords
the goal of protonmail is privacy

Gmail doesn't have this problem.

>not using cianigger.mail

Is there no way to reconcile that with a client? Is webmail the only way it works? Because I fucking hate webmail interfaces.

> Not using tutanota

Are you even trying?

Fuck them, I had been using using it for personal mail since nearly the beginning. No POP/IMAP is unacceptable, but there's an unbelievable amount of shit I need to migrate now.

I'm just going to host my own mail from now on.

Exact same situation for me. SIgned on with them when the first started up in 2013 with teh blessings of the FSF (or was it Stallman personally?). All of my non-university related things are managed by that account. Fuck this.

I wonder if derpymail is still up and around. I liked them for the brief time I used them a long time ago.

>inb4 ponyfag

>not using the superior email service

actually there is a beta test of program which enables imap access to protonmail, but beta is only for paid accounts and so will be the final release
the name is protonmail bridge
currently only on macos and Windows cause muh no resources for Linux

How good is cock.li, really?

Is it actually reliable? How secure is it?

is teknik.io any good?

>How good is cock.li, really?
it's good
>Is it actually reliable?
there are downtimes sometimes. You can call vc if the server is down.
>How secure is it?
-https enabled
-secure communication over mail protocols enabled
-tor enabled

on protonmail paid :)

not after the server debacle. can't fool me twice

I use cock.li for trash things
What email provider should i use now for personal stuffs that is for free?

>using jewmail for my work
>never discuss private matters over the internet