Woman in OP is clearly white

>Woman in OP is clearly white
>Woman in OP is working on Go
>Woman in OP has done more than OP will ever accomplish in his life, yet OP is sperging out because she made a comment on tech community

Other urls found in this thread:


>Woman in OP has done more than OP will ever accomplish in his life
so why is she complaining?

why do you people keep making this thread?

yay more identity politics in not only society but also in capitalism, man I wonder who benefits from this idpol nonsense

She's complaining about people like OP, who think the reason why they don't get a high-paid job at Google is because they're white (and not because, you know, OP is incompetent).

>imagine getting triggered to drinking water

this isn't tech related, go suck a dick OP

Well I don't know about that. How close are we to developing quadcopters capable of swooping people down, snatching them up, and dropping them in the ocean?

>actually reading twitter of some vapid worthless cunt

Does she see a problem with these numbers aswell?

about tree fiddy

>you need to hire more X because i say so, not because they're the most qualified for the job
how can people be this stupid and at the same time have a good paying job?

>ree why dont men take me seriously

That's not what she said at all though. She's saying the opposite, that she got the job presumably for her skill, and not because of WHITE GENOCIDE.

Well put

[citation needed]

>working on Go
I'd like to see the list of her commits.

>my eyelash is more oppressed than you

says a white fucking female

ay dis wite boi is drinkin' wateh

the fuck, lmaooo wite people cray

Women shouldn't be allowed near computer.

i don't see any of what you said in her tweet
also she started with
>dear white men
so i don't really give a shit about her





why? they can tweet, facebook and play candy crush all they want. it's not like they will ever out-tech the nerds.


>feeling unsafe after seeing an eggplant
women should be banned from anything tech related

Then go look them up.

You're just being triggered because a woman is more successful than you can ever be. Just drop the act, you're not being discriminated against. You're not getting a top dev job because you're lazy fucks that shitpost on Sup Forums instead of working on your careers.

Have you not been paying attention? They infect otherwise good software with their SJW bullshit and make it their safe space.

>triggered by an eggplant
can't make this shit up.

white men are the cancer of this world. proven again and again by history.

I honestly only got about 2/3rds through that before losing interest in what she had to say

not sure if poor reflection on me or on her tho


show your tits already

If by cancer you mean "the creators", sure.

>not knowing that an eggplant is a metaphor for a BIG BLACK COCK
Some one is new to the Internet, I see.

How is that any different from what you do?

embrace nonsense, be ruined by nonsense. seems fair to me. those who don't embrace the nonsense won't be affected and those who do will serve as an example to not let insane people dictate your policies.

I'm not triggered by eggplants for one.

Well, Sup Forums is because, you know,

I see an eggplant.

>working on go
>accomplishing things
pick one

Oh, OK then

>first thing women think about is BBC when they see veggies
you are probably right

Then why are you bringing it up?

not everyone sees phallic things and associates them with black penises, homo.

Does every shitpost on twitter need its own /pol9k/ hugbox thread?

>globcorp-esque chairs facing front of the room
she goes to a big research uni

>not everyone knows a well-established cultural reference
That's true, I guess some people like you suffer from autism as well.

but can s(he) write an interrupt routine?

>cultural reference
american """culture""" lol

easy to "create" when it's done at the expense of the others. south america/africa/india/... how many of them have you exploited/destructed to live beyond your means? now that it is coming to a end, your world is falling apart.

women make PRs like this on my open source projects every few months and I just delete them not a huge timesink

>not knowing a cultural reference means i'm autistic
>instead of just not knowing a cultural reference
how do you function in your day-to-day?

The USA dominate fashion, music, movie industry and everyone wants to drink Coca Cola and eat Big Macs.

Deal with it.

[citation needed]

>coming to a end
how so?

>"I don't get triggered by an eggplant emoji!!!!"
>gets triggered by being called new to the internet instead

Kill yourself, please

> everyone wants to drink Coca Cola and eat Big Macs.
This kind of thinking is what made you fat, Ameripiggie

Maybe, but I can guarantee that there's something that she doesn't have a problem with: the fact that almost all oilfield roughnecks, Alaskan fishermen (sorry, fisherpersons), and workplace fatalities are men. Because danger and hard work are for men. Cushy, high-paying office jobs are for women.

China is creating more than we ever did. How many times have you seen a /csg/ for the US and Europe?

>being jealous of americans
I mean, the US _is_ a cultural center, with Hollywood and music producers and whatnot. But getting upset when Americans flaunt their "culture" is just stupid. You're feeding him exactly what he wants.

have anyone found the document yet?

who let the sjws out?

>yfw 'America' is just a European export product

Speak for yourself, I don't want to take credit for degenerate hiphop and techno music. Or even that negroid Jazz music.


Are you sure that's a woman? I honestly can't tell.

south america is taking na back through migration, same for africa with europe. you guys are going extinct.

So that's why the world has been slowly but surely turning into shithole for the past decades

You can just tell from the profile pic that this is a very pleasant person to talk to

It's not yours to take, what have you produced of cultural importance?
those degenerate beeps

electricians seems really surprising to me
just stay away from installing backup generators and there's not much heavy lifting

You guys just don't understand how hard it is to be a woman working in tech.
We need more women like her in our society.

i didnt make it 5 posts down before saying fuck it

Why do you think the nazis banned Hollywood movies and American jazz music?

>The USA dominate fashion
You've never been out of the country, have you?

>yfw these types of women think that women are held to higher standards than men are

>y-you're just triggered that she's m-more s-successful
No, we're T R I G G E R E D that she's clearly in a privileged position (and yes, that means she's more successful than most people, not just in this board) and she's still bitching about muh privilege and muh oppression. Sage-ing this sorry excuse for a thread. You're pathetic.

Just take your racism and get the fuck out.

I am an electrician and 97.7% male seems off to me.
This number only works if you count women who start the training.
If you count women who work as electricians, the number is closer to 1%.
I don't think there was a single female electrician in the city I grew up in.
I have only worked in two major companies and they didn't have any women outside of their offices.

Ironically all those people are wearing jeans, t-shirts and sneakers, which are all from American fashion industry.

It's not the heavy lifting that scares them. They are only after the safe male dominated fields.

You're using anecdotal evidence to try and invalidate actual statistics, don't

>she's still bitching about muh privilege and muh oppression
But she's not, she's bitching about the OPPOSITE: white people bitching about being oppressed. That's the opposite of claiming that she's being oppressed.

Poor people were wearing rags long before america even existed.

Muslim detected

>woman is more successful than you can ever be
really gets the noggin joggn

Because if they didn't there would be no reason to have a ruling class.

Interestingly, the gender pay gap is lowest in construction jobs. Meritocracy? Gasp?

>But she's not, she's bitching about the OPPOSITE: white people bitching about being oppressed. That's the opposite of claiming that she's being oppressed.
What, is she jewish?

so googles hired a little sjw attention whore to publicize their new dev-lang


stupid bitch prolly made this thread too


>american jeans

because the google manifesto is recent news

Statistics in my country said 1%, it was from 2009 though.
The anecdotal evidence is not just my own.
I have talked to a couple of hundred other electricians and working with female electricians is noteworthy enough to get the word around if there is one in the company.

There is a lot of things that electricians do which require heavy lifting.
Most things cannot be done without a ladder, cables are heavy, switchboards are heavy, tools are heavy etc.
I stopped being an electrician to get an engineering degree and during summer breaks, I worked as an electrician and something as simple as having your arms above your head all day is hard in itself.

so then it might be 1% in your country, does it matter?

The point is that the vast majority of electricians are male