ITT : we post rare Lennarts. Also systemd hate thread

Why does Sup Forums hate systemd? Is devuan a considerable change?

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systemd is indeed about choice: specifically, removing choice from users

fucking globalist german

someone post the one where lennart licks his lips

Stop posting subhumans on this board

i once found a picture of Lennart in a toy store holing a doll if i remember correctly


B-but, user, Lennart is aryan


>As my job, I singlehandedly crippled Linux as I have been commanded to but these cis white male scums are blaming me for singlehandedly crippling Linux, like the hateful, intolerant bigots they are. You see folks, this is why I have destroyed Linux, the hateful community of cis white male scum shouldn't exist.

guy's a total piece of shit. Also,

>Systemd wins top gong for 'lamest vendor' in Pwnie security awards
>And finally, the lamest vendor response award went to Systemd supremo Lennart Poettering for his controversial, and perhaps questionable, handling of the following bugs in everyone's favorite init replacement: 5998, 6225, 6214, 5144, and 6237 that we covered here.

>"Where you are dereferencing null pointers, or writing out of bounds, or not supporting fully qualified domain names, or giving root privileges to any user whose name begins with a number, there's no chance that the CVE number will referenced in either the change log or the commit message," reads the Pwnie nomination for Systemd, referring to the open-source project's allergy to assigning CVE numbers. "But CVEs aren't really our currency any more, and only the lamest of vendors gets a Pwnie!"

When it seems that the vast majority of people around you are crazy, maybe it's time to have a think about whether you are, in fact, the odd one.

>When it seems that the vast majority of people around you are crazy, maybe it's time to have a think about whether you are, in fact, the odd one.
But they're not. They're the silent minority who suffer under these communist pieces of shit who think they've won cultural war just because the majority has been tolerating their insanity for all these years.

The majorities can be controlled by mass media propaganda machine, user. As long as you believe you are defending the truth, cling on that belief and continue fighting the ignorance.

>Everybody's a dumb sheep except me!

Furiously tipping my fedora in your direction, good sir. Us intellectuals must keep fighting the good fight.

Oh no! A user with root access can give another user root access!

No user no, the intellectuals teach you what to think, your role is just following their orders. Nice ad hominem by the way, I will take my time to recover from that.

>Why does Sup Forums hate systemd?
Sup Forums hates systemd because it is a chan tradition to be relentlessly contrarian and parrot what others have said. Unfortunately, in this case, the people they are parroting are right.

>Is devuan a considerable change?
In what sense? It sure as hell seems superfluous.
The FOSS response to systemd has been passive aggressive at best, which is why it spread like wildfire. Poettering and RH were exploiting a very strong desire to migrate from sysvinit; back then the project was much smaller, the worst part being an http server proof of concept that wasn't shipped in distros anyway. People were still butthurt about PulseAudio and jumped the gun hard, leading to a boy-who-cried-werewolf problem wherein Poettering is free to make systemd the infinitely dense void of horror he wants it to be, because his critics are assumed to only be hobbyist losers to distro maintainers that don't really give a shit as long as it works so they can go back to working on their package managers and other homegrown projects.
systemd is 5% good ideas, 85% mediocrity and 10% ideas so catastrophically bad that it seems almost intentional. The current issue is that no one wants to improve systemd by keeping the neat features and either ripping out most of the other 95% or replacing it with existing libraries that didn't need to be reinvented. Everyone keeps insisting on reinventing sysvinit instead. It hasn't occurred to them that just because people want simplicity, doesn't mean they want minimalism.

how ironic, he must surely be aware


Sup Forums hates Aryan Pottering and worships (((the fellow))) in pic related.
