I love this system, I really do. Stopped all my distro hopping since Fedora 19. Still very happy with Fedora 26. I'm not even using GNOME with it.
Ubuntu and all its derivatives are abomination.
I love this system, I really do. Stopped all my distro hopping since Fedora 19. Still very happy with Fedora 26. I'm not even using GNOME with it.
Ubuntu and all its derivatives are abomination.
same, been on fedora for a while now. everything "just works".
Hello NSA.
Stop shilling please.
Fedora is great, but fucking systemd, man.
is there a dash dock where you can actually add paramters to the applications on your dock?
dash to dock won't let me
You don't even know what it is.
You don't know how to use it nor do you need to use it for more than starting service (if you even do that manually).
You only parrot technological opinions deemed edgy to feel smart.
I doubt you even use a Linux distribution.
Fucking disconnect from the internet you utter imbecile.
Nice pasta, saved.
Feel free to prove me wrong, you meme parroting idiot. Your only argument consists of posting either "hello [creator of the thing I know absolutely nothing about]" or posting a picture of said thing, or even using the word you learned on here "shill".
Why are you so buttmad?
Fedora is great but I moved to Solus late last year and I've been much happier with how my system has been working.
Biggest difficulty I had was Broadcom drivers
I am not buttmad, I am the opposite. Calling out retards makes me happy and gives me a satisfaction deeply from within.
Holy shit you sound upset
That's pretty sad, user.
You sound like you have no technical knowledge about any of the topics you're talking about.
Kill yourself or go to a place where people discuss things you have knowledge of (being a retard for example).
No, coming to a technology related forum and parroting opinions to feel smart, but being so retarded that you don't realize how wrong you are but still feeling smug about your idiocy is sad.
I use Windows 10.
>when you accidentally make copypasta
First day on Sup Forums?
Systemd is not good, admit it.
Dash to dock just uses desktop files, so you could make your own with parameters.
He isn't using kde, he might not know how to edit a text file.
just edit the .desktop file to any extra options you want and they will appear in the context menu
What does it do better than ubuntu?
Real question. I feel comfy with ubuntu
using fedora 26 here, any idea why the sound is not working every time the system resume form suspend?
answer this question you stupid shitniggers.
What does it do better than ubuntu?
Making your system crash :^)
Everything you wrote applies to you.
Dicks stop flying into your mouth at uncalculateable rates.
I tasted my cum once, but I have never had a dick in my mouth desu senpai
killall pulseaudio
Don't worry, it autorespawns. It used to crash so much they had no other option but to make it autorespawn.
It has shit fonts. What's your next goto distro, faggot?
I think we should make this a bit longer. It had a good start and then ended prematurely.
Just install Overpass fonts. Best UI font I've used.
Anyone tried to build Fedora from minimal install? I install xserver, i3wm and any display manager. No matter what I try DM just doesn't want to start i3 session. I either get black screen or a couple of flashes before I'm returned to login screen.
I just replaced Fedora with openSUSE and I hate it.
Fucking rad right, after distrohopping for 6 years, landed on fedora last year, quite the good experience desu. RHEL is not nearly the bitch I thought it would be. A+ all round on all my workstation needs.
What's the difference between fedora and red hat?
Asking for a friend
oh wow there are still people spouting this nonsense
sure go ahead and wank on your coreboot enabled openbsd or slackware system bye
I've got a shitty eight year old macbook pro, so that's the case for about every distro I've ever used. The ones that work with it out of the box usually include some beefy-ass desktop environment that makes my shit look like a powerpoint presentation until I get i3 up and running. And even still, little bits and bobbles of KDE or whatever's included like to keep a finger in things just so I don't forget who I'm fucking around on. Either way, I can't complain too much. I run Arch these days despite my wireless working on boot about 50% of the time, and the fact that updates usually fuck it completely. Once I get a machine that doesn't start glowing red as a dog's dick at the first sign of an incoming compile like it's fucking Darius Gaiden or whatever, I'll probably switch to Fedora or one of the more interfaced distros.
Running reliably since Fedora Core 6.
Parrot count rising
Try uninstalling your dm, place a tiny ~/.xinitrc and run startx yourself to see what's wrong
Every time I upgrade x breaks for some reason and I panic then remember I just have to dnf reinstall all the nvidia shit and x11 drivers and it works fine. Other than that I love it and had no problems.
Red Hat abandoned btrfs for a proprietary file system
Canonical supports ZFS
OpenSUSE uses btrfs
Debian/Canonical use dash as /bin/sh, which is much faster than bash
apt and zypper > yum/dnf
pacman is the best, but if you want the best machine in Arch, you gotta put effort
Apparmor > selinux
Really it is something like this:
Arch > Ubuntu > OpenSUSE > Debian > Gentoo > Redhat/Fedora
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