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into the trash it goes
fuck you cunt
>copper is slow maymay
wtf do you think lan cables are made of?
Who's decision was this?
Are you retarded? Can you not see the difference between a *local* area network and long-distance Internet cabling? Fuck off shill.
>wtf do you think lan cables are made of?
mine are fibre, why do you ask ?
Copper is pretty shitty, I can get up to 40 gbps with fiber to the home
It's slow and inefficient compared to the theoretical maximum speed that fiber can reach
Exactly, ftth is wrought with interference issues still, last mile should always be coax and DOCSIS 3.1
Copper > Fiber
(please don't spill me)
LAN cables only work about 100m before attenuation hits the limit, then you have to start putting in repeaters.
That's enough for your house to the pole outside, but even if they put fibre down the street with switches on the poles to deliver LAN cable to your house that's
1) stretching the limits for distance
2) fucking stupid to have to put powered fucking switches all over the place
Fibre is far more practical and supports higher bandwidth.
I swear this whole government NBN shit is just surveillance
I'm staying on my shite network
>mfw i have fttp but too poor to afford higher than copper speeds
Why did Australians elect an actual jew again?
You must not be that poor because I get gigabit over copper here
>local area network
OP is talking about his LAN
>mine are fibre
how much $$ per m to set up?
how much did it cost to install?
that's ignoring price
thanks for the lesson in basic networking 101
porches are fast and shit too so why aren't all the police driving them?
free (You)
>free (You)
This is objectively true in the West until the light-interference issues with ftth are resolved and construction has finished.
He nearly lost. Honestly both choices are terrible.
"copper" in this context, is referring to POTS/telephone cabling, not cat5/6 cabling
>*breaks contracts and pays out millions for nothing*
>*forces operators to make last minute, unplanned changes at high expense*
>*costs far exceed projections anyway*
>*save hardly any money at all*
>f-fuck you guys this is fine...
internet is only for pornography
no one needs it, especially businesses
this, internet is just for porn and media pirace, nobody needs it
who cares if you need to move and get a business tier line just to be able to have a legible skype video conversation with your coworkers?
>boss asks me to research the cost of upgrading to FTTP for the business because he has a lot of client data he wants backed up off site regularly
>do my thing, write up a pretty blazing report
>before handing it in I tell him he's not going to like it
>he's fucking shocked to find out it would cost at least $20k if not more and less than 30 Australians have even paid for this option
>could even cost up to $160k, you need to pay for a quote from NBN co to even find out what you're in for or if they'll do it
what's better, according to NBN co themselves FTTP would cost about $4.5k per premises, FTTN is costing about $2.5k to $3.5k per premises.
The FTTP installation costs they're quoting are being marked up to ridiculous levels to try and make back ground on all the losses of breaking contracts and poor management.
You can't. You have 18 months to switch over to NBN once it becomes available in your neighbourhood, and the old networks get switched off. If you haven't got NBN by then, you'll be disconnected.
"So long as they can read the Sun on the google and get footy scores, then they'll be happy, why the blood hell would they need it anyway? Can't we just put nets on the internet tubes?"
-Australian Government, ~2017
>Slow connections plaguing the National Broadband Network would have been even worse under Labor’s gold-plated scheme because the costly bandwidth charges that are causing the problem would have been up to three times higher.
>The assessment comes from New Street Research’s Ian Martin, who added that if NBN Co had stuck with the former Labor government’s plan the likely losses to taxpayers over the scheme would have been “$50 billion to $60bn”, as opposed to an estimated $30bn under the Coalition’s approach.
That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that there is no alternative to the NBN for fixed line services. The government has forced a monopoly stranglehood on the telecommunications sector, which was deemed illegal back in the 90's when Telstra was trying to monopolise the market.
Oh look here comes /r/left_wing_faggits
>fiber is better cuz muh feels
NBN Co's costs would've blown out, but it would've still been cheaper to stick to the plan and not buy all that copper.
>tfw i have FTTP
>tfw rest of country could've had this world class infrastructure
>tony/malcolm fucked us for decades
>only "Planned" mid 2018
>porches are fast and shit too so why aren't all the police driving them?
Because the majority of police cars need to be able to stick people in the back and secure the drivers from them.
Also, high speed isn't really necessary for police cars. If some faggot is going at 200km/h the police don't want to get into a high speed chase because it gets really dangerous for them and for bystanders. If you'll slow down just because of some flashing lights behind you then they don't really need a car that can easily outpace you.
Also, also, Porches are shit. Paul Walker died in one.
I too can quote news articles.
Cheaper to get it right the first time than replace everything twice with the mixed approach.
reminder that the NBN as is is literally worse than nothing.
Liberals should have just abandoned the project if they hated it so much, spent the money on something else.
The marvels of free market
NBN is available where i am as of about 2 months ago, but i'd rather wait until it's more tried and tested with others choosing nbn so that the infrastructure will be in place. Obviously don't have the upload bandwidth but i hit the download bandwidth 24/7. Even during afternoons it doesn't slow down at all on the old hfc network. NBN here is being done over HFC and not FTTN which however is apparently a positive, as if i can already get 100mbps down and be the last house on the line with current hfc, chances are under the hfc nbn it'll be similar (obviously won't be over that amount). Under hfc cable its marketed as 100/2.5 for the connection, but given by Telstra as 120/3, due to being about 6km from the exchange though it still seems to keep its speed. The issues as well with FTTN or so i've heard is beyond say 800m from an exchange you're basically only guaranteed the slower speed tier, i.e. 25/5. Whereas hfc based nbn/fttp etc. from what nbn co/telstra seem to indicate will still be able to get around 100mbps in most cases.
The problem with FTTP zealots is none of them have any understanding of economics. They literally want the entire NBN scheme to be a complete government write-off where the government will subsidize everybody's monthly bandwidth fees.
It's socialism under the guise of "internet infrastructure" which still has no cost-benefit-analysis other than rhetorical bullshit like "muh e-health".
except what they went with is worse than nothing.
I get what you're saying, people want their 4k netflix to be paid by the guberment.
But what we get instead is ridiculously expensive and no faster than what was already available 5 years ago.
>But what we get instead is ridiculously expensive and no faster than what was already available 5 years ago.
That might be the case for people living in major cities, but in regional areas, as in outside of melbourne, sydney, brisbane, adelaide, and perth, the adsl was shit.
I agree the government fucked it up, but too many advocates of FTTP are basically trying to hide their economic socialism under a guise of "muh infrastructure". Much like how many immigration policy critics are hiding their open border views under a guise of human right protection.
What NBN should have been IMO is a market failure scheme, where the government focuses exclusively on providing good internet services to bum-fuck-knows-where, areas that commercial companies will never touch.
that's fine, they got facilitated first.
let them have their upgrades.
The NBN is slower than cable here and they want to charge me more with no option to stick with my current plan.
yeah but I've already pointed out my boss's business got fucked over by this scheme which gives virtually no option to pay up for fiber.
$20-160k is not reasonable for a lot of businesses that could actually use that faster internet in order to stay competitive.
And how is this not still a level of socialism when all the other networks such as cable are getting shut down and everyone is forced to use NBN?
That's true, but doing the regional parts would have never stood up to cost/benefit analysis anyway.
That's what it is, but it also includes the metro cities eventually. Now no one gets the proper benefit.
>What NBN should have been IMO is a market failure scheme, where the government focuses exclusively on providing good internet services to bum-fuck-knows-where, areas that commercial companies will never touch.
I agree with this. It would also give people and businesses an incentive to move outside of major capital cities, which would benefit a lot of people and towns.
>And how is this not still a level of socialism when all the other networks such as cable are getting shut down and everyone is forced to use NBN?
My point is that the situation was fucked either of the ways the two major parties were planning for.
Right, and building a broken inferior network that can't pay for its self is solid economics.
that's fair, but back to my point I would have preferred literally nothing.
Liberal party hated the project, they should have scrapped further progress when they won the election and only facilitated the rural areas that needed it or already had it.
Instead they paid up more to give us all shitty plans and a network monopoly.
Worse than absolutely nothing, should have spent it on ANYTHING else.
Hey, lay off Abbott. Copper is all his Amiga needs.
>nazi frog likes socialism
what a surprise
Hey, the government doing a market failure scheme like I suggested IS socialism writ small. I'm totally for that. What these FTTP motherfuckers really want is socialism writ large.
FTTP is cheaper in the long run, just not installing it in the metro.
Nation scale infrastructure projects are always going to be "socialism". It is not realistic for the NBN to make a commercial return straight away as we are finding out.
A market failure scheme wouldn't address that lack of competition at the retail level and the fact that the infrastructure is a natural monopoly.
>that's ignoring price
oh you're right we should spend all our money on slow infrastructure because the speed/$ is better
I'd totally be for the government rolling out FTTP to those regional areas, even if it means ironically giving them better internet in the short-term than metro areas. Trying to revive copper in this day and age is pretty stupid, yes. Anyway, the real reason FTTP has those high costs is rolling it out to so many metro homes, not rolling it out over long distances. There aren't that many homes in rural areas, so the cost of fixing market failure there would be relatively low even with FTTP.
The competition issues can be addressed in different ways, certainly nationalizing the fibre doesn't do any help. Open up the market, and then let competition between the different providers build fibre in metro areas. It'll happen eventually because the companies are always seeking to outdo each other - it's basic economic theory that in areas of thriving demand that the supply WILL come as long as the laws aren't constraining it.
>mfw I'm leaving straya in four days
Where are you going?
Make sure to vote Labor at the next election cunts.
They were rolling out FTTP to regional areas before the NBN became a "mix of technologies".
i don't want a union official to legally come into my workplace with a giant strap-on ready to deliver punishment to anybody who didn't get a membership
>shit internet
>shit internet
>shit internet
>shit internet
>New Zealand
What is wrong with anglos?
Better than voting for the Libs under Dutton.
The ABC are currently putting together a 1 hr news story on the NBN since the last one they did in 2013. Should be interesting.
Back to Norway, after 10 months down here.
t. Tradelet
I had VDSL 2 at one point, and I was getting 95 down and 60 up, this was non-NBN
copper can provide 100/100 given it has vectoring tech on the box
i assume this is what they going to do (?)
i'm earning more money than you mr web developer
So FTTN (which i'm assuming is VDSL?) won't be so bad? I know a lot of criticisms of the inadequate performance is moreso due to ISP's not buying enough back-haul at the exchanges/nodes from NBN who owns the equipment, is that why customers are only getting the slower speeds, or does the problem likely lie elsewhere? I'm stuck on HFC based NBN and I know that, i just hope it won't be a shit-shoot and lead to much slower downloads, even though having the higher upload would be nice.
>Speed drops off with distance
Its shit.
depends on the tech
adsl can go up to 100/100
vdsl can go up to 400/400
That is fucking retarded! If NBNco now owns Telstra's velocity network why don't they just use the existing fibre infrastructure.
He could do it. It's just Whirlpool hyper-ventilating again about the NBN. They already have a form to go for this kind of thing.
In all xDSL technologies the speed drops off with distance. Unless you live next to the exchange AND have good copper (majority isn't) you won't get anywhere near those speeds.
you're wrong on this one.
this is not a real choice.
You have to pay over $600 to get a quote and then the installation costs can be $20k to hundreds of thousands for the single premises.
Less than 30 people in all of Australia have taken part in this program and paid extra for fiber according to the Senate.
This is not a real option for Australians, it's a ruse to make them think they have an option to switch up later.
this tech is from the box to the house you have a classic FTTN and from there the vectoring box to copper
no one fucking said they will provide this out from the center
>New Zealand
It's decent here. Gigabit fibre (FTTP) is available in basically all major cities.
There are lots of ISPs who all share government funded infrastructure, so you aren't cucked into a single ISP.
The infrastructure is already there though and owned by NBN already, so surely all he'd have to pay a nominal fee for the official "switch-over" from Velocity FTTN to NBN FTTN.
buddy it's a shitshow.
Everyone has to switch to NBN, it doesn't matter if you already have FTTN or cable.
See the OP, they're tearing out fiber to replace with copper.
Not only this but the nodes they're using are not just like a modular network switch where you can replace copper with fiber, they actually usually need to run the fiber from much further down the network to the the premises which ramps up the cost.
Being situated right outside where the node is positioned may not do you any favors at all if you want to switch as a result.
I had to look into all this for my work, if you look at the prices real australians have had to pay and the numbers brought up in the Senate, the "choice" is just them charging a monumental price to pretend like we have a choice.
There is no room for common sense or compromises made on individual levels.
Also our lord and savior Malcolm Turnbull lied when he said any time there is bad copper it would be replaced with fiber, nothing of the sort has been done.
I'm a remedial therapist, actually. Work for myself, work the hours I want, charge $85/hr for easy peasy work.
i guess i should stop assuming everybody on Sup Forums is a web developer
I'm only here to shitpost and post AMD BTFO threads.
Fixed wireless peak speeds at 4pm
Paying for 50/20mbit only get it in the middle of the night nbn is a joke it's also down every other day
>right wing retards fucking things up for everyone* once again
why is anyone surprised?
*everyone does not include those few hundred people able to afford to pay their own fibre installations
Lodge a coimplaint with the ombudsman if you haven't already.
Doesn't do any good.
>right wing
>FTTN is bad for everyone
>I agree the government fucked it up, but too many advocates of FTTP are basically trying to hide their economic socialism under a guise of "muh infrastructure". Much like how many immigration policy critics are hiding their open border views under a guise of human right protection.
>FTTP equals socialism
>I'm going to be forced down to this from constants 30Mbps
>those few hundred people
it's way less than that, last I checked not even 50 people had paid to be switched.
Had labors plan gone ahead we would be at 1gbps now and planning 10gbit and beyond.
That said fixed wireless and fttn where always gonna be shit