Sup Forums = botnet

List of Botnets

Chrome, see relevant picture on page. Also:
Omnibox can't be disabled
Encourages you tie in your web browsing history and other things to your Google account
Can't disable browsing history
Search profiling
Youtube-Google+ debacle
Includes Amazon profiling spyware, which however can be deleted.
Intel Anti-Theft
Sup Forums
Possibly 8ch, rumors of Fed spying are going on.

Other urls found in this thread:

>filling out a captcha

>Giving your creditcard number to Hiroshimoot



Just buy a pass with Bitcoin. Not difficult.

Remember when, "botnet," just meant a network of computers whose users don't realize are under the control of a cracker, who uses said network to carry out DDOS attacks?

Are they still using stripe?

can't you just block the cookie?

>reddit is open-source
>Sup Forums isn't

>http referer header containing the thread you were on
With HTTP, yes. HTTPS will only send the domain.

>what post you made

>what time you made it
Nope, they can at most see what time you solved the captcha and then get a few hundred posts within the time span that could have been made by you.

Block third-party cookies by default or even better use uMatrix to block all cookies except the ones that are necessary.

You actually don't need cookies enabled to post, I think.

I wish Sup Forums would default to HTTPS. It's not a problem for me, but I always see someone in the desktop threads browsing through insecure HTTP. ISPs are horrible everywhere, but its even worse in the USA since they can spy on you legally.

tl;dr guys please make sure to be using https

Services don't need to be ``open source'', they just need to allow free speech. Reddit doesn't allow that.

Conspiracies and theories:
Now, Sup Forums is believed to be a honeypot, especially the Sup Forums board and the Sup Forums board.
Mods of Sup Forums are FBI agents.
Mods of Sup Forums are EA/Valve shills.
Mods of Sup Forums are JIDF and CIA niggers.
There are no mods on Sup Forums.

>current year
>Having a google cookie
I use a pass, so it is like I am logged in here

>thinking buttcoin is anonymous

What if I told you that I paid with Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is not real. Not even money.

your eyes aren't real

They are. I can touch them with my fingers

Your fingers aren't real also.

>he believes Sup Forums becomes a better botnet by using https

I think therefore I am.
I feel therefore I have.
I feel therefore it is

You are connected to the computer simulation right now.
None of this is real. None of us are real.
Only your brain is real.

Maybe it's time to wake up?


Explain how Ubuntu is botnet?

The Amazon shit (which, apparently, can be deleted). I don't know much about GNU/Linux, but that's what I know about Ubuntu.

wtf I hate Sup Forums now

wait it always sucked

also MEI

user is right.