Good file sharing sites

Does anyone know any good file sharing websites with maximum speed, no terms of service if possible and unlimited file size or up to 5 GBS that stores files at least 1 day

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>she missed the Amazon Cloud Drive unlimited storage for $59/yr

dumb frogposter

Did I say I want it for

Unnecessary bump

Make a bunch of google accounts then use the free storage

It doesn't need to have unlimited storage it just needs to be fast, read the thread before you post

Any cloud but encrypt your file first
5GB, 90 days


Here's a serious answer

Thanks Mozilla.

>needs to be fast
>reccomends google drive
>nono i said no unlimited storage
>google drive doesn't have unlimted storage
Retard frogposter OP

Are you tucking retarded? All I wanted to say is I don't necessarily want unlimited storage just fast uploads and downloads, I don't want to store my files on a botnet server

>on a botnet server
You obviously don't know what a botnet is, gtfo.
inb4 google shill

your own server with a good connection always works great

>I dont wanna store my files
>on a botnet server
>but I want to upload them somewhere


Everywhere you upload your files can be considered a fucking botnet server m8

In reality I'll say google is more safe in terms of the mass people using it.


vola file iz nice imo.

Thanks, user

This, but you are now faced with the hassle of keeping it running all of the time. I don't mean this in terms of maintenance, I mean having a machine running all of the time and consuming electricity.

write a script that automatically splits a file into 32mb parts, uploads them to and hands you an id you can insert into the same script via command line args, which it can use to fetch all the pieces and put them back together.

>set up own ftp server
How hard was that?

phone poster detected