VMware is literally a piece of shit
the end.
VMware is literally a piece of shit
the end.
vmware is a company that offers a wide variety of products and services at the consumer and enterprise level
can I assume from your vague post that you pirated the consumer product, installed it on your shit tier "rig" made of gamer parts from newegg, failed to configure it properly, and are now mad?
ok, sorry to hear that. maybe buy an xbox next time and leave this complicated computer stuff to people who bothered to read the documentation
Dear VMware employee,
why are you so angry?
Kind regards,
It is. But Virtual Box is even worse.
>can I assume from your vague post that you pirated the consumer product.
As an VMwate employee you kinda should know that your "consumer" products are free to use and can be downloaded from your official site.
1. I'm not a vmware employee
2. vmware fusion was $80 last I checked, piratebay is not "the official site"
Also if op has trouble with babby tier vmware/parallels consumer software he's going to want to kill himself trying to get virtualbox to work
>i suck cocks
>the post
Who was talking about fusion you stupid pooinloo
thanks, m8. I did the laff. Well done.
but I'm not indian either. stop trying to be "tech literate", this is very embarrassing for you
no problem. now what are you too incompetent to do in vmware?
>It is. But Virtual Box is even worse.
good point
>2. vmware fusion was $80 last I checked, piratebay is not "the official site"
>not realising that legit VMware keys are everywhere and you can activate a trial copy using them
been running workstation for few years, every other day, network completely
broken in all VMs, restart of host/guests doesn't fixes the issue,
every f.... time "reset network settings to defaults".
It does have the problem. Run ESXi instead. The only network issue i've had with it for the past few years is occasionally when I create a new VM and assign it to a port group on a DVS which uses a isolated PVLAN, it wont be able to talk to anything on the physical network in the associated promiscuous PVLAN, forcing me to remove and re-add its network card.
So... What is it that OP can't get to work?
A simple OS or what?
He's a retard and you're idiots.
VMware isn't great, but it's the best of the bunch.
VBox will always have something not working properly (USB, networking or some other virtualized peripheral) also won't accept copied vdisks because of ID being the same.
MS VPC is only useful for DOS and win9x because it's pretty much abandonware.
So VMware workstation it is.
You can fuck right off
VSphere is comfy af
Mine's bigger.
No one cares what you have at work. This is obviously at my home as you can tell from the domain name.
Also you're doing a shitty job if you're that underprovisioned.
>measuring CPU usage by hertz
not sure if mentally challenged or not.
Not sure if you are joking or only dumb.
he is a retard, most people on Sup Forums say the same thing when i post my vsphere screenshots.
ya because you are so sure that your NUMA system is so unified that they are all running the same exact CPU.
it's entirely unrealistic and misleading.
>I dont know what vNUMA is
Are you faggots going to make me log into work to so I can post mine too?
Oh, but they are. All the physical processors are these:
Xeon 8C E5-2670 115W 2.6GHz/1600MHz/20MB
And anyway it doesn't matter.
So... what your saying is you don't have any hosts on different generations of hardware? You lifecycle all 250 or so hosts in one go? Damn, that shit must get expensive and time consuming. I lifecycle a single cluster at a time. Much easier to manage.
again, mine isnt from work. why the fuck would you faggots brag about things which you dont own?
sounds like some retarded vSphere-ism
still doesn't make your retarded CPU utilization graph any less stupid.
This is a cloud service that was deployed all at the same time. It was a helluva lot of work too, yep.
Ew. Who the fuck thought deploying everything at once was a good plan for the future. Now you're either going to have to lifecycle shit before the warranty expires or extend warranties. Either way you're spending money you didn't have to.