Tfw you enjoy browsing Sup Forums on your phone more than on your computer

Tfw you enjoy browsing Sup Forums on your phone more than on your computer

No I don't

Do you use clover, user

I do, but I wish I didn't.

Why, user

Probably the crashing.

Weird, user, it doesn't crash when I use it. Did you remember to update it?

I like mobile better
I use my phone even if I'm at my PC desk.
I use my PC to post pics or videos though


phoneposting is not allowed on this board.

Same. I have lethargic depression so sitting at my desk often requires more energy than I have, so I prefer just laying in bed with my phone.

I hate anything with a touch screen.
Phones are for phone calls and browsing on the toilet.

You can't stop us, fool

Phoneposters outnumber desktopposters now. Get with the times, grandpa.

Says who?
Gookmoot needs the ad revenue anyways

This is the comfiest way to browse desu senpai. Who the fuck sits up on a chair all day when lying on bed is an option?

my eyes hurt whenever im done with my mobile shitposting

When im on my phone browsing im either waiting somewhere or doing something boring
At home i am foregoing hobby and vidya time
Example: at this momeny I am stuck on the toilet with the runs
Id rather be playing dwarf fortress but Ive not yet ascended to the point where I have my desk in my bathroom and a feed tube running to the kitchen

Thank you Floens. I know you made this thread.

After getting a phone with a 5.5" 2k display, I'll sit in front of my computer with Sup Forums open, but still be browsing it on my phone.

Totally me