What are you using to clean your screens?
I guess microfiber cloth+some sort of lcd cleaning solution is the standard go to.
I found it is much simpler to just use a sterile bandage cloth + warm water. Screen comes out looking great without any kind of streaks or other residue. I also heard coffee filters work great but haven't tried them myself.
Screen cleaning
Other urls found in this thread:
Water + small amount of hand soap mixed in
I normally spray some Windex directly into the screen and clean it off with one of those Mr Clean Magic Erasers. Comes out with this beautiful glare reducing matte finish.
Microfiber wax pad (new)
Distilled water
Then dry with a microfiber towel.
Dish cloth and water?
Some Kleenex and water.
I use screen mom™ and a towel©®™
This is master race. Don't need anything better.
Yes, isopropyl 70% and microfiber makes quick work of smudges and crust
just microfiber cloth for my desktops. i clean my phone screen with my jeans :)
ONLY DISTILLED WATER with microfiber cloth!
DO not use anything else. Solvents will destroy your screen coatings.
Pic related... what happens when you use commercial "screen cleaners" you buy at computer stores.
microfiber & isoprpoyl
This only happen to mac when they are closed
damp microfiber cloth is the only way to go
1) doesn't scratch your shit up
2) doesn't leave chemicals or dust and shit behind
3) can reuse indefinitely
i would never put a single drop of chemicals on my screens.
Just a cloth for the dust, I'm not like you guys and I don't touch my screen with cheeto fingers, nor I cum over the screen with anime wallpapers.
Can you guys help me, I spilt coffee on my xps 13 a few days ago. I wiped it clean and even used rubbing alcohol but after a few days a lot of the keys on the keyboard won't work. How long does it take to dry out completely? Can I even open up the XPS 13 to get to the keyboard? Am I fucked? Shit like this is making me want to never buy another laptop again and just use desktops.
I use ArmorAll window cleaner and an automotive glass cloth
Laptops aren't the problem. The problem is you, here. Stop making messes.
>no one has ever spilt coffee on their laptop but me
I must really be an autistic fuckery doo musn't I?
I cover my screen with white paint and draw on it when it dries
>drop phone in water
>its ok
>drop tablet in water
>its ok
>drop black kid in water
>he is even ok
>drop laptop in water
>it's dead RIP in peace
i only get fingerprints on the corners of my monitor with a thin bezel from adjusting it.
most typically what people will be cleaning off their monitors is phlegm from coughing at it. my cat is also disgusting and will jump on my desk with a mouth full of water she just drank, then shake her head vigorously, blasting my screen with mouth juice.
sounds like it's just not completely clean. coffee grounds, creamer and sugar (if present), aren't really highly acidic. it's stuff like juice that kill components. just disassemble the kb to expose all the affected areas. if it's a membrane, which it probably is, thoroughly wash it off all the bits above and below and let them dry. then make sure there's no moisture on the part that the keyboard plugs into. if there's mechanics or a PCB instead of a membrane, you can just put rubbing alcohol onto the mechanical parts and brush it around with a q-tip until all the residue is gone. use a toothpick to work it into the places you can't see. you can also buy aerosol cans of electronics cleaner which is essentially, but don't quote me, canned alcohol. fair warning, however hard you try, it's not an easy task to completely clean & fix a mechanical switches without desoldering them from the board and completely tearing them apart for a deep clean.
Blast it with piss.
>waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah I spilled coffee on my laptop
>the laptop is the problem, not my clumsy ass!!!!
I literally just use water and roll paper, not even soap or alcohol, maybe stop using your screen to eat burgers?
>how to remove the anti glare coating on your screen
Isopropyl alcohol doesn't do shit, seems like I need to hit it with something heavier.
This prompt me a question
Why no monitor manufacturer make a decent one with glass finish?
Like cellphones have lcd or oled and fucking glass. Why they keep those shitty plastic finished that just scratch with shit like a piece of paper
>Not owing a Thinkpad with liquid port on keyboard
That is your fault for using inferior hatdware
I clean my whole work station once a week with a jay cloth lightly soaked in accelerated hydrogen peroxide. First I wipe down the keyboard, fold cloth over, then the trackball, fold cloth over, then the screens, fold cloth over, then table top and edges. Then I replace my seat cover with a newly laundered seat cover. Then in one hand I hang the open computer case outside my window and with the other hand blast out the dust with an electric hand-held air compressor. Then with a small nozzle vacuum, I thoroughly vacuum inside both ear pieces of my headphones, and then wipe down the hard surfaces with some alcohol.
Tissue slightly moist with water from any bottle of water I have next to me.
Nothing like a spit shine to make quick work of that messy screen OP.
I was getting streaks and white haze with all the cheapo soap based products I had.
Tried mixing my own but these white smears wouldn't go (thought it's the tap water being full of impurities)
Decided to mix my own, being wary that some matt screens can be tarnished by isopropyl. bought 5ltr of de-ionised water from some garage outlet on ebay for £2.00
Bought large micro fibre cloth set.
Bought little spray bottles or atomisers from china.
Bought 70% isopropyl bottle.
I usually put a 40 iso to 60 water ratio thereabouts.
Cleans my monitor as well as I could want. it's handy having them little pray bottles with the mixture for other uses.
Cleaning mouse and keyboard etc.
tl;dr didn't trust pound shop and cheapo products so made my own.
dust? paintbrush
sneeze? water and washcloth
fingerprints matte? soap and water and washcloth
fingerprints glossy? shirt